The Death Knell

Chapter 2949 Archeology ruins a life

"Is this the Force?" Su Ming said while skillfully manipulating the Force to move the metal garbage in the spaceship: "It feels like except for the bonus of cosmic insights, the effect is similar to that of a light ring. Some The skills are a bit similar to mo skills, such as sucking other people’s lifespan and so on..."

But it's okay, whether it's useful or not is another matter, but it's not overwhelming because of the many skills.

The Jedi bugs residing in the host body can be regarded as small light rings, and the universe can be regarded as a lamp furnace. How much a person can understand the universe, then how big the lamp furnace he can imagine will be. The insects can absorb cosmic energy from a larger range.

In terms of cosmic cognition, Deathstroke probably far surpasses anyone in the Star Wars world. When the Sith and Jedi visualized a galaxy, Deathstroke began to visualize countless numbered universes and different large universe systems. .

Therefore, he should have become the strongest user of the Force in history. However, there is still a lot to study about how to use the Force. It is best to find a place and spend some time to settle it.

"You... are very strong, and even the force you emitted unintentionally caused me to hallucinate." Master Hookspore seemed a little confused. He had no idea that he would create such a monster: "But why are you The image is a sun emitting black light? Who are you?"

As if instinctively, it also raised its arms diagonally, trying its best to lift its chest and head upwards.

The original intention is to show how big the sun is, but it seems more like praising the sun.

"Don't worry, I'm still me, and our agreement is still valid." Su Ming smiled, put away the old parts of the spaceship that fell, and patted Master Spore's belly: "Maybe for many people, Gaining the Force will make them lose themselves in a sense of power, but for me as the Sorcerer Supreme, it is nothing more than mastering a new cosmic energy."

After taking the reassurance, Ancylostoma was obviously relieved. It put down its hand and showed a ferocious and twisted smile:

"That's good, I can feel your emotions. You may be a human supremacist, but I still want to ask you to leave a way for those alien races to survive in the future as much as possible."

It's actually a bit weird for a humanoid mushroom to speak from a human perspective, but who says that the soul of an Unspore is a human being? He's just trapped in a body made of fungus.

And it seems to have really sensed some of Deathstroke's future plans.

"Although I think humans should be higher than alien races, not only because I am a human, but also because only humans have unlimited possibilities. But I will give the alien races a chance. All I ask for is absolute loyalty. "

Deathstroke smiled and answered him. This was a very serious promise, but then he became less serious:

"However, you should practice your smile more. I know you haven't used this skill to communicate with people before, but it's really unhuman to always imitate the stiff smile of a corpse."

"As long as you don't commit genocide." The hook spores changed the subject and talked about his smile: "I thought that as long as it was smiling, it would be fine. My host would not laugh when he was alive. As a result, It makes me unsure."

"You still need to practice more. Okay, our deal is established. Tell me the name of that woman. It's best to get another portrait." Su Ming turned to look at Aphra who was chasing and fighting with Harley outside the spaceship. When it comes to finding someone or digging a grave, let the professionals do it right.

The Spore Master nodded. It had been prepared for a long time. It took out a small projection device from the spore cluster on the side. After opening it, a floating woman's face was projected from it.

How should I put it, it is very difficult to get involved with beautiful women, but just looking at the smile in this avatar, it seems that you can feel a gentle power.

"This is her appearance, name, original address, genetic map, and family relationships are all recorded in it." Master Spore handed the button-sized projector to Deathstroke and nodded solemnly: "Then I'll leave it to you, no matter how long it takes The host and I will wait."

"Don't worry. If Aphra can't be found in a short time, I will send a fleet of the Mechanicus to help her search. Your wish will definitely come true. This is my promise to you."

Spore didn't understand what the Mechanicus was, but it felt relieved when it heard that there was a fleet. After all, 'there is strength in numbers' has always been one of the truths. It floated in the air, crossed its legs, and began to accumulate the force in its body:

"Thank you. Then I will send you away first and look forward to the day when we meet again. May the Force be with you."

"Thank you too, I think it will." Su Ming nodded slowly, showing a meaningful smile.

Immediately, whether it was him in the cabin or others in the cave hangar, they were all sent out of hyperspace in an instant, returned to the Haven IV underground in the material dimension, and accurately soaked into the underground river again.

"Ah, I'm back!" Aphra started to paddle in the river again, but this time she used some Force skills, so she paddled faster: "Although the process is a bit strange, am I also a Jedi now? Oh, I remember it should be like this, well, the power is coming!"

After saying that, she jumped out of the underground river like a flying fish, spread her legs and started running back and forth on the water, like a naughty child with too much energy.

"What? Master, you have become a Jedi Knight? Then will we be hunted down by the Sith army soon?" San0 thought of another aspect. Aphra was happy, but as teammates they might Oh no.

If the robot is captured by the enemy, it will most likely be melted into metal ingots, and it will also be the kind of junk metal that can only be made into tableware or belt buckles because the alloy composition is unknown.

"Strictly speaking, they should be considered dark Jedi." Aphra stopped and floated on the water: "So other Jedi will also hunt us down. This is no different from before."

"Oh, that puts me at ease. It turns out they are all going to die."

San0 responded in a nonchalant manner. The electronic voice seemed to be full of disbelief. He also carved his will on the rock wall beside the river. The first sentence included the famous saying "Archaeology ruins a life".

"Okay, you can't die." Su Ming took off his cloak, put Harley and Princess Leia on top, then fished the robot out of the water, while he floated aside and made plans: "We may be busy next It’s one o’clock, there are a lot of things to find, Aphra, are you ready?”

"Let's talk about the plan first. I need to know what else are you looking for besides the lightsaber crystal and Aldo Asperto?" Aphra also landed on the flying carpet, shaking like a wild dog. De Shui: "Now that I know that, I can make a reasonable quotation."

"We need to help the 'Corpse Master' find his first love, and then go to the Semati V to find the design drawings of the 'Hyperspace Disruptor', and go to the space near the Malak V to find the drawings of the Mass Shadow Generator. Go to the ruins of the Ulta galaxy to find the remains of the 'Cosmic Turbine', go to the past territory of the Hutt Empire to find the design of 'Pranchanna', and then dig out some things in the lost history of the Old Republic. , Star Forge, Infinity Gate, Grid Dark Matter Generator..."

Su Ming directly asked Strangler to pick up the pen and paper, and within a few seconds, he quickly made a list of more than 20 meters long for Aphra, and it was still getting longer.

"Oh oh oh! Wait!" Aphra caught the other end of the list and scanned it wildly with her eyes: "Isn't this too many projects? Do you want me to work for you for the rest of my life?!"

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