The Death Knell

Chapter 2871 Escape Route

The wails of the dead were gradually left behind. As if he could smell the smell of fear in the air, Sinestro led Deathstroke and others to search for invisible clues inside the complex prison.

When talking about escape and fear, Su Ming will inevitably think of another person, that is Mister Terrific, the director of the Justice League's medical research department, or Mister Terrific.

They are both smart and clever, and they are also good at escaping.

But Scott is more loyal than Michael. At least when Mr. Miracle wants to escape, he always takes the people around him with him.

But what about the speed of escape? Mr. Excellence is still faster. Often by the time others notice a crisis is coming, they have already disappeared alone.

There are many characters in American comics who use Mr. So-and-so as their code name. Some of the more famous ones from DC include Doom Patrol’s ‘Mr. Nobody’ and DEO’s ‘Mr. Skeleton’. On the Marvel side, there is ‘Mr. Fantastic’ Reed and the hilarious ‘Mr. Immortal’ from Avengers of the Great Lakes.

Can’t think of any stylish code names? Then call him Mr. So-and-so, that’s right.

It is because of the existence of these people that my little cousin sometimes calls himself Mr. Handsome, and then imitates the tone and demeanor of some of them as a joke.

There were so many different gentlemen that he couldn't remember them clearly.

However, corresponding to these 'Mr. Codenames' are also codenames such as Miss So-and-so, Ms. So-and-so, etc. He remembered those very clearly.


"There are enemies ahead, the new gods of Apokolips and Genesis." Sinestro suddenly stopped. Perhaps through the special ability of the Parallax Monster, he saw Desaad and a large number of new gods in front of him. Of course, all of the legions are the Lantern Corpse version.

Because of the cover of the black lantern rings on the two men's hands, no one was discovered for the time being. The enemies were rushing somewhere with their backs turned to everyone.

"It seems that Scott is nearby, and his New God bloodline has attracted his compatriots." Su Ming patted Lao Sai on the back and told him to take a rest. Let the lantern corpses be dealt with by the wolf.

Just watching Sinestro use the white light ring, Deathstroke could feel a painful struggle. The white light would hurt himself while attacking the enemy. It was like a moth trying to light a lamp by borrowing fire.

Being able to become the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps and fighting against the little blue people for so many years, Sinestro is certainly not a fool. If he can rest, he will of course choose to take a breather behind the battle lines.

But just when Baolang was cursing and preparing to take action, the wall on the side suddenly flipped, revealing a large door.

"Don't do anything, come on, come to me."

There was a faint light coming from the dim door, and a man wearing a red and yellow uniform and a green cloak greeted everyone in a low voice, and kept waving with a flashlight.

His uniform mask is like a living face, capable of making various cartoon-like expressions. He is exactly the Mr. Miracle that both the enemy and ourselves are looking for.

"Baolang, come back." Su Ming immediately called back the mercenaries who were gearing up, and asked Cloak to lead everyone away with Mr. Miracle: "The plan has been accomplished, we don't need to create any extra complications."

"Fuck, are you kidding me? One moment he says he wants to be beaten, and the other moment he says he won't. It's really annoying." Baolang was very angry, but for the sake of Dolphin Magazine, he still obeyed the order.

The group of people floated into the door. Mr. Miracle fiddled with the door a few times, and then there was a soft lock sound.

"Phew! It's safe for the time being. DeSaad and the others won't be able to find us for at least two hours." Scott turned around and smiled. He lifted up his cloak and wiped his hands: "I'm so glad to see other people. Living people, I’m afraid I don’t have any ginger drink to entertain you now, it’s a bit cold here, right?”

While telling stand-up jokes, he also looked at Wonder Woman and The Flash. He tilted his head and thought for a while, feeling that something was not quite right.

Then he struck his palm and realized that it was Diana who had shrunk and Barry was too young.

Wonder Woman should be about the same size as her wife Barda. She is 2.5 meters tall, weighs about 300 kilograms, and her muscles are like sharp-edged rocks.

And this, fair-skinned and beautiful Diana looked several sizes smaller.

"I'm not the Diana you know, but I come from Earth 0, a parallel world. Do you know this?" Xiao Dai already understood what the other party was thinking just by seeing that look in his eyes, so he just took the initiative to say it first this time. : "Except for Sinestro and Direwolf, the rest of us are from other earths."

"Uh... You still have pets with you? Did your plane crash while traveling?"

Scott raised an eyebrow, the expression on his mask looked confused, and it was obvious who his eyes were on.

"I'm not a pet, but the orangutan detective of the Justice League Dark. I'm not a gorilla, a baboon, and I'm not a monkey. Thank you." Bobo corrected his identity. He also learned to raise the banner of the Justice League: "Also Yes, I can speak, and my English is better than most Americans, so no need to be surprised.”

Scott nodded, looking very understanding: "I understand the difference between animals. In fact, I have lived on the earth for a long time. I know that anything can happen on the earth. Don't worry about me being too surprised. Although you are not My acquaintances, but it also makes me happy to see you, especially when my wife wants to eat me."

Saying this, he began to hug everyone enthusiastically.


"Scott." Xiao Shan was a good old man. Even though he knew that this Scott was not the familiar one, he still responded with a warm hug.


"Scott." Xiao Dai hugged him politely.

"Mourning, death knell?"

"It's me, but not the old man you know."

Su Ming took off his mask, revealed his face, and patted the man on the back.

In this way, all the living people present were hugged by the slightly nervous Mr. Miracle. Even the violent wolf was warmly welcomed, causing the space mercenary to laugh and say that the new god was a big bitch.

But Scott laughed and cried.

He had a very good relationship with Big Barda, but at this time his wife turned into a black lantern corpse and joined the New Gods to hunt for him, which put Scott under great psychological pressure.

Now that he suddenly saw that his friends on Earth were still alive, while he relaxed his mind, he couldn't control his emotions.

Just like a river bursting its banks, if there is a slight relaxation in the psychological defense, then the whole person will feel crushed by the pressure in this environment.

Of course, in the face of this situation, the enthusiastic psychiatrist Hallie stepped forward!

She hugged the poor survivor of the New God, as if her whole body exuded the brilliance of humanity like Nightingale, gently patted the other person's back, and comforted him gently:

"I understand your pain. I have received many middle-aged male patients like you. Whenever night comes, their wives want to 'eat' people... But for various reasons, these men cannot satisfy their lovers' needs. , they will feel that they are not men, and they will have feelings of guilt or anger, and want to be alone or escape. You must be in pain now because you cannot satisfy the desire of Big Barda, right? It doesn't matter, let me ask first, have you tried cucumber? Or eggplant?”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu , what is the use of cucumber? Can it cure the black lantern corpse??"

Mr. Miracle burst into tears, his cartoonish tears sliding down his mask like broadsides, and he really believed the doctor and put his hope in vegetables!

However, everyone else except them had strange expressions at this time.

Because Harley wasn't trying to comfort him at all, but was deliberately looking for opportunities to tell dirty jokes.

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