The Death Knell

Chapter 2866 Directly to the center of the earth

Su Ming only got some new swear words and wonderful metaphors from Baolang, and Su Ming shook his head speechlessly.

In this case, let's descend first and follow Bobo's suggestion to the center of the earth to see how the situation is.

However, there are too many criminals here, and it is inevitable to encounter enemies: "Baolang, we may fight against black lantern zombies next. I hope you don't yell when you do it, and keep a low profile."

The white-skinned mercenary held his arms and sat cross-legged on the flying carpet. The howling wind made his long hair stand up. He said disdainfully:

"The only macho man who never knows what it means to be low-key. If he encounters idiots blocking the way, why don't he just kill them all? I've done it a long time ago to defeat everyone on the planet. It's really cool." .”

"It's up to you, but if you attract too many living corpses, I will leave you behind without hesitation, and Dolphin Magazine will say goodbye." Su Ming looked calmly at the seemingly bottomless abyss below, masked The red eyepiece on it glows with a faint red light.

"Fake, you are such a despicable human being. You are such a ruthless bastard, why don't you let me listen to you?" Storm Wolf was immediately taken advantage of, and he spat to the side angrily: "This shit might as well stay on Earth. That weak bitch who protects Baige."

"Watch your words! Wolf! Bai Ge is a member of the Justice Community and a female superhero!" Diana suddenly became unhappy. She roared at the mercenary: "If you look down on women, come and fight me!"

"Fight, fight."

Harley immediately started fanning the flames because she knew there would be no fight.

The space mercenaries are all human beings. If the big white man still can't see that Xiao Dai is his employer's woman, Harley will twist off her own head and use it as an ashtray for Bobo.

In this case, if a person who is obviously watching the excitement urges the conflicting parties to start fighting, they will become less able to fight.

In psychology, this is called 'emphasis on environmental factors', which reminds the two of them that this is not a safe and private place, but may be spied on by enemies.

Baolang exhaled a puff of smoke and didn't take it seriously at all: "That's what I say, whether you like it or not. You people from the parallel world know about the G8 Justice League. White pigeons are weak chickens. In the universe, fists speak, and you are weak. Just admit it!"

"Ahem, um, I think he just worded it inappropriately unintentionally." Barry stood between the two people without leaving a trace, separating the two people who were conflicting: "Diana? Don't let anger dominate your mind. The wolf is now Our allies."

As he spoke, he blinked and twisted his lips very unfamiliarly, as if to suggest that Diana should remember clearly that this is Earth 12, not everyone's Earth 0. Now that the enemy is facing us, there is no need to fight among ourselves because of some swear words.

"Phew! You're right, I seem to have been affected by some environmental influences." Diana exhaled, turned around and watched the densely packed prisons passing by: "I seem to be able to hear a kind of mixed sound, It’s like the people who died here are crying in despair.”

"Huh? But I didn't hear anything." Lori tilted her head, imitating the super hearing of black and white Superman. At this time, she only heard the sound of the wind.

Bobo quickly secretly slapped the girl on the back of her head and looked at her with a look of hatred.

Why is this kid so honest? Just like Superman, when Diana said that, you just groaned and said that you seemed to have heard something. Wouldn't it be over if you just gave her a step to get down?

Why do you have to tell the truth? How embarrassing.

"Xiao Dai is right, there are indeed many souls crying." But just when Luo Rui understood and wanted to quickly change her words, Su Ming hugged the heroine's waist, patted her back and gave her support: " Something like the Witch's Moment makes her very sensitive to soul fluctuations, and the inside of this planet, from the perspective of our sorcerers, is full of innocent souls."

The first half of the sentence is true, but the second half is a lie. Deathstroke is an anti-mage, and no ghost can be seen in Strangler.

But the black light ring can sense. When the dark night falls, the souls of the dead who have died long ago but have no bodies are also ready to move. They also want to find their own connection.

But without a usable body, their minds were powerless, which made them cry with anger.

Everyone had no objections as soon as Deathstroke spoke, and Bobo immediately frowned: "So will these ghosts affect our plan?"

There is no need to consider whether it is true or false, what Deathstroke said must be true.

"I don't know. Since they have no physical form, I don't think the threat is big, and I always have a backup plan to deal with ghosts." The cloak also fell to the bottom of the abyss at this time. Looking up from here, all he could see was darkness above. Su Ming After landing, he pulled out the weapon lighting: "Not to mention that, we are now at the bottom, just like the root of the round comb. According to Bobo, the control room may be right under our feet."

Deathstroke raised the Godslayer in his hand, turning it into a large can opener and driving the tines into the ground.

Bobo, who was squatting in Lori's arms, did not speak. He just raised one paw and crossed his index and middle fingers together to make a small cross shape, which meant asking God for blessing.

He didn't want to be spanked by the violent wolf at all.

Along with the clicking sound of cutting, various strange noises came from the darkness not far away. Some black lamp corpses walked out of the darkness drooling, and immediately launched a charge after seeing the living people.

"Ah! Fresh meat!" Their looks were all kinds of strange, and their appearance was completely changed by decay, but at least they all spoke English, standard aliens.

"The material in the core of the earth is a bit hard, please stay close to me." Su Ming cut the extremely dense ground under his feet while letting Strangler open its position to buy time.

In fact, it's not much of a position. It just uses symbiote tissue to spread out on the ground, and then uses its ubiquitous body to counterattack the enemy.

The black viscous liquid flowed down from the death knell and rapidly expanded along everyone's feet. Within the limited range illuminated by the golden light, it seemed to turn into a large non-reflective mirror.

The next second, waves tens of meters high suddenly rose from the mirror, like a silent tsunami, surging in all directions with everyone as the center.

Maybe the criminals imprisoned on this planet have good fighting capabilities, and they can still retain their memories of their lives when they become black lantern corpses.

But when it comes to the symbiote from Marvel, they have never seen it before.

Some lantern zombies try to fly to avoid, some lantern zombies can turn into stone or metal, and some lantern zombies can become invisible. All kinds of abilities have appeared. This place is like a museum of superpowers in the universe.

However, Strangler doesn't attack their heads, it just destroys their black light rings. The light corpses without the rings will immediately fall down and become motionless corpses again.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of lamp corpses were strangled and knocked down, and then it began to slowly process the corpses.

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