The Death Knell

Chapter 2948 The Force Awakens

Aphra only felt like she was floating in the vast expanse of the Milky Way, without even an inch of cloth on her body, just gliding through the universe naked.

Very smooth, very silky.

But she didn't feel cold or suffocated. Instead, she felt a sense of freedom and joy, as if she was integrated with the entire galaxy, so relaxed and comfortable.

The light of the stars shone on her back, and she felt extremely warm, so she swam more cheerfully like a fish in the water.

Reach out to touch the dust in space, or open your mouth to bite a frozen ice comet. Things that were impossible in reality in the past seem to be possible in your dreams.

Yes, she knew she was in a dream. After all, she didn't have amnesia. She still remembered picking up that strange lightsaber and feeling so happy that she ascended to heaven.

The question now is how to leave the spiritual world of the Force and return to the body of reality. Regardless of whether the mind is free or not, the body cannot be dispensed with.

She still wants to enjoy physical pleasure to the fullest. When she leaves this planet, she can sell the lightsaber backhand to a collector. Whoever likes it can be considered a Jedi Knight.

He was already being hunted by Darth Vader. If he became a Jedi again, wouldn't it mean that the Emperor of the Galactic Empire would come to kill him?

Although it is good to gain power, it must be alive, so it is better to discount it.

But just when she was thinking about who to sell the weapon to, she felt a pain in her arm, and then shed tears uncontrollably, because she felt a heart-wrenching sadness.

It was the regret of life and the loneliness of death. It was the perception of the universe that the colonial lightsaber brought to her. At this moment, that sword became a part of her life. Just thinking about losing it would break her heart.

Let alone selling it to others, just the thought of parting with it was like killing her.

"It seems that I have been tricked. Is the Force controlling the mind?" She subconsciously used the knowledge she had been instilled to analyze it. Then she was stunned and began to roll around in the imaginary universe: "Ah! This ghost thing It makes me no longer look like me! No, in this case I have to fight it with my own willpower and the Force, which is immune to manipulation effects."

Well, she has indeed grown a lot, and even knows how to use her Force powers to counter other Force techniques.

But just when she was struggling with whether she had been brainwashed, the world in her imagination suddenly changed dramatically. The entire galaxy was shrouded in darkness, as if there was an invisible curtain blocking everyone's vision. .

She felt a terrible sense of oppression coming over her. Although she didn't know what it was, she always felt that something terrible was about to appear.

Now she couldn't care less about whether she was herself or not. She immediately thought about getting out of this deep meditation state and returning to the state of a creature where body and soul were united.

"Breathe faster, open your eyes and drink!"

She suddenly woke up, still in the broken spaceship, and the doctor was hugging herself with a smile, sitting in a pile of bacteria blankets formed by spores.

"Ah, you woke up, the operation was successful, and now your breasts have been transplanted to your butt."

The doctor showed a big smile, and his eyebrows twitched rapidly toward Aphra as if they were loaded with springs.

But the archaeologist just smiled contemptuously and didn't take the bait at all. He sat up calmly, leaned close to Harley's ear, and whispered:

"I won't be fooled by you anymore because I don't have breasts."

With strength, you can speak with such confidence.

However, the person she was talking to was Harley. The little lunatic had seen too many capable people.

Can Aphra blow out the sun? Can she destroy the galaxy? Can she time travel?

Neither could, so in Harry's eyes he only saw a little milk cat being vicious, which was quite cute.

"Oh? Do you really think so? Have you never thought that I said this to distract you and prevent you from noticing your makeup for a short time?" Harley smiled and touched Aphra's hand. He kissed her face and left a lip mark by the way. Then he stretched and stood up and threw a small mirror to the doctor: "Look at my masterpiece. Do you like it?"

Thinking back to the lipstick that the doctor was holding in his hand just now, and the smile that looked like a successful prank, Aphra's heart trembled.

She couldn't let her grimace be seen by Leia outside, otherwise that silly Baitian would definitely laugh at her.

So the doctor hurriedly opened the small round mirror in his hand

However, apart from a lipstick mark on her face, she was clean and had no prank graffiti, but she was still deceived by Harley.

"Oh hahahaha"

Seeing the helpless look on Aphra's face, and the annoyance that she felt after being deceived, Harley laughed happily. She ran out of the spaceship and went to the underground cave outside to have fun.

Dagobah is a remote, fog-shrouded swamp planet that cannot be found on any modern star map and is a forgotten world.

From space, it looks like a dark green, lifeless and terrifying planet.

In the era of the Old Republic, an expedition team led by archaeologist Halka Fulden searched for antiquities on this swamp planet, but soon they all went crazy, claiming to have seen ghosts, and sought rescue from the Archaeological Association. .

But by the time the rescue team arrived, it was too late. She and her team members had disappeared, leaving only a log record full of noise and snowflakes.

Since then, no archaeologists have come here, and it has become a taboo legend in the archaeological community that the evil ghost killed people.

The planet is surrounded by gnarled trees and fetid swamps, vast lagoons that are home to terrifying snakes and other creatures that live in the dark waters, and birds with leathery wings that fill the mist-filled sky. Flying, but most of the time, animals in the water don't see the sun at all.

The unique knotted trees look like snakes coiled together. They are tall and strong, and their hanging branches and leaves are even covered with lichen flocs in the swamp. As the water flow fluctuates, they look like white ghosts. Shake.

At this time, in the hole of a tree, a small green alien suddenly opened his eyes. He was awakened from his meditation. The scene in the force perception was unprecedented, and he had previously thought about the future. His vision of the Force also became blurry.

"Why do I sense a cold black sun in the Force? What will it be like in the future?"

Master Yoda began to talk to himself with his own unique "inverted sentence". He gripped his cane tightly and looked at the turbid muddy water of the swamp with his big eyes, looking at the string of bubbles emerging from the water.

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