The Death Knell

Chapter 2906 Major Discovery

What to sell, money, sell money.

These words were like the sound of nature, and Aphra's little ears immediately stood up.

"Sell, sell, sell!"

She immediately turned around, but immediately realized that if she appeared too eager, she might not be able to sell for a good price, so she pretended to be pretentious again, trying to figure it out:

"Ahem, but if the price isn't right, then there's no need to negotiate."

The speaker was a young one-eyed man. He wore heavy armor similar to the Mandalorian, but he also had a smiling woman in his arms, which showed that he was not one of those mercenary lunatics.

Mandalorians only have tasks and rewards in their minds. They will not indulge in female sex, let alone cuddling with women in public.

Regarding her reaction, Su Ming just smiled slightly: "Please come here, let's sit in the rest area and have a good talk."

Super soldiers have super hearing. The girl's belly growled just now, and Deathstroke heard it clearly, which made it more likely to hire her.

Hungry people often lose patience due to low blood sugar, and the nerve conduction speed also becomes slow. Many people who survive on desert islands often suffer from discomfort in their hands and feet after being hungry for a period of time, even if they have something to eat every day. There are signs of being obedient, which is caused by disordered nerve electrical signals.

"Master, this man is very scary." Seeing the man hugging the beautiful woman and turning around to leave first, San0 leaned into Aphra's ear and whispered: "He seems to be darker than the Sith Emperor."

"Whatever, as long as you have money, you are a customer."

Aphra followed, clutching her stomach, the robot unaware of her pain.

She now wanted to quickly sell her discovery, and then go to town to have a big plate of barbecue and some wine.

"Hiccup hiccup!"

The Wookiee said that was right, he was also hungry. Although the Wookiee was often an elite warrior not inferior to the Mandalorian, he was also a living person and needed to eat.

The group of people walked across the shiny metal floor and sat down on the sofa near the window. From here, they could see the yellow sand sky outside, but they were surrounded by virtual green plants.

"Show me the goods first." Su Ming sat down with Harry in his arms and raised his fingers towards the archaeologist.

During the time after he learned from the receptionist that Aphra was coming, Su Ming took out all kinds of garbage from his backpack, including some that he forgot he had picked up from Azeroth, and some that he had forgotten. Some gadgets from the Marvel or DC universe.

All in all, they are worthless things that only occupy space in your bag. Why not exchange them for credits here?

So he submitted dozens of items whose provenance the Archaeological Association could not find out, and got a lot of money in exchange.

In fact, it's not a lot. One hundred thousand credits is probably enough to buy a cargo ship, but for Aphra, it is definitely a huge amount of money.

"Here, don't play tricks. The association has full surveillance." Aphra placed the mask on the coffee table vigilantly and slowly pushed it in front of the death knell: "No one can kill and loot in the Archaeological Association."

"I'm a businessman. I only do fair transactions and never rob." Su Ming picked up the mask and looked at it carefully: "Where was this thing found? Do you remember?"

"I'll tell you if you give me the money." Aphra rubbed her fingers and took out her magnetic card to wait for the transfer: "If it's less than thirty credits, don't even think about me saying another word."

Credit points are a common currency in most places in the galaxy. Their full name is Galactic Empire Credit Points, which is connected to the economic system of the former Sith Empire.

Of course, this thing is useless to the rebels, and it is not circulated to the remnants of the Republic, let alone places where there is no concept of currency. For example, the natives of Fulanluo have no concept of money.

But these do not prevent it from being circulated on most planets and can be exchanged for local currencies at different rates.

Thirty credits may not sound like much, but if converted into fuel, it would be enough for Aphra's small cargo ship to make several trips back and forth across the galaxy.

"Well, let me think about it."

Su Ming actually didn't know how much this thing was worth, because in his opinion, the clues it brought could be priceless.

Because he had seen this mask before. Although it was much smaller, based on its color and pattern distribution, as well as the special eye structure like a fence, he was very sure that this was the image of the 'Celestial God Group'.


Star Wars, the origin of this universe was originally just a movie. Lucas probably didn't expect it to be popular, so the script was not perfect. Only the local story of the galaxy was not told, and the various data seemed like a joke.

But later, it was the subsequent comics and novels that allowed its power level to soar far beyond the scope of space opera.

After the movie became so popular that it became a cultural phenomenon, a group of top screenwriters and artists in the literary and comic circles began to add stories and backgrounds to Star Wars, including Alan Moore, the author of "Watchmen", and Jack Sparrow, the author of "Captain America". ·Kobe et al.

How exaggerated is the lineup? It was so exaggerated that even if Stan Lee wanted to draw a Star Wars comic, Lucas would not like it.

Alan Moore lived up to expectations. He traced the history of Star Wars, which was only five thousand years old and ended before the era of the Old Republic, back one hundred thousand years in one go and created the existence of the Gods, the Tai One, the Five Priestesses and so on.

There are also DC's quantum mechanics theory, time travel, and parallel universe settings, all of which are arranged to connect with DC's infinite earth setting, although there is no earth in the Star Wars universe.

When Marvel's Jack Kirby saw it, he couldn't lose, so he expanded the Star Wars universe horizontally, connected it to Marvel's super-large universe system, completed the unknown areas outside the galaxy, and created the Yuuzhan Vong. People and the seven-dimensional demon gods they worship also created some Easter eggs that seem to be exactly the same as the Celestial Gods.

Exploding stars with bare hands alone? What a joke! The Force can create planetary systems, too! Only you dare not think, there is nothing he dare not draw.

Later, Dark Horse Comics was also authorized to draw Star Wars, so they added a lot of powerful buffs to the Star Wars universe. Even the Force, which originally only had two sides in the old movies, later became There are many types, such as master societies and sister groups, all of which have mastery of the Force.

Finally, Hasbro, which owns the copyright of Lego, also entered the game, adding some content suitable for all ages and improving the details.

Interesting little facts such as planet settings and spaceship settings have also increased the total number of languages ​​in the galaxy to 36 million. Of course, the ones that really appear in comics and animations are all in English.

Therefore, the universe of "Star Wars" is like a monster 'raised' by four families. The upper limit of strength is terrifyingly high. You may not feel anything just by looking at the Milky Way, but if you really go out of this galaxy, you will encounter nothing. strangeness.

It's because the Ultimate Stitch Monster is so powerful that it feels like it has everything. After Lucasfilm was sold to a certain mouse, the latter felt that it was all virtual and couldn't control it, so it restarted it in 2014 The Star Wars universe.

The settings of comic novels and so on are removed from the own movie universe and divided into a parallel universe called "Star Wars Legends", which is what Chinese netizens often call "Old Canon History".

The "Mouse" is a parallel universe that has been re-created after absorbing some past settings. It is mainly based on the weak power settings of the movie, plus some cartoons and new comic settings, which is the "new official history".

Su Ming knew this information, and he had no intention of running out of the galaxy this time in the old canonical universe. But since Aphra might have clues to the Celestial Group easter eggs, he could do some archeology in Fulanluo by the way. It’s not impossible.

But the main purpose of coming here is still the Force and the lightsaber crystal. There should be no problem in using light to deal with Darkseid.

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