The Death Knell

Chapter 2910 Coercion and inducement

The contract came into effect, and Hogs's snoring sounded in the air. Su Ming released Aphra and asked her to reassemble the two robots.

This woman can do this. Her professional direction is the study of ancient robots and ancient weapons, and she is also a good programmer.

The robots in the Star Wars world are very interesting. They have emotions, as if there is a soul existing in the program processor of the "Personality Matrix". We can find a way to get some back and use them as a tourist for the adjutant and Brainiac 21. Souvenirs to bring back.

"But I didn't even have time to read the contents of the contract," Aphra whispered weakly.

"What are you looking at? There's nothing good to see. If you follow my orders, it's just a friendship contract." Su Ming returned San Ling's head to her, took out a cigarette to smoke, and gave it back to the unconscious one. The Wookiee also put a stick in his mouth.

"Then what if my approach dissatisfies you?" The doctor avoided the crazy doctor, and she hurried to repair her robot.

"If you don't obey me, you will be ordered to die." Su Ming walked towards the broken mechanical giant insect with a cigarette in his mouth and inspected its remains: "Your body will die, and your soul will be tortured in the endless hell forever. Never to see your friends and family again, only to gradually go mad in the eternal darkness, and even complete liberation will be a luxury."


Aphra swallowed her saliva. She was really scared now. The man who called himself Deathstroke was like a devil from a fairy tale. Talking about playing with souls was as common as introducing cooking.

Force users believe that all life will produce the Force, but inanimate things will not produce the Force. When it comes to souls, it is simply a weird anti-scientific cult.

And Deathstroke seemed to know himself very well, and the threats he made were all things he was afraid of happening.

"Stop dawdling, assemble your friends, and then we go deep underground." Su Ming drew out the Sword of Olympus and tried to cut a piece of armor from the remains of the giant insect and put it away: "This insect should be a project The huge hollow body of the equipment is responsible for shipping, and there should be a receiving station or processing plant."

"But it's too risky to go deep underground. The geological structure of Fulanluo is very complicated." Aphra put San0's head on, and took out a screwdriver from her pocket to tighten the screws: "We can't drive the spacecraft underground. Tunnel, if you are trapped somewhere down there, you may not even have a communication signal.”

However, Su Ming leaned on the big insect and crossed his arms: "That's not a problem you need to consider. As long as you help me dig out the antiquities and conduct appraisals, I will naturally guarantee everyone's life safety."

"Okay, but you said that if I do a good job, there will be rewards. Before you lead us to death, can you tell me the rewards to give me some motivation?" The female doctor sighed deeply. She knew that now I can't help myself anymore, I can only hope to hear about the reward projects to make my heart feel better.

In this way, even if you die accidentally, you will die with dreams and hopes.

"Fifty thousand credits will be divided between you and your friends, and then I will also give you a new armed cargo ship, a new frigate-level ship, not the little toy you are driving now, you can still You can choose a magic engine or an anti-matter engine, or even a steam engine blessed by the God of All Machines."

Aphra's Ark Angel, although she takes good care of it and dresses it up beautifully, is essentially a small private transport boat, not as big as a main gun on a real battleship.

Deathstroke's several forging worlds in the Ghost Universe have been continuously expanding their fleets, and taking out a frigate is like sprinkling water.

It is an arsenal that never rests with multiple universes providing material support behind it. Although Su Ming has been hiding his fleet and not letting them show up, the growth rate of the fleet is not slow at all. The current situation is that the ships are waiting for People, military strength can't keep up with the development speed of the fleet.

If this were not the case, Su Ming would not go around getting those 'loyal' clone and synthetic human technologies due to manpower issues.

"Mr. Deathstroke, if you had already stated that you are so rich, we would not have had the misunderstanding just now. I am really sorry. I would also like to introduce myself again. I am 000, or San0, who belongs to the Galaxy. An enhanced version of the universal etiquette robot model. Its specialties are etiquette, history, culture, translation and killing. Can we also be friends?"

Mr. San-0, who was being assembled by his owner, was moved. He looked flattering and blinked rapidly with his glowing red eyes.

"Beep!" Although the chubby BT's body and head were separated, he also expressed his opinion.

"I want to hire Dr. Aphra's team, so if you want to please me, you might as well go and please her and see how the 50,000 credit points are divided." Su Ming took off the cigarette cartridge in his mouth, flicked the ash, and looked at the cigarette in his hand. Shaking girl: "How's it going? Dr. Aphra, are you satisfied with the price?"

"I will do my best to help you with your work! Not to mention Fulanluo's underground, I can accompany you even to the command room of the Death Star II." The doctor who had a frown on his face turned his head again. Already full of smiles, his eyes seemed to have turned into symbols of credit points.

Su Ming knew that Aphra would figure it out, either 'die miserably without cooperation' or 'make money with cooperation'. She was super greedy for money, so naturally she would only choose the latter.

This woman, when she has enough money, she dares to take any risk in the galaxy, even if she has to take a TIE fighter to the edge of a black hole to rob the Sith Emperor, she dares to give it a try.

"I'm not in a hurry to meet Darth Vader yet." Deathstroke doesn't want to travel to the Death Star for the time being, because he also has a 'Blackstone Fortress' similar to the Death Star.

The technology of the Sith Empire is still not advanced enough. When it comes to technology, we still have to look at the Infinite Empire of ancient times.

Archaeologists are very useful, they just don't know how useful they are yet.

Aphra seems to have really gained power from the pie, and the speed of repairs has obviously accelerated. She is very smart, and first helps San0 install the head and arms, so that the robot can help her.

With both hands, the two of them can repair the BT together, and then the three of them can work together to connect San0's legs, and finally save the sleeping Wookiee. The thinking in this process is very clear.

"I want a robot too." Harley leaned on Deathstroke's shoulder and looked at the team of girls working with a little envy: "In this way, I don't have to wash clothes myself, or can you buy me a washing machine? In my community There's always a smell of urine in self-service dry cleaners."

"Actually, you can live directly in Sepurk. After all, it should be safer than Earth 0." Su Ming watched the particle cutter that resembled electric welding running and spitting out bright light, and touched her back.

However, Harley smiled and shook her head in refusal. She wrapped her fingers around one side of her ponytail:

"It's okay to have fun occasionally, but I'm an independent girl in the new era now. For me, I enjoy the feeling of having an affair more now. Think about it, Xiaodai hid outside the door when we were making out. Or behind the curtain, staring at me with a very cold expression! It’s so refreshing. As a professional, I know how to give myself the greatest psychological satisfaction.”

"As long as you are happy, but her psychological problem is more serious than yours, and she has a superhero-like martyr mentality." Su Ming nodded very calmly and gently hugged her waist: "Of course, if at any critical moment you But if you don’t obey, I will knock you out and take you away by force.”

"Hehehe, I understand, but I still won't talk about my best friend Xiao Dai. I suddenly thought of a new way to play. Tonight you knock me out first, and then you can do whatever you want to me like a beast."

She lowered her voice and breathed warm breath into Su Ming's ear. She smelled like strawberry-flavored bubble gum.

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