The Death Knell

Chapter 2869 The Origin of Fear

Floating in the corridor of the prison, Sinestro gasped violently. The living half of his body brought him pain that only living people would experience, while the dead half made him feel chilled to the bone.

He knew that this was because there were too many black lantern corpses on the planet, and quantitative changes caused qualitative changes. At this time, his black lantern ring was dragging on his fingers, wanting to let him join them.

But that's not the problem.

Looking at the ring with yellow light on his finger, Sinestro knew that he was not at the end of his rope yet. Even if his enemies were the new lamp corpses from Apokolips and Creation Star, he still had the power to fight.

Use the light of a white light to make them feel the pain of life, and then shine it with a yellow light to make them fearful!

Therefore, even though hundreds of new gods formed a circle to block him, he continued to move forward while defeating the lamp corpses one by one.

"As I expected, your new gods are all here, and he should be here too..."

As he spoke, the red-faced mustache used white light to give the Steppenwolf in front of him a hard lesson. He howled in fear after seeing the enemy fall into a half-dead state, and whispered to himself.

However, the new gods also have super hearing, and Big Barda, holding a torch and war stick, rushed forward:

"He's here! And you still have half to eat! Sinestro, give up your resistance! You have no hope!"

The former leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps looked a little embarrassed, even half of his face was rotten, but the intact half showed a classic sneer expression:

"There is always someone who has hope. If that person is not me, I will keep moving forward until I find that person! Light of dawn! Come to me!"

After that, he punched out, and the white light ring burst out with intense light, accompanied by severe pain from the dead half of his body. The enemies in front of him were also knocked to dust, wailing in pain.

Sinestro himself was also severely injured, but he relied on his willpower to persevere and slowly landed on the ground, kneeling on one knee to adjust his condition.

"It's too difficult. If you want to harm such a high-level existence, do you have to increase the power of white light... But, fallen gods, you can't stop me. The Parallax Demon and I are united again For one, I am the embodiment of fear, and your fear of life and death will make me fight forever."

"Ah!!! It's so painful, kill me!" Grandma Xiang was crawling beside her. She would be resurrected and die. This endless cycle exceeded any torture in Apokolips in the past.

There are many new gods who fell into the same fate as her. They were so majestic in the past, but they have common weaknesses after turning into black lantern corpses. Coupled with Sinestro's incomplete white lantern ring, At this time, they were all caught in the cycle of life and death.

Wails of pain, desire for relief, impotent curses, and all kinds of noises filled Sinestro's ears.

But he didn't seem to hear it at all, or he didn't care if he heard it, because he couldn't do it whether it was to completely resurrect or completely kill the new gods. Only the situation in front of him could most effectively control the enemy out of the way.

We have to go. The battle just now was very turbulent. The burst of white light energy was like lighting up the only beacon in the dark night. Now maybe billions of lantern corpses around the world are rushing here.

"Sinestro! Don't go!" Orion was huddled in a corner not far away. His uniform was in tatters, and his fallen intestines were still hanging around his neck: "The Black Death Emperor knows your plan, don't ......ah!!!"

Orion in the resurrected state seemed to be reminding him of something, but the pain of death overwhelmed him in the next second. In the end, the sentence was not finished, and only meaningless and chaotic howling remained.

The red-faced man stopped. He stood in the pile of corpses in silence for a moment, then shook his head: "Even if it is a trap, I will try it, because nothing can scare me."

"Batman can't do it too? Hi, Sinestro." At this time, Su Ming also arrived with people. He jumped off the flying carpet-like cloak and landed next to the lantern demon in the center of the pile of corpses: "I almost thought he was going to do it. Can’t catch up.”

The mustachioed uncle just smiled slightly and asked: "You restored the energy here, right? Thanks to the restoration of the lighting, otherwise it would always be inconvenient to fight in complete darkness."

"I came here specifically to find you. Have you met your daughter?" Deathstroke did not answer, but changed the question.

The yellow lantern demon touched the rotten half of his face and nodded slowly: "I saw it. I gave her the green lantern ring. You should also know. But she said she wanted to save her friends on Oua. I can't interfere with her decision, and she hates my current state very much, but it's not just a day or two that she hates me."

By asking about his daughter's topic, Deathstroke still gained the initiative in communication.

Su Ming, who bent down to inspect the corpses of the new magic lamp around him, nodded, as if he understood the psychology of a father very well: "She may want to find Kyle Rayner. They once had a love affair that was not made public."

"I know, but Kyle? Haha, that kid can't even compare to one of Hal's fingers." Sinestro was very disdainful. He slowly rose into the air and said with a grin: "Breaking up is the best result, because I I don’t want to find out one day that my daughter has been cut into pieces and stuffed into people’s refrigerators on Earth.”

Su Ming also asked the cloak to follow the yellow lantern demon, and flew beside him: "Then you mean, if Soranik and Hal form a pair, you will not object?"

"Why should I object? At least Hal can protect the people around him if he is alive." Uncle Seth replied very calmly, his eyes narrowed, and then he changed the topic: "Of course, if he wants to be with my daughter, First of all, you must not be killed by me."

When he said these words, Sinestro seemed to have returned to the past, with a faint smile on his face, as if he was recalling the happy time when he and Hal fought each other.

But the darkness in front of him and the ubiquitous stench of rotting corpses quickly brought him back to reality, as if he was suddenly awakened from a sweet dream. His last smile disappeared, leaving only seriousness.

"Okay, Old Sai, can I call you that?" Deathstroke flew beside the lantern demon and looked at the white lantern ring on his hand: "Why did you come to Taklon Gratus? This is a prison planet. If you want to organize an army of fear, you might as well try the home of the antimatter universe."

"I'm looking for someone, no, a new god. I need his help for my next plan." Lao Sai had no intention of hiding it. He straightened his chest and raised his head very openly. The white hair on his temples represented the parallax monster. At this time, it was parasitic on his emotions.

Su Ming smacked his lips and deliberately tested: "Looking for Darkseid?"

"Hmm? Why am I looking for Darkseid? What I'm looking for is his son." Sinestro stated his goal.

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