The Death Knell

Chapter 2911 Descending Underground

Ten minutes later, the team was finally ready to officially set off.

The location where everyone is now is a not-so-wide underground pit, which was drilled out by this giant robot bug. If you want to go deep underground, it is best to use these sewer-like structures first.

But there is obviously no city sewer that is easy to walk here. The road is intermittent. Sometimes there will be vertical shafts going down, and sometimes you need to climb up.

Not only that, there are also an astonishing number of forked roads, and some collapse or dead ends caused by long-term geological changes.

Even though Aphra was experienced, she was still a little confused as she walked. The underground of the planet was like a jigsaw puzzle of fragments, and it was also a three-dimensional version.

Deathstroke asked everyone to move in the magic floating cloak, and she only had to lead the way. However, she spent most of the time chattering nonsense, almost as bad as Spider-Man.

This is not her fault, this is her way of decompressing, just like someone walking past a cemetery at night will sing to encourage themselves, she was talking to herself out of fear when she went deep into the unknown underground of the planet.

The topics she talked about ranged from the breakfast of a certain planet to the feces of a certain race in space, from stories in history to the military orders of the imperial army. Only a etiquette robot like San0 could pick up the topic.

"It seems that this action is a bit hasty." After entering the dead end again, Aphra covered her face. Under the light provided by BT, she looked a little pale: "We should rent some underground ones. Detection equipment, such as cannon fodder robots or something.”

"Master is right, but I want to emphasize one more point." San0 twisted his neck and raised a hand: "When people use robots as cannon fodder, they often don't turn off their pain sense. Module, this is really cruel.”

"Beep!" BT made an electronic sound, and it still rotated in place.

San0 nodded towards it and said seriously: "Yes, as long as the pain module is turned off, it will be fine. After all, they were created to be used as cannon fodder. Why should I let them give up their mission? They are not like me. With so many functions, those who fall behind should be beaten, and weak AI should be eliminated by history."

"The pain module..." Su Ming thought thoughtfully as she hugged Harry and shared an ice cream together.

Upon hearing his question, the tall black robot immediately turned its upper body and began to explain:

"The pain module is very important because it reminds us that robots are also alive, and therefore generate all kinds of fear, fear of pain, fear of death, or fear of anything else that may hurt us."

"So the first emotion a robot should master is not love or happiness, but fear?"

Harley narrowed her eyes while eating sweets. She licked the corners of her mouth and spoke slowly of her analysis:

"It makes sense. Just like human beings, they always have to satisfy their needs for survival on the material level before pursuing spiritual things. The desire for life will produce other stronger emotions. This is The key to how robots can have emotions.”

Negative emotions are stronger than positive emotions, and you don’t need to be a Lantern to understand this.

Take Bruce Wayne as an example. When Martha asks him to make soy sauce, he is definitely not willing to go because he is not Japanese and does not like to eat sushi or sashimi that much. Besides, buying food and seasonings is a waste of time. Fu's work.

But if this request happened that night in Crime Alley, Martha was not beaten to death on the spot, but still had one breath left. Before she died, she asked Bruce to make soy sauce and give her a sip, otherwise she would die in peace.

Bruce, who is afraid that Martha will die with disappointment, will definitely fulfill his mother's wish.

The key lies in the fear of pain. The pain module allows robots to understand the pain of life, so they begin to cherish life and understand what to do to avoid pain.

This is why the robots in the DC universe have no emotions, but the robots in this universe have emotions.

"You understand what life wants, and you also quickly understood that we robots are all living beings. Ms. Quinzel, you are really an amazing philosopher." San0 immediately found the opportunity to start flattering. This is why he is a etiquette robot. instinct.

What is etiquette? In fact, it is just a set of procedures to make others feel happy.

"Hahahaha... Well, if only I had such a caring follower like San0 when I was a bad guy in Gotham." Harley, who was thinking about Bruce's soy sauce, smiled and shook her head, suddenly looking depressed. When she came down, she glanced at the robot duo who had a very Gotham temperament, and then hugged Aphra from behind: "You must be very happy to have such a good robot by your side, right?"

"When I have no money, I'm never happy at all." Aphra straightened her back and changed the topic with a blush on her face: "What should we do next? This road is also a dead end."

In the dark tunnel, only the one eye of the BT robot provided illumination. The temperature underground was very low, but the air was still flowing, as if something invisible was blowing cool air on the back of the neck.

Su Ming was in a good mood after learning a new idea. He jumped off the flying carpet and knocked a few times on the ground in front of the dead end.

"There's no need to go back and forth. Let's go straight down. There are alien species in the Celestial Group that feed on star cores. Although we don't know what the specific situation is here, it's always right to go deep enough to take a look first. Strangler. Dig down.”


The black viscous liquid flowed out from the gaps in the armor and turned into a giant drill with a diameter of more than ten meters, which began to spin rapidly on the ground.

Now that you know that the underground is full of layers of holes, dig all the way to the level where there are no holes, and then start exploring on that level.

While Strangler was digging a hole, Su Ming slowly descended along with him, and everyone on the cloak also descended in the dug hole.

Watching the drill spin, and then seeing the smooth well wall around it as if it had been licked, Avro stared at the strangulation seriously. She opened her mouth several times and held it back several times, but in the end, as a scientist, she Curiosity still made her ask:

"Is this also a symbiote? Which one is more dangerous, it or the Bezen symbiote? Where is the main place of origin? You seem to be able to control it?"

A series of questions were asked in one breath, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

While working on strangulation, Su Ming was idle as a host. He looked down at the drill bit that was crushing and eating the rock, and said to the curious girl:

"I also know about the Bezen symbiote, but they are nothing compared to my strangulation."


Strangler liked hearing this, and it happily accelerated its progress.

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