The Death Knell

Chapter 2914 Shocking Discovery

Archaeological work cannot be rushed, but Aphra is very efficient. With the help of a robot assistant, she came up with a conclusion in almost ten minutes.

"Their masks are the same as the one I sold you. Although the pattern, eyes and position are different, the material is also an unknown alloy." She handed Deathstroke a stack of masks as if holding a stack of tiles. : "As for the other fragments of furniture and other body parts of these robots, I think they are at least 80,000 years old."

She rubbed her face in a daze. When she measured this data, she thought her portable terminal was broken.

Historians and archaeologists all know that the history of the Milky Way is only more than five thousand years, and everything beyond that is blank.

Today, someone who is over 80,000 years old appeared. She was dumbfounded. It took such a long time because she repeated the dating matter several times using various means.

"I can't listen to the details of this hypothesis. The discovery of blank history is not good for my program logic." San0 looked down at BT and touched the top of the small robot's head: "Why don't we go kill a few people on the ground instead? According to psychological data, doing things you are familiar with and enjoy can effectively relieve tension."

"Didi beep!" The murder jar made a sound of approval.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be so troublesome." Harley taught them new tricks with a smile: "You are all robots, with strict logical thinking and super calculation ability, so you only need to simulate the scene of killing yourself in your head, and you can pass the observation Thinking about corpses and blood makes me feel relaxed, and that's how I stay in a good mood."

"You are indeed a charming and dangerous dark philosopher. Let's try it now." The robot began to flatter again, and his voice sounded like an old eunuch with rich experience in serving people.

"Hehehe... I like you. Even though I know everything you say is false, I still feel very caring." Harley grinned and twitched her eyebrows. She took out her lipstick and gave it to the two dark robots. They all had big red smiley faces on them: "Yes, I always felt that you were missing something, that is, you lacked expressions. Now you look much more sincere."

While Harley was chatting with the two robots, Su Ming, who was drinking with the Wookiee on his shoulders, put down the bottle in his hand and took the masks submitted by Aphra.

Strangler licked it, and then used his teeth to draw a line of sparks on it, confirming that these masks were indeed Celestial Alloy. Although it was not as strong as Marvel's, it was still the same thing.

Su Ming has seized a lot of items belonging to the Celestial God Group in the past few decades, but there has not been much progress in scientific research on them.

Because there is a big difference between those giant robots and the ‘magically modified human technology tree’ he mastered, or in other words, it is simply a gap at the black technology level.

How to use a series of numerical formulas to enable the God Group to operate on the level of reality? This remains unexplained.

Therefore, if there is really any discovery about the Celestials in the Star Wars universe, these slightly lower-end technologies may be used as a ‘ladder’ to connect, allowing the adjutants and others to get started smoothly.

This is like giving a medieval blacksmith a fully automatic assault rifle. He would have no idea how to imitate or improve the weapon.

But if he compares it with a flintlock-style gun, he may be able to understand the principle of firearms.

Of course, there is no need to rush this matter. Su Ming’s plan is to first explore the depths of the earth to see if there are any big hidden dangers. If not, he will take Fulanluo directly into the ghost universe and let him know in the future. Just dig up Aphra slowly and let the team of scientists study it slowly.

"As long as you can confirm that it is valuable, don't look too surprised. You are doubting life after only tens of thousands of years. If I let you see the creation tens of billions of years ago, wouldn't you have to turn into a vegetative state on the spot? "

After pinching her ears, Su Ming helped her come back to her senses, and then threw the girl directly onto the cloak:

"This time it's not the bottom yet. We need to continue going down. I'm more interested in what's in the center of the earth."


Strangler was in charge of drilling the holes, and the group just followed them down. Occasionally they encountered some guard robots on the way, but after they were blown up, they didn't even need to study them. They all seemed to be the same model anyway.

About a few hours later, when Harley was about to fall asleep due to Aphra's endless chatter, Strangler said that he had dug a huge underground cavity, and there was no more rock structure underneath.

The huge drill bit flowed back into Deathstroke's body, revealing the scenery under the big hole.

Unexpectedly, it was not pitch black, but a huge glowing water ball. There was a large distance between the liquid and the void. From a distance, it looked like a transparent ball of light suspended under the feet.

"So Fulanluo is a coconut?" Su Ming slowly descended and landed on the curved sea surface: "What kind of liquid is this? And how can it be in this form?"

Just this huge water ball, which is Fulanluo's "star core", is larger than the Earth's moon, and its existence form is unprecedented.

Sure enough, the world is full of wonders. Even if it is illogical and goes against the common sense of physics, the facts are right in front of us.

Strangler stretched out his small tentacle and fished it into the glowing liquid.


It means that the radiation intensity in this liquid is almost the same as that of the sun, but it does not have any heat, and the energy is not leaked out in other forms. It is all trapped in the liquid globule, just like...a thin soup version of nutritional jelly.

Unfortunately, it has no flavor and is not delicious at all.

The water polo is transparent, and you can see the situation on the other side from one side. There is nothing inside, just pure energy.

"It seems that this is indeed a creation of the gods. The specific situation still needs to be analyzed by the adjutant." Su Ming flew back to the flying carpet above and looked at Aphra who was biting her nails desperately: "This should be beyond your professional scope. Right?"

"If I tell the association about this discovery, I should be able to retire." The female doctor's eyes widened and her teeth made a clicking sound: "However, it was you who discovered it. If it weren't for your symbiont being the best The exploration equipment works well, but there is no way we can go so deep into the ground.”

She seemed relieved, which was right, after all, her small spaceship couldn't take away scientific discoveries of this level.

"I'm in a good mood now. I'll give you some extra money. Five hundred credits. Let the four of you share it." Su Ming tapped his wrist and brought it to his mouth: "Adjutant, prepare to execute the third plan. This I want the planet."

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