The Death Knell

Chapter 2902 Alien Scenery

"Ah! My pigromons are all scared by you, outsiders!"

The dwarf with the long elephant trunk was obviously very angry. He looked like he was about to jump up and hit Su Ming on the knee. He was also holding a bent wooden staff commonly used by shepherd girls and waving it back and forth:

"If they get scared they might stop producing milk and I'll die of thirst!"

Because this planet has an arid grassland and Gobi climate, water is indeed precious during the non-rainy season.

These strange domestic animals eat grass and produce milk. They are also the main source of water for the indigenous people during the dry season. Although the bustling towns of outsiders are within sight, everything there requires credit, and you can't buy anything without money.

Originally, the Fulanluo people were still a nomadic society and were not connected to the galaxy's financial system at all. Where did the concept of money come from?

Although foreign businessmen also want to trade with them, they are unwilling to exchange their livestock or agricultural and animal husbandry products for a string of numbers on a silicon card.

Su Ming, who was condemned, showed no guilt. He just looked down at the red-faced dwarf, took out a box of pure water from his pocket and placed it on the ground.

"Is this enough for you?" He opened the package and took out a bottle, showing the pure liquid in the plastic bottle in the sun: "If it's enough, just answer me a few questions. If it's not enough, I'll give you more." .”

A box of Wilson purified water contains 24 bottles in total. The market price is about US$12, and the cost price is about 40 cents.

But on a water-scarce planet, this is hard currency and very useful.

Sure enough, the simple dwarf held the bottle of water handed to him by Deathstroke with both hands, narrowed his big round eyes, and rubbed his face against the bottle: "That's enough, you are so generous, my benefactor."

With just a box of water, he transformed from a villain who frightens livestock to a benefactor. This world is too realistic.

"I'm looking for a human woman. She likes to wear blue pants and a brown vest. She wears a leather goggles and helmet on her head. She has a Sith Empire-style laser pistol. Have you seen such a woman?"

Deathstroke knelt down, pushed the mineral water box in front of the dwarf, and asked him if he had seen that person.

However, the planet Fulanluo is larger than Jupiter, so it is obviously difficult to find someone who deliberately hides. In addition, the woman is also an archaeologist, drilling holes in the ground like a gopher every day. The wild wind and sand here are so strong that almost everyone has their face covered, and Sepurk's surveillance cannot filter out the target.

The Fulanluo man recalled it for a moment, then shook his head in embarrassment: "I haven't seen it before. The outsiders' mounts are very fast and we can't see clearly. You should go to the larger settlement to ask someone."

Su Ming nodded and said it was okay. He took out a hoverbike from his pocket, patted the back seat and said to Harley, "Get in the car."

This is the ultimate stitch monster assembled based on the technology obtained from Zora's Z space, plus some broken blueprints from the Warhammer universe, combined with Azeroth's engineering, and improved by the adjutant's Cybertron technology. motorcycle.

The power is a krypton gold energy core, and the shell is Antarctic vibranium. It is also equipped with the adjutant's split program for fire control and navigation. The black and gold paint is also very beautiful.

So it is called a motorcycle, but in fact it is more like a small open-top spaceship, and its feature is its durability.

Normally, Su Ming's main method of movement is either teleportation or magic floating cloak. After building this thing, he didn't use it much. But now that he is on vacation and has other things to do, he is not in a hurry, so he takes Harley for a ride.

"Wow, what a cool car." Harley jumped up and got on the back seat of the motorcycle, hugging Su Ming's lower back: "Can you get one for me too?"

"No problem, it's just a toy." Su Ming smiled and held on to the handlebars, pressed the start button, and the car slowly lifted into the air, hovering half a meter high and speeding towards the town: "I'll tell the production line to You paint one pink.”

"Hehe, you're so kind, mmm!" Harley kissed him on the back of his head, closing her eyes and feeling the wind blowing across her face: "The wind and sand here are a bit strong, but it's quite exciting, but why don't we go to Earth? Where are you looking for someone? She can't be the only archaeologist in the universe, right?"

"Because Aphra may be the luckiest archaeologist in the world." Driving a slow motorcycle, it took the two of them thirty seconds to cover a distance of a little more than four kilometers. Su Ming found it amusing. Answer: "And there is no Earth as we know it in this universe. There are only specious places like 'Ursha' and 'Silver River System'."

The universe of "Star Wars" is located in the Marvel universe. It has its own multiverse system, but this system is very strange. Some of it is stuck in the universes of Dark Horse Comics, IDW Comics, and Hasbro. There are also several parallel worlds of Star Wars.

In short, the story takes place in a galaxy with the same name as the Milky Way, but it is different from other galaxies in the universe.

Generally speaking, the Milky Way in most single universes should be a four-arm galaxy, rotating clockwise.

In this universe, the Milky Way is like a fried egg, a luminous flat disk, divided into four rings from the inside to the outside.

The core area and inner ring area near the center of the galaxy are more prosperous and have more civilizations. For example, Coruscant, the home planet of the Old Republic, is located a little further away from the 'yolk'.

The planets in the middle and outer rings often mean remoteness and backwardness. For example, Skywalker's hometown Tatooine is in the outer ring. It is equivalent to the 'burnt edge' on a fried egg. It is a desert planet full of mining and scavenging.

In the same way, there is an Earth in this galaxy, but the E is pronounced as "U". The official name registered by the Republic is to call it Ursha. It belongs to the ocean planet in the outer ring area, with 70% of the ocean area plus 30% There are hundreds of primitive tribes called 'countries' living on that planet.

The creatures there are very similar to humans, but humans in space do not think that they are the same kind as those backward primitive animals, they are just somewhat similar in appearance.

However, since the intelligent creatures on that planet are all ridiculous, it has been turned into a tourist attraction, contracted by the "Interstellar Travel Agency" and solely responsible for its operation and maintenance.

Coruscant, Naboo, Hoth, and Geonosis all have tourist flights to Ursha. It is not a popular route. If you want to go, you have to gather enough people to join the tour, otherwise there will not be enough fuel for the spaceship. cost.

Not to mention it costs a lot of money, and there was nothing fun in the past. Galaxy passports are not recognized there, and the natives are very primitive and unfriendly.

A minute later, the car arrived outside the town. It was indeed much livelier than the indigenous villages. All kinds of aliens were walking around on the streets, as if they had returned to Contracia in an instant. .

The difference is that there are not so many neon lights here and the climate is much hotter.

When a hover motorcycle enters the town, people on the road don't even bother to look at it. After all, there are so many such cars, and the appearance is not important.

The largest building in the town seems to be the empire's office. There are stormtroopers standing guard at the door, but it is obvious that these white soldiers have no energy, and they can feel listless through their big helmets.

Some dusty people entered the office carrying large and small bags, and soon they walked out with smiles on their faces and went straight to bars or brothels, apparently selling something to the empire.

However, Su Ming quickly passed by the entrance of the Imperial Office on his scooter, stopped in front of another high-tech building a few hundred meters away, and looked up at the plaque.

"Okay, this is it, get off the car."

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