The Death Knell

Chapter 2903 Archaeological Expert

The inside of the building is completely different from the earth-filled environment outside. The walls and floors here are all made of beautiful white metal, decorated with various floating displays and virtual flowers. The towering dome also has the function of filtering sunlight. Let it be bright but not hot.

"Ah, it's air-conditioned, so comfortable." Harley leaned softly on Su Ming's shoulder, as if she couldn't walk anymore.

He put her on a bench in the waiting area and let her blow the air conditioner. There were all kinds of aliens waiting in line for delivery, no matter how disgusting they looked, but she didn't care at all and was not nervous at all.

"I'm going to get some information. Don't run around." Su Ming handed her a plasma pistol for self-defense.

"Well, go ahead and ask me where to buy ice cream." Harley closed her eyes while holding the weapon, leaning back on the chair and taking a nap, looking obedient.

The metal floor was bright enough to reflect people's silhouettes, and crisp footsteps walked through the hall. Su Ming came to a robot standing at the information desk. This robot was a bit like a silver version of the robot WALL-E, with a pair of very big eyes. Blinking:

"Hello, welcome to the Galactic Archaeological Society, how can I help you?"

It speaks very fast, like English, with an electronic sound.

"I want to find someone. Dr. Aphra is on this planet, right? Can you contact her? Or provide me with the specific location?"

Deathstroke looked at the robot's head, because its head was square and not round at all.

"There are currently 150,333 members of the association on the planet, and Aphra was once just one of them." The robot began to roll its eyes and investigate the database, and a trace of heat came out of its head: "But her last time Before the association was fifteen planet rotation cycles, we did not have the right to locate her location, and similarly, we would not be responsible for helping non-members contact her."

Understood, Su Ming understood when the robot said this.

"Then what procedures do I need to apply for a membership?"

"Any valuable antiquities or professional papers, choose any three. If you don't have any, you can submit 30,000 credit points or the equivalent currency of each planet." The robot immediately changed its expression to an enthusiastic one and stretched out its claws. , the fingers are still ticking.

Fortunately, it had no legs but only tracks, otherwise Su Ming would have suspected that it would cross its legs.

Thirty thousand credits are definitely not available, but when it comes to antiquities, there are plenty.

'Come out! My archaeological finds and fishing junk in Azeroth! ’

Deathstroke's thoughts flashed through his mind, and he immediately placed three pieces of garbage into the robot's hands.

They are the fecal fossils of ogres, the pottery figurines of the ancient troll empire, and the Dalaran coins I got from fishing at some point.

Just take it for appraisal, whatever you can find is a damn thing.

However, this aspect of archeology is different from other disciplines. As long as the age is far enough, the more unclear what it is, the more valuable it is.

The Galactic Archaeological Association is actually more like a society. They are not involved in the battle between the Empire and the Rebels, they just want to dig up the history of the galaxy.

Su Ming knew that Fulanluo Planet was an archaeological site, so he knew that they would purchase antiquities here. After all, as long as Aphra made a discovery, she would come here to cash it in. She also owed her friends a large sum of money.

Why is she only here to sell her finds? Because her past experiences left her with no choice.

In the comic book story, she used to be an agent of Darth Vader, also known as "Dark Warrior", specializing in helping him find relics of the Force in the universe.

This woman’s archaeological style is ‘Tomb Raider’-esque, and explosions tend to happen wherever she goes.

Working for the Black Knight, he did a good job. It can be said that he offended both the Jedi and the resistance.

But after doing bad things for a few years, she felt that it was too dark. The key was that she didn't make any money. So she rebelled against Darth Vader, escaped by feigning death, and came out with the robot and bodyguards to do it herself.

She is currently evading pursuit by the Imperial Army. If someone from the Sith Empire discovers her, she will be in trouble.

Probably only a neutral organization like the Archaeological Association would not betray her, because her father was a senior member of the association.

Having said that, she was able to survive being stabbed by Darth Vader and even steal a spaceship to escape from the Death Star by feigning death. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

The robot's eyes shot out a ray of light and scanned a few things in its hand, and then more heat came out of its head.

"It's strange, it's so strange...Is there an error in the program? Why is there no data in the database..."

After muttering a few words, it did not forget the business. It took out three boxes and carefully wrapped the death knell garbage, and sent the drone back to the warehouse.

"May I ask your name, home planet?"

"Slade Wilson, from Tadana, Western Sector." Su Ming's lies came as soon as he opened his mouth, and he was already prepared.

The western border is an area beyond the reach of the empire, and because the habitable planet was discovered very late, no one knows the specific situation at all. Takdana is a den of thieves from the space mercenaries.

The robot does not need to verify anything, it only asks these questions to apply for certificates.

Soon it spit out a magnetic card representing its identity and handed it to the man in front of it: "The Archaeological Association welcomes you to join, Mr. Wilson. The archaeological items you submitted are very valuable. Maybe the history of the Milky Way will be revealed because of you in the future. veil."

The robot enthusiastically played a welcome message, and then began to do things that previously required membership, which was to help contact Aphra.


Deathstroke couldn't help feeling a little emotional. No matter where he went, scholars were easier to deal with. They just took things and got things done. They were quite honest.

Although he is a bit greedy, it is understandable that he is thirsty for knowledge.

The robot in charge of the reception was silent for a while. He must have contacted the other party. He quickly raised his head and said, "Miss Aphra is coming here. You will meet soon."

A few hours later.

Aphra led her robots and bodyguard teammates and sneakily walked into the association hall with her face covered. When she saw that no stormtroopers or rebel assassins followed her, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hekelsantan, after I sell this treasure, I will pay you back some money first, and then leave some money to buy second-hand parts for the spacecraft."

She happily held the mask and spun around like a dance.

"Hiccup uh uh uh!" The man called Black Kelsantan is a big furry man. He is a Wookiee, which is the same race as Chewbacca next to Han Solo, except that his hair is all black. of.

He is Aphra's bodyguard and her creditor.

"Don't say that, this thing is very valuable at first sight." Aphra pouted and stamped her foot, then quickly walked to the service window with her mask and showed her ID: "I want to sell this good treasure to Association, and forgo the subsequent benefits it will bring in the future.”

"Sorry, Miss Aphra, your membership in the Archaeological Association has been revoked, and now we cannot accept your transaction." The robot in the window has no emotions, it is just business.

"Ah?" The female archaeologist suddenly turned into a black question mark face.

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