The Death Knell

Chapter 2870 Miracle Plan

Darkseid's sons were lying in the pile of corpses just now, two of them.

Orion and Kalibak, at this time, both looked like medical anatomy models in the garbage dump, or the Libyan war-damaged versions, with incomplete internal organs.

Sinestro knew them but didn't stop, which meant it wasn't them he was looking for, but someone else.

Because of the armistice agreement between Apokolips and Genesis, Darkseid once had a protective clause with his brother Heavenly Father for the exchange of sons, which is also commonly known as a hostage, a proton.

The dark tyrant sent his son Orion to the Creation Star, while the Heavenly Father sent his son Scott to the Apokolips Star. If there was another war, both sides would fight over each other's favorite children, and everyone would be in pain.

Sounds fair, the difference lies in the treatment of the two princes.

Heavenly Father treated Orion as his own son, fed him well and clothed him well, and patiently taught him all knowledge, such as leading the army in war, governing the country, scientific research, interpersonal relationships, etc. He was completely cultivated as his own heir.

As a result, Orion followed his heavenly father and became a normal new god, brave and proud, and liked to run around on his own flying machine that looked like exercise equipment for the elderly.

Although he was a bit blind and arrogant at first, thinking that he was the new god and could do anything, but later after the earth suffered several deflations, he fell in love with the days of cooperating with other earth superheroes.

He became obsessed with the way of life of humans on Earth. He loved listening to Earth's pop music, eating street pancakes and hot dogs, and loving small animals like cats and dogs.

He even joined the Justice League of America. Even though he doesn't often live on Earth, he can still do some heroic deeds occasionally. This feeling is a bit like Marvel's Thor next door.

And what about Scott who was handed over to Apokolips? Darkseid also planned to teach him something at the beginning.

For example, how to kill people more efficiently, how to make others succumb to one's will, how to display the corpse to have greater deterrence, and how to lay out a plan to destroy the universe.

Fortunately, Scott is a good person at heart. He insisted on not listening to Darkseid's brainwashing and even spoke back and objected many times.

So the dark tyrant lost patience with him and imprisoned him in the bottomless abyss of Apokolips.

It was a very complex underground prison facility. If the difficulty of escape from Taklon was 1, then the difficulty of escape from Abyss was 100. After all, there were no cosmic-level man-eating beasts in the prison corridors here.

Darkseid then asked his kind grandmother to give him lectures every day, hoping that Scott would become dark and cruel.

At that time, the Furies took turns delivering food to him, and Big Barda among them was gradually moved by Scott's optimism and kindness, because on the dark Apokolips, Scott, who still believed in the kindness of human nature, was like a ghost in the dark night. The fireflies are as bright as fireflies, so bright and outstanding.

The imprisoned life passed like this for several years, and the two gradually became good friends. During a meal delivery, she left him a hair and allowed him to take the opportunity to escape.

With a relatively strong hair of the New God, Scott successfully escaped from prison. Not only did he open the shackles made of black diamonds and hundreds of door locks, he also silently evaded tens of thousands of monsters patrolling underground, and avoided Da Dozens of legions and a group of strong men under Kesaide were exempted from the perception of the Omega effect, successfully stole one of Uncle Da's spaceships, and escaped to the Earth where Kryptonians existed.

The next day, Darkseid discovered that his nephew had escaped, and became furious and sent out a large number of his men to search the entire universe.

When he did this, it was naturally impossible to keep it a secret, but it helped Scott gain a reputation, because no one in history has ever been able to escape from the bottomless abyss of Apokolips, so the good aliens gave Scott A new nickname - Mr. Miracle.

Scott escaped to Earth and worked as a magician in the circus for a period of time, specializing in performing various escape techniques. Later, Big Barda defected and joined him. After the two got married, they joined the Zhenglian Community together.

It's hard to say clearly what super powers Mister Miracle has. As a new god, he should have the same abilities as other gods. However, his most famous super power is "Super Escape". DC even created a new one for him. Ability classification, that is 'Escape Master'.

As long as it is a prison or a desperate situation similar to a prison, no matter whether it is technology or magic, Scott can never be trapped. Not only can he escape from any dangerous situation by himself, he can also escape with his teammates.

A cell where time stands still? An indescribable magical dimension? Hell of fire and brimstone? A vortex in the Speed ​​Force plane?

None of it is a problem, as long as he wants to, he can escape.

Even to Batman, Scott's uncanny ability to escape is an unsolved mystery, and even the Mobius Chair has no answer.

In short, this also gives Zhenglian a trump card against the cosmic forces.

For example, what would happen if Superman was captured by Darkseid?

Batman: "Go get Mr. Miracle."

That night, everyone reunited at the farm in Kansas, eating barbecue and drinking beer together, and Uncle Da didn't even notice.

Everyone on Earth has been shrunk and abducted by Brainiac, what should we do?

Batman: "Go get Mr. Miracle."

So everyone came back that night, and everyone went back to their homes without any casualties.

If you ask Scott to confront the enemy head-on, it won't be very useful. He's not very good at fighting, and his combat effectiveness is about the same as that of Martian Manhunter.

But if you want him to go somewhere to save people, or to steal something from a tightly defended place, then he is the most suitable candidate, as long as the person being stolen does not have too much strength beyond him.

At least Su Ming felt that Mr. Miracle could not steal anything from Lucifer, because the King of Fallen Angels was a miracle.

But it seems that at this point in time on Earth 12, Sinestro is looking for Scott to save people.

Why is Mr. Miracle not on earth, but in this prison planet? It's actually very simple. What better place for him to perform escape magic than this super maze?

Just by the existence of these tens of billions of doors and the bottomless cell floors divided into countless layers, the Black Lantern Corpses might not be able to catch him until the end of the universe.

"Are you going to ask Mr. Miracle... to rescue Hal's soul from the kingdom of the dead?"

Su Ming could say that he guessed Sinestro's plan instantly, and he actually admired his thinking.

The lantern demon nodded silently. He looked down at his white lantern ring as he flew: "I made a mistake before, so now I have to try my best to make it right. Although I don't know if it will work, there is still hope for this world after all. "

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