The Death Knell

Chapter 2965 Planet Naboo

Naboo is located near the edge of the outer ring of the Milky Way galaxy, but it is not deserted. Instead, it can be regarded as a rare outer ring pearl.

The geology of this planet is very unique. There is no core inside. The situation is somewhat similar to Fulanluo, except that it has more water resources.

With sufficient water sources, biodiversity will be guaranteed to a certain extent.

If Fulanro is like a fluffy sponge, then the structure of Naboo is a bit like a dishwashing loofah, with a complex network of caves and tunnels scattered inside its rocky sphere, which allows for the numerous swamp lakes on the planet's surface. Go deep beneath the planet.

Originally, the indigenous people here were Gungans, a kind of intelligent amphibian creature with light brown skin and a head that looked a bit like a lizard.

When humans colonized this planet, they fought with them, but the final result of the battle was that the ground belonged to humans, while the Gungans continued to live in their underwater and underground cities without disturbing each other.

The Gungans use underground water-filled cave networks for transportation. It is difficult for humans to fight them underwater. They have also tamed some amphibian giants with amazing appetites. Their combat effectiveness is not weak, but they love peace.

There are large lakes, flat wilderness, and occasionally green hills on the surface of this planet, all of which look as beautiful as in an oil painting.

Living in such an environment, the Gungan people have a very good artistic level, and the city is also beautifully built, with an underwater transparent dome built using hydrostatic bubble technology.

After humans arrived here, they were gradually influenced by the beautiful scenery, began to advocate commerce and art, and became the famous Naboo people, a nation that also loves peace.

But they are more luxurious. Naboo's costumes are famous for their exaggerated decorations and complex matching. The interior of the palace is magnificent and the exterior has a beautiful blue dome. It is a pleasure to walk anywhere in the city.

The political system pursued by the Naboo people is very special and may be called an 'idol constitutional system'.

Whenever the previous generation of queen dies, people will elect a super young girl to become the queen. This selection does not limit any identity and only depends on the absolute public opinion.

Even if she was a country girl before the election, she could become the ruler of the planet after the election, dress up beautifully, live in a luxurious palace, and exercise the rights of the head of state.

Of course, Naboo's parliament has the final say on all major and minor matters in governing the country. The queen's right is to dismiss the parliament. She also has the Royal Guards at her disposal, so she is not a complete puppet.

The most famous Queen of Naboo is Padmé. After all, she has many stories.

The spark of the Clone Wars was here. The Trade Federation blocked all routes around Naboo, causing trade routes in the entire Outer Rim to be blocked.

Padmé, who was also the queen at the time, ran around seeking support, and after realizing the decay and delays of the Old Republic, she returned to Naboo and allied herself with the underwater Gungans, proposing slogans like 'Unite for Strength'. With the help of the Jedi, the invaders were defeated.

Originally, the Gungans and the Naboo ignored each other and lived their own lives. However, after that, both sides united and the planet's development reached another level.

Of course, the good times didn't last a few years, and then the Old Republic fell, Padmé abdicated, died a few years later, and the galaxy was taken over by the Empire.

But Naboo can be regarded as a stable place in today's troubled times, because Palpatine, the current emperor of the Galactic Empire and the former representative of Naboo, is also from this planet, and he always has a preference.

So much so that Princess Leia said that this is actually the heart of the empire.

The current Queen of Naboo is Apelana. She was only 12 years old when she succeeded, but she is actually a very independent leader with a tough attitude and determination, even more skillful than Padmé.

Various diplomatic methods have been used, and now even the Empire's garrison is invisible on the planet Naboo. It still maintains a high degree of autonomy while nominally belonging to the Empire.

However, Su Ming and his party didn't need to look for her when they came to Naboo, because their goal was to dig Padmé's grave, and there was no need to explain anything to irrelevant people.

Just find it yourself.

After Padmé's death, her body was carried back to Theed, the capital of Naboo, by the Jedi. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets that day to bid her farewell and was finally buried in a mysterious location on the planet.

Emperor Palpatine had a bad habit of collecting and preserving the corpses of famous people. The corpses of several members of the Jedi Supreme Council are now in his collection, soaked in large jars and used as ornaments in the Imperial Palace.

So Obi-Wan knew that Padmé's body could not fall into the hands of the enemy, otherwise Anakin would always be controlled by the dark side, so he must have hidden her body with Padmé's past friends.

But now that Obi-Wan is also dead, this information has been brought into the coffin. The exact location of the queen's body depends on archaeologists.


"There is a high probability that it is underwater." Sitting in a seaside park, Su Ming tore up the bread in his hand and fed it to the seabirds, enjoying the feeling of traveling: "For the Gungan people, the representative of Amirada is They were friends forever and her body was hidden underwater and it was a pipe dream for the Empire to find her.”

"It turns out that Darth Vader's real name is Anakin Skywalker, and he is Luke's father..." Aphra listened to the story told by Deathstroke during a picnic at the beach, and is now in shock. In the midst of it, he muttered in a low voice with a tangled look on his face: "This world is too small, is Leia still Luke's biological sister? The Black Knight was once a hero among the Jedi Knights?"

It was a lot of information and it would take some time for her to digest it.

Master Aoife and Mary separated from everyone when they left Aspetu. Their master and apprentice will go to Master Yoda at the location given by Su Ming, while the black-haired Wookiee is still on standby on the spaceship, currently located in Na cloth in low-Earth orbit.

So now the three people sitting on the picnic cloth are Su Ming, Harley, and Aphra, and the mechanical Crouching Dragon and Phoenix have gone to the city to inquire about the news.

"Aren't you very familiar with Darth Vader?" Su Ming watched the white seabird catch the food thrown by him in the air, and talked to Aphra with a smile: "You have been hanging out with him for so many years after graduation, at least... You should know a name, right?"

"I'm not familiar enough to chat, because if I talk too much, he will choke me with the Force." The girl rolled her eyes, holding a sandwich in her hand, biting it, and moved her neck: " I couldn't even imagine that a monster like him had ever been married, just imagine Darth Vader being held in the arms of a beautiful woman..."

She immediately shuddered and showed a 'disgusted' expression.

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