The Death Knell

Chapter 2886 About Disaster

Bane is trouble, there is no doubt about it, but from another perspective, his danger level is actually not that high, maybe not as high as a troublemaker.

Because of his psychological flaws, Su Ming knew his intelligence.

He was originally born at a point in time in the next thousand years, that is, in the thirty-first century, and his hometown is Earth 15, so strictly speaking he is also a time traveler.

Earth 15 is a very beautiful and peaceful world. Although there are superheroes, most of them are small fights and there are no serious events.

He and his mother were scientists of their time who discovered a strange spectrum of electromagnetic waves, a complex force powered by every life in the multiverse.

By harnessing this spectrum, his mother built a 'teleporter', an experimental spittoon-type device about the size of a human lunar module that allowed users to travel across time and space, but Not that reliable.

One day, a mysterious alien invader came to Fu Rong's hometown and destroyed his civilization.

Fu Rong never knew who his culprit was until his death, and he has been looking for this person to try to change the future destiny of his hometown.

But Su Ming knew additional information. The person who destroyed Earth 15 was a certain Supreme Superboy in the super-time flow. The ultimate villain form was controlled by the D editors, codenamed 'Time Trapper'.

Time Trap's most famous battle was against Superboy Prime. The two broke the fourth wall, and the battlefield razed the D editorial office to the ground.

Superboy-Prime angrily scolded the editors for the ridiculous plot, and said that he would never be such a bad guy in the future. Wouldn't it be fun to fight against his future self? ! If they don't change, he will kill them all.

The editors gave in, canceled the existence of the Time Trap, and gave Superboy Prime an eight-color light ring to wear and play with before sending the God of Plague away.

However, the comics about Time Trapper Destroying Earth 15 have already been released, and they cannot be changed even if they want to.

Therefore, even if Fu Rong has been pursuing his enemies and even trying to change history, it is in vain because he is pursuing a phantom that essentially does not exist.

This is all useful information, but let’s go back to what happened when Earth-15 exploded.

In the final moments when the Earth was about to explode, Mother told the Bane to use the Teleportation Lamp and go to the timeline to find a way to save their people. She was too old for adventurous travel and she would stay on Earth. Coordinate startup equipment.

This feels a bit like the origin of Superman, except that Superman was a baby when he was launched from Krypton, while Bane is an adult with his own thoughts and his own memories.

In short, the device was successfully activated the moment my mother was crushed into a pulp by the collapsed building.

After being thrown into the time stream along with the space-time machine, Firong spent weeks trying to master this complex spacecraft. After experiencing countless dangers, the magnetic spectrum was linked to the larger energy source luminous sea outside the Origin Wall. , and also shows the true face, which is the colorful emotional spectrum.

With the study of spectrum, combined with the teleportation lamp left behind by his mother, Firong has barely touched the threshold of multiverse time and space travel.

He immediately began to carry out his mother's last wish, first traveling through time and space, returning to the past time of Earth 15, trying to use his newly discovered emotional spectrum to change the demise of his world in the future.

However, there are no geniuses in the scientific team he leads. Over the past few decades, they have only studied how to use green spectrum to speed up the growth of plants.

Planting trees is a good thing for the earth, but in the face of powerful mysterious invaders, plants are of little use, and evildoers don't need them.

He thought for a while and decided to change his strategy. Maybe there was no talent on his own earth, so why not try a parallel world?

In order to avoid wasting time, he used the time flow to divide himself into 52 separate bodies, went to different time points in different parallel worlds, and started research simultaneously.

But the result was not very smooth.

For example, on Earth 47, which is the Earth where the Justice League calls "Love Syndicate", the superheroes there are all hippies, Superman is a black man with an afro, Batman wears bell-bottoms and has shawl hair, and Wonder Woman is addicted to Rock music.

Firong pretended to be an ordinary scientist and sneaked into the Syndicate's research department, hoping to get superheroes to study the spectrum together and find ways to change the future of his hometown.

However, the hippie heroes told him that only "love and peace" can save the earth. After several years, he finally invented a complete set of spectral speakers, which can automatically generate stage effects along with the music and enhance the emotional appeal of the music.

But, what does Firong want with these things?

During this period, the clones that went to other parallel worlds also received bad news, either they had developed worthless products, or there was no progress at all.

until one day.

Another Split Bane on Earth 3 got a new idea. He wanted to combine his spectral technology with magic, so he asked the Demon Governor over there to cooperate with him to study the relationship between spectrum and soul.

It was also here that the two worked together to develop a method for making light rings and discovered the existence of emotional entities.

But at this time there was a dispute between the two, and Fu Rong wanted to leave with the lantern ring and return to his hometown to find the murderer. As the avatar and spokesperson of the Lord of Chaos, the Demon Governor wants to use the light ring to create greater chaos, commonly known as having fun.

Firong's combat power was not weak. At that time, he already had the power of the seven lanterns, and he integrated them thoroughly. He was a veritable first lantern. He could also perform various operations on the timeline, fly to the sky, escape from the earth, and live forever.

But what he knows, Demon Governor can do all through magic, and he also masters a series of magic skills that Fu Rong does not know.

No spellcaster is easy to deal with, even if that person is a spellcaster like Constantine who is least like a sorcerer.

Unable to defeat him, Fu Rong could only escape temporarily and prepare to settle the score with the Demon Governor later.

This green ring jointly created by the two people was left on Earth 3, and later had another name: The Ring. The person who wore it would also become a Green Lantern, but he was timid, cowardly, greedy and stupid. Becoming completely independent and a slave to the ring.

This is the devil's bad taste. There is no goal, just for fun.

However, after this incident, Fu Rong also mastered the manufacturing technology of the ring, which was not a big loss. This time he changed his cooperation partners and went directly to the beginning of the creation of Earth 1 to find the first batch of life forms in the universe. In his opinion, these people should be very simple and don't have to worry about being betrayed again.

So he taught these blue-skinned people future technology, and also helped them design and capture ion sharks, and mass-produce light rings.

Even when these blue men began to slaughter their wives and children, he pretended not to see it in his desire to save his hometown.

Until hundreds of millions of years later, these blue men with degenerated limbs rebelled against him, locked him in a lamp furnace, and wanted to use his DNA to mass-produce Super Lanterns to rule the universe.

He escaped, and then sent all the clones back to the past of the parallel universe, and found the little blue people in each parallel world. He planned to use more advanced technology to speed up the research results again, at least to find out who was going to destroy the world in the future. Earth 15.

Then history cycled again, because the technology was stronger, this time the little blue people betrayed earlier, and destroyed the teleportation lamp furnace he used to travel through time and space, completely trapping him.

All the scourges in parallel worlds have met the same end.

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