The Death Knell

Chapter 2964 A miserable world without the Internet

In other universes, life digitization is definitely a life-saving ability that makes any enemy feel troublesome, such as Ultron, such as Brainiac, such as Zola.

These robots upload their consciousness and thinking to the Internet and hidden offline servers. There may be countless backups, and it is almost impossible to completely kill them.

However, in the Star Wars galaxy, this ability is not even close to a star.

This universe is seriously biased towards science, and it can even be said that there is no Internet technology tree. However, long-distance communication technology is very advanced, but it is limited to simple communication. Group chat is not yet possible, and only one person can talk to one person.

Obviously this place has entered the interstellar age for a long time, but people are still stuck in the era where if they want to communicate over long distances, they have to use a communicator to dial. It is more like some kind of long-distance walkie-talkie.

There are no online games, no Wikipedia, not even portal news websites, and no concept of network applications at all.

Perhaps it is this factor that makes the rule of each regime unstable because the people at the bottom do not have enough entertainment projects.

In the interstellar era, there is basically no shortage of food. After all, with the existence of robots, the production of basic living materials is not a big problem. Even the slaves in the Old Republic era almost never starved to death, and food production was very high.

As for why people always rebel, even the Jedi Knights often have internal civil wars. Anyway, according to Su Ming's experience, they are all idle.

Chemical Bliss or Electronic Bliss requires at least one item to be installed.

Nowadays, the poor people in the galaxy have very few entertainment options. They either go to bars or find someone to donate their kidneys, but nothing else.

But those projects also cost money. Many people have no money, so they can only squat in their small residences and think wildly.

The more I think about it, the more frustrated I become, and the more I think about it, the more irritated I become. Once people are free, their thinking is out of control.

It's so uncomfortable when others are having fun, but I'm miserable.

The desire to change life will become more and more urgent, but social classes are solidified and you have no capital. How to change?

At this time, a stranger with a gentle face will appear, saying that he will take the crazy person to seek a better new life.

Then this man joined the rebel army.

But if there is a cheap entertainment project like the Internet, not to mention playing online games, even going to a forum to chat with strangers is a simple and unpretentious enjoyment, and the class is blurred, which can really bring us closer. The distance between people.

The key is that many things are free.

Emotions need to be released, and thoughts need to be guided. If the tool of the Internet is used well, it can do many things that cannot be done in reality.

People are accustomed to looking for answers on the Internet. It has largely evolved into a plug-in brain shared by everyone. Everyone's thinking in it will be like small thoughts, and the most sharp ones will naturally be ignored by most people. Obliterated by thoughts from a bystander's standpoint.

Take, for example, what happened with Anakin and Padmé.

Because he had no one to communicate with, he got into trouble with his thinking, was seduced by the dark force, and was manipulated by Palpatine.

But assuming there is an interstellar Internet, and Anakin was good at playing online when he was farming on a moisture farm as a child, then he can post online when he falls into self-doubt:

‘I suspect that my wife and master cheated on me, what should I do? Please wait online for answers. It’s very urgent. ’

‘Sofa, do you have any evidence? ’

'No, I just suspected it. I saw them talking secretly behind my back, and I wanted to choke her to death with the Force. ’

‘There is no evidence, you say nm, it failed to eat melon, the original poster sB, the appraisal is completed. ’

‘Take your child for genetic sequencing! idiot! What about the restoring force choke? Do you think you are a Sith? The original poster sB. ’

‘If you don’t want your wife, don’t kill her. What a waste. Give it to me. I’ll take over professionally. By the way, LzsB. ’

Building an interstellar Internet, where it is difficult for everyone to have a real name, so that class will be blurred to an extent that is unimaginable for creatures in the galaxy. After being comforted by such simple language, Anakin will most likely want to find evidence, even if To prove it to the internet trolls.

But then he will understand that everything is a misunderstanding.

Even if Palpatine continues to carry out conspiracy and provocation, his dark force cannot affect the data network. Only living things have the force, and the Internet has a life.

Besides, even if there is no forum or post bar, it is always no problem for Jedi masters to use chat software to form a group. If he has any doubts in the group, can't those experienced Jedi masters help Anakin clear up his doubts? Obi-Wan will naturally explain things clearly.

Misunderstandings are all caused by insufficient communication. There is nothing to say about this.

However, that won't happen in the future. When the Supreme Master takes over this universe, he will definitely lead the galaxy to modernization, at least to realize the freedom of online chatting.

"Well, I got the Eternal Ruler, which is an unexpected surprise." Seeing that the crystal in his hand could no longer communicate after leaving the device, Deathstroke just nodded and put it into his pocket: "With this life principle With the gathering of power in hand, the next step of the plan becomes much simpler."

"What's next in the plan?"

Aphra took out the long list to see if there were any notes on it and what she wanted to find next.

Deathstroke jumped off the console, put his arm around Harley, who was approaching, and led everyone back the way they came.

Without the control of the computer's processor core, all the falling robots around them fell straight down, no different from garbage.

He stood on the elevator again, called everyone over, and explained:

"The next step is to resurrect Representative Padmé Amirada, and then make a deal with Darth Vader. Without this Ruler, I was originally going to extract the life span of a certain planet to resurrect her, but now that I have this good It saves trouble if you use batteries.”

The archaeologist tilted her lips. She originally thought that this Eternal Ruel would be very powerful. He had his own high-tech castle, an almost infinite lifespan, and he was also a Jedi Master with a very high seniority.

As a result, they can do nothing but throw robots when they fight.

Isn't this the same as before? During the fight, throw Hegelsantan and BT out, and hide behind to provide support.

"Have you finished talking to Darth Vader?"

"That's right. He asked me to meet him. According to his character, he probably planned to try my skills before making a decision." Su Ming smiled and stamped his feet. He took the elevator with several people and immediately started to fall freely: "But when Padmé is in my hands, Harley will put a gun to her head, so the 'ventilator' actually has no choice."

"Then what if he also captures me as a hostage?" Aphra blinked. You must know that force choke is a long-range skill.

Deathstroke just smiled: "Then you say you are his daughter. Now he has been secretly investigating whether he has children."

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