The Death Knell

Chapter 2905 A loving father and a filial daughter

Aphra was taken advantage of.

Let’s not talk about the damage to reputation caused by academic fraud. That is not important, and she has no reputation to speak of.

But the association will definitely want to get the original bonus back.

How can I have the money to compensate the society now? Not to mention, if there is no membership, who will the treasures dug in the future be sold to? Not all organizations have enough connections to be able to contact well-known collectors across the galaxy.

So she was dragged into the office obediently by her father, and her followers followed her.

But as soon as the door closed, she immediately turned her face, and pointed the laser gun in her hand at the bald head: "Hand over all your evidence! Obviously you only need to threaten me, and I will probably help you. Why bother to report it?" What about this step?”

The man facing the gun raised his hands in surrender: "Will you help?"

"I...well, I won't." Aphra covered her face and shook her head speechlessly: "But that's not the point. Aldo Asperto is a myth, it doesn't exist at all. Existence, how can I help you?"

The so-called Aldo Asperto is a city in ancient mythology and the capital star of the 'Infinite Empire'.

Legend has it that it is ruled by the gods and is the origin of all the Force, where Sith Knights and Jedi Knights are as close as one family, and there are five other Force users together.

At that time, the Force was omnipotent and could make people's wishes come true. The Infinite Empire was extremely prosperous one hundred thousand years ago.

But one day later, the city suddenly disappeared into the universe and disappeared, along with the empire that seemed to have never existed.

Apart from these, there is no other information.

Even the stories left behind by these Jedi are like rumors. There should have been nothing in the Milky Way a hundred thousand years ago, right?

The earliest archaeological discoveries so far are only five thousand years old.

Aphra thinks, just thinking about it, it feels like it’s just a story. After all, the Sith represent the dark side of the Force, and the Jedi represent the light side. So what do the remaining five people represent about the Force?

As the person who may have had the most personal contact with Dark Knight, and who helped him find many Force relics from the Old Republic era four thousand years ago, Aphra felt that she still had a say in the Force.

"It really exists. I dreamed about it." The bald man put down his hands and said seriously: "This should be the revelation given to me by the Force."

"Haha, you are not a Sith, nor are you a Jedi. The Force has nothing to do with you, and it will not let you dream. The reason for your dreams is just delusion." Aphra laughed dryly, pulled up her father's collar, and used The gun slammed into his face: "So hand over the evidence you have, or I will kill you."

"Oh, I know you won't hurt me. Even according to your moral level, killing a relative is too much." The bald head shrank his neck, and he blinked and looked into his daughter's eyes, as if to See into her soul.

Aphra took a deep breath and then let go of her father: "You're right, so robot, come on!"

She turned around suddenly, pointed at the dazed etiquette robot standing at the door, and then quickly walked away with her back to her father, as if she didn't want to see the bloody scene.

"Oh my god, my god, it's such an honor to kill the master's father with my own hands." The blackened robot raised its hands, and in an instant its fingers turned into chainsaws, scalpels, poisonous needles, and electric drills. He leaned closer to the bald head and said, "Hello, I am San0. Your daughter is really a ruthless person. You must be very proud of how you raised her to be like this."

He seemed happy that Darth Vader had used the dark force when creating him, which gave him a somewhat twisted personality.

"No, no..." The girl's father suddenly panicked, because the robot always carried out orders without compromise.

Neither father nor daughter knew that San0 was not an ordinary robot, it was more like the ultimate killing weapon given to Aphra by Darth Vader.

Aphra is now hiding from simultaneous searches by the empire and the resistance, and she has to hide from debts everywhere. However, the foreign debts she owes are not actually that large, because 99% of the creditors were secretly killed by San0 and bt-d2.

Just because she complained about those people being ‘damned’ during small talk.

After killing these people, San0 did not tell his master that he did not have to pay back the money, because in his opinion, the life of hiding from debts in the galaxy with his master was their life. During the escape, Aphra often needed to rely on He, he hopes that he can always be 'needed' by his master.

Moreover, it is also very interesting to see the master frowning, sighing, and bowed down by life every day.

After thinking for a while, he decided to cut open the egg-like skull with a circular saw, and then find a way to dig out the brain and eyeballs, soak them in a tank or make them into carbonized specimens as a souvenir for the owner.

The chainsaw started spinning, and he used his other hand to wipe the area where he was going to cut, because his bald head was covered with sweat.

"Forget it, stop, San0, don't kill him." Aphra finally lay down on the wall and gave the stop command. Although her father killed her mother because she was addicted to work, she couldn't kill him by herself. His reasons.

"Oh, Master, is this the kind of game where you pique other people's interest and then put it aside? You are so bad."

San0 put down the mechanical arm and seemed to be a little admired in his words.

"Let's go, let's think of other ways. I don't believe the mask in my hand can't be sold." She opened the door and took out the strange mask from her backpack. She couldn't explain why, but she had an intuition that it might be related. He discovered the big secret: "Even if I can't sell it, I can still dig for other treasures."

"Hiccup, hiccup, hiccup." The black-haired Wookiee grunted.

"Don't worry, the money I owe you will be paid back soon. Can we still starve to death?" Aphra turned to look at her father again and waved her hand to him: "You should go home quickly, Fulan Luoke It’s not a good place, if you still follow me, I will really kill you next time.”

"Kill you." San0 turned around and repeated again, then bowed politely and closed the door.

She went out proudly. As the sound of the electronic door closing came, Aphra's stomach growled. She immediately bent over, her shoulders slumped, and she curled her lips:

"I'm so hungry. I've been busy chasing that bastard these past few days, so I just ate a little bit of grass."

"Master, according to the conclusions of scientific research, human flesh can be eaten after cooking." San0 immediately made a good suggestion, and at the same time, he kept tilting his head towards the crowd in the hall, as if to imply something.

But his good idea only earned him a blank look from his master.

But at this moment, a gentle male voice came from not far behind the group: "Doctor over there, do you sell the mask in your hand?"

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