The Death Knell

Chapter 2913 The planet is strange

"Go and study it, see what you can find." The flames of the explosion gradually died down, and Deathstroke waved the cloak down, unscathed, while giving Aphra new orders.

The archaeologist jumped off the flying carpet and could feel the heat on the ground through her boots. She touched her cloak curiously and looked at Deathstroke, who was smoking calmly behind his mask.

"Are you okay in such a violent explosion? Also, I have been studying it for a long time. What is the principle of your special aircraft?"

"I'll be fine even if a star explodes. Don't make a fuss. The flying principle of the magic floating cloak is just as the name suggests, that's magic." Su Ming kicked the robot wreckage next to him: "You are the best ancient robot expert in the galaxy. Now Hurry up and do the work of a professional."

The female doctor's mouth tilted, she pulled up her scarf to cover her mouth and nose, and said in a low voice: "Although I am indeed the best, the possibility of revealing anything from these fragments is very small. These ancient robots may have their own bodies." Destruction mechanism, when it suffers irreversible serious damage, it will self-destruct to destroy all data in the personality matrix."

San0 also climbed off the flying carpet stiffly. As a ceremonial robot, his knees could not bend. He said:

"The data and algorithms stored in the personality matrix are the most important. Without these, our robot is actually a useless scrap metal shell. My master does not want you to have too high expectations for her next progress. "

Su Ming nodded and patted San0 on the shoulder with a funny look: "So you are actually Aphra's 'angry translator'? Specializing in interpreting her hidden meanings?"

"Hiccup, ouch, ouch, ouch." The black-haired Wookiee held his crossbow and let out a strange laugh.

"Actually, I mostly translate Hegel Santan's Wrath." San0 politely corrected Deathstroke's statement and walked towards the owner to help: "The structure of the Wookiees' vocal cords makes it difficult for them to speak other languages. , so when he threatens to screw off the heads of some alien creatures, I will convey it or execute it on my behalf."

The small cylindrical robot BT also went to help Aphra. Su Ming watched it go back and forth at the explosion site looking for valuable things:

"Aphra is really lucky to have a sleeping dragon and phoenix chick like you by her side. By the way, have you seen masks with special lines and structures like this on other planets in the past?"

"No, at least not in my memory." Aphra held a circuit board in her hand and looked at it over and over, but quickly threw it aside, because all the structures on it were burned, and there was no possibility of saving it: "This Isn’t it a legacy of some past civilization in Fulanluo?”

"This planet is somewhat special." Deathstroke used a light ring to project a star map of the star system and enlarged it for several people to see: "If we line up all the planets in this star system, we can discover something interesting."

He used his mind to manipulate the projection arrangement of the planets, and marked the volume and size of each planet.

San0i immediately saw the problem. He subconsciously tilted his head and entered into calculation and thinking.

Because when you look at it this way, compared with other planets in the same system, Fulanluo looks too big and too round.

Normal natural planets are often oblate. This is because of their rotation. The equatorial circumference is often slightly longer than the pole circumference, at least this is the case for other planets in this galaxy.

But Fulanluo is different. It is a perfect sphere. No matter how the circumference is measured from any angle, the data obtained are exactly the same.

San0 did not doubt the measurement data given by Deathstroke. There was no need for rich and powerful people to joke about this. He began to think.

"So this is an artificial celestial body? Like the Death Star?" Aphra also breathed. No one had ever thought about this in the past.

There are grasslands and Gobi deserts on Fulanluo planet, as well as rivers and mountains. Everything is so ordinary. Except for the sponge-like hole structure in the underground, it can be said to be the most common outer-ring remote planet in the galaxy.

"Beep beep." The little robot also expressed its opinion.

Translator 30 immediately explained his statement: "BT also found it strange. He was wondering how to use these natural materials to make a Death Star?"

"Humans may not be able to do it, but gods can." Su Ming withdrew the projection and signaled the work to continue. He was just providing some archaeological motivation for everyone: "So no matter what, we have to go to the deepest part of the planet to see, but no Don’t worry, just follow the archaeological process you are used to.”

The black-haired Wookiee was a mercenary. He knew nothing about archeology and could only wait and see.

Seeing his bored expression, Su Ming couldn't help but shake his head.

So, the mercenary's salary cannot be in arrears. He just couldn't stand Aphra's persistence and asked her to pay on credit once. From then on, he boarded the pirate ship. Aphra asked him to get on the ship and follow him, saying that every time Every time you make money, give him some back.

It sounds good, thanks to the sincerity of repaying the money.

But Aphra's job is called archaeology, but it's actually tomb robbing. It's just a bit worse than licking blood with the tip of a knife. It can be said that it's a job of licking blood with the edge of a knife.

Every time she was in danger, could Hegel not save her? If the debtor dies, the money will never be recovered.

But you have to pay money when you take action, including the cost of exploding crossbows and other ammunition, the cost of treating injuries afterwards, the cost of cleaning the dirty hair, and the cost of cigarettes and alcohol to relieve the psychological stress.

These are all money. Although Aphra promised to keep accounts and repay a small amount every one or two months, the debt is still getting bigger and bigger. I am afraid that this black Wookiee will be bound to her for the rest of his life. .

Seeing how pitiful he was, Su Ming waved to him, motioning to come closer and have a drink.

It has to be said that the Wookiees have plenty of courage. This big guy was hanged and knocked down not long ago. Now when he saw the wine, he came over.

The visual experience is like seeing a blind bear stand upright and burst into Olympic-level sprint speed of 100 meters.

"It's not easy for you to drink." Su Ming generously gave his colleague a small wine barrel with brandy in it.

"Ouch." The Wookiee responded in a low voice as if he was touched by something sad. He patted open the lid of the barrel with his big furry paws and drank heavily.

No matter which universe they are in, the life of mercenaries is almost the same. In addition to money, they often have one or two personal hobbies such as tobacco, alcohol, women, and face.

The key is that the pressure is high, there is no telling whether there will be another meal after this meal, and the involution within the industry is still very serious.

After all, there are no barriers to entry into the profession of murder. Just grab a kid from Africa and give him a gun and you can start your career.

That's why Deadpool's job is so hard, mainly because of illegal Mexican immigrants.

Those stowaways with mustaches and baseball caps often sit on the side of the road at bus stations and take jobs, from doing homework for primary school students to guest appearances in birthday bands; from coaching online games to escorting drugs or killing people, as long as they give Money can do anything.

The work done is the same as that of American mercenaries, and the asking price is often only one-tenth of the price.

Hegel Santan is also one of the powerful mercenaries in the Star Wars universe. He is not only Boba Fett's old partner, but also Chewbacca's big brother. He led the Wookiees as mercenaries. trend.

It is simply deplorable that it has fallen to this point now.

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