The Death Knell

Chapter 2887 Supreme Dance King

Almost everyone knows what happened after that, because after the Blackest Night, the little blue people on Earth 0 planned to use the energy of the disaster to create third-generation lanterns, and eliminate Hal and his disobedient second-generation lanterns. Xiao Dai and the others have experienced this personally.

However, due to operational errors in the experiment, the evildoer who had been tortured by various experiments for 900 million years escaped.

He originally looked like a handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes, but after escaping, he had been transformed into an invisible man with glowing blood vessels through various experiments over the years.

The idea of ​​the little blue people is good. Fu Rong also controls the seven-color light and is very powerful. It is good to use his body tissue to clone people.

But they didn't expect that those clones were all equivalent to Wo Rong's clones and could be controlled by him.

As a result, almost all the Guardians were wiped out, and only a few escaped from Oa and ran to Earth to seek help from the Justice League.

The Justice League organized an expedition and tried their best until Hal and Sinestro joined forces to summon the Black Death, using his control over death to temporarily eliminate the threat of Bane.

Because there are other evil spirits still existing on the timeline, he cannot be truly killed. Only the time fragment of the evil evil on Earth 0 is dead.

Anyway, Oa was rescued and the Guardians were resurrected, and then they planned to trap the Justice League Expedition on Oa, because they can even defeat the Scoundrels and are really a threat. Try to plot against them once. alright.

Anyway, these people are superheroes. Even if the assassination fails, one member will be pushed out to take the blame, apologize and delete the history.

Can the Justice League still kill them?

The plan failed of course, but Superman forgave them and remained as warm and loving as ever.

But since then, Hal has stayed in Oa most of the time to monitor these guys, and his seat in the Zhenglian has been temporarily replaced by the black lantern John Stewart.

Strictly speaking, Firong no longer has emotions. He has been imprisoned for too long, and now he only has the obsession to save future Earth 15. And for this obsession, he can destroy any universe without any guilt, or Kill anyone.

He doesn't know how to get angry. He says he wants to vent his anger and destroy Oa, but in fact he just wants to make others think he still has emotions.

To him, this is like a chick breaking out of its shell and breaking the eggshell, it is an instinctive reaction of living things.

But at the same time, he retains another character weakness, that is, he has a very serious curiosity about any phenomenon that may save Earth 15 in the future.

He had never seen Su Ming, the death knell, so he would also be curious.

Therefore, after a brief communication and testing, it was confirmed that the status of Firong was the same as in the intelligence, and the backup plan could be used.

Taking advantage of his curiosity, he can be defeated without any large-scale formation like all the members of the Justice League and the Seven Lanterns.

The black sludge flowed on the ground, and then gradually returned to the standing man, but now he was no longer wearing black and yellow armor, but had a different appearance.

The man wearing a blue silk shirt, white tight pants, and cowboy boots had a green face with an exaggerated expression. He also wore a South American-style black wide-brimmed hat on his head.

He touched his waist with his backhand, and when the giant sword disappeared, the golden scimitar was held in his hand, and then turned into two sand hammers.

The green-faced man showed a huge smile, as if he was performing on the stage. When he shook the maracas in his hands, the music started playing out of nowhere.

Accompanied by Caribbean-style passionate music, Deathstroke danced a unique style and sang with an exaggerated expression:

"People call me Cubapi. I am the emperor of rumba. When I shake the gourd, I do chika chika dong, chica chika dong."

His butt swayed wildly, and his whole body twisted into a bolt of lightning.

Sure enough, not to mention that Fu Rong was so curious that he tilted his head to think. Even Xiao Dai and the others, who were still sitting on the flying carpet and in an invisible state, had their mouths wide open.

"I heard that he once sang and danced when he was dealing with the Laughing Bat. I thought it was a joke." Bobo felt a bit toothache, and the green-faced monster that Deathstroke turned into seemed to have been seen somewhere before.

"It's a weirdo in disguise. Loki's mask once appeared in the Gotham Museum." Harley was in high spirits, staring at the dance movements of Deathstroke and swaying herself: "The Joker once wanted to steal that thing, but it was originally The owner came, and he was a weirdo wearing a yellow baggy suit and a leopard print tie."

"Is it someone from other multiverses?" Diana covered her face. She didn't know what kind of expression she should make. She just made a voice from between her fingers: "Because I have never seen anyone with this code name."

Although I know what the death knell must have planned, there is no need to sing and dance like the colonel, right? But it's okay, it's not a striptease

"Bat should know, but he doesn't think he can tell you that there are other multidimensional things outside the multiverse." Harley had already started to shake her shoulders, and even swallowed, staring at Deathstroke's butt with a smile, but He kept talking about business: "You have to know that the Origin Wall was still there at that time. It was undoubtedly a crisis for a guy who could come and go with ease to appear in Gotham."

"It sounds like his style." Bobo hugged his arms and tried very hard to restrain himself from dancing along with the music. His experience in the circus made him have a physical reaction when he heard cheerful songs: "But how do you know that? Did the weirdo in disguise come from other sources of diversity?”

Harley shrugged and replied to the little gorilla who was also in the invisibility cover:

"He told me himself. Although he is mentally ill, he is a very gentleman lunatic. He even kissed my hand and told me that he comes from the Dark Horse Comics universe and is a suave king of dancers. Ask Would I like to go for a ride with him, but unfortunately, I can’t match the yellow and green colors.”

"So, you and Batman have always known that there are other diverse people besides us?"

Barry asked as he twisted his shoulders, a cheerful smile still on his face.

"I know." The little madman replied without thinking. She took out a small red and black handkerchief and wiped the saliva from the corners of her and Luo Rui's mouths: "If you want to ask why I never mentioned that I knew it, it's because of you. No one has ever asked me."

"I am the skinniest Cuban, I am the skinniest in all of Cuba"

While everyone was talking, the death knell was still dancing vigorously, and even treated Firong as a dance partner, dancing a pas de deux with his arms around him.

Seeing this scene, Bobo tilted his mouth and said, "Okay, the troubler is dead. We don't have to worry about how to solve the problem."

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