The Death Knell

Chapter 2966 Continue to dig graves

"Okay, now you know the secret that you should know. Now you have no objection to my plan, right?" Su Ming handed the half piece of bread in his hand to Harley and asked her to try feeding the birds. Aphra said: "For the future of the galaxy, it is better for me to replace the Empire."

"I have never objected." Aphra rolled her eyes. She started to eat and said vaguely: "You are so strong, how can I dare to have different opinions? Besides, you give The money is also generous.”

"It's good to understand. Anyway, no matter how bad my governance ability is, it is still hundreds of times better than the empire and the rebels. What's more, I also have my own country. Internal affairs are generally managed by my supercomputer. That is freedom and equality. The ideal state.”

Well, humans are equal, but aliens are not humans.

"Are you still an emperor?" Aphra blinked. She was really a little surprised, because Deathstroke didn't have the problem of a politician.

He is very realistic, keeps his word, and is a straightforward person.

"I have the title of Emperor, which means the Emperor of Emperors. I usually don't ask about internal affairs. Professional issues should be handled by professionals." Su Ming looked down at Harry drawing a bird on the bread with lipstick. Touching the top of her head: "But my current military strength is better than that of the entire galaxy."

"I understand. You want me to help you persuade Luke and the others, right? Do you want Leia to disband the rebels?" Aphra wiped the corner of her mouth with her backhand, as if she understood something.

"After all, you are friends. I came to Master Yoda with the same intention. I just wanted to try to solve the problem peacefully... But if it doesn't work, I will have to erase all the opponents."

The sea breeze blows and the warm sun shines. Deathstroke, dressed in casual clothes, talks about dark topics calmly.

"Isn't it enough even if Darth Vader recognizes their relatives... Then I have to doubt the strength of my words. The relationship between Luke and Leia and me is not as good as you think. .”

"You underestimated yourself, or overestimated Luke and Leia, because they don't have many friends at all, except for those two robots and Han Solo, Chewbacca and others. It's your turn, Because you never thought about asking them for anything.”

This is also true. Luke grew up on a farm and picked up trash in his spare time. He lived in a remote country like Tatooine, where almost everyone was a selfish and unruly person.

How can we have any friends? It’s all just business.

Princess Leia is a little better. Her adoptive father is the first councilor of the planet Alderaan and the governor of the planet. She is a little princess there and naturally has many friends.

But Hollande was blown up by the Death Star No. 1, and her friends became space dust. Now those around her are just colleagues in the Rebel Alliance.

The rebel army was nominally founded by Princess Leia, but now all the top officials inside are alien generals. They just keep Princess Leia to control the human soldiers and let her go around to attract sponsorship and aristocratic connections.

If the Empire can still talk about it, it won't work if alien organizations like the Rebels don't disband.

The rebels are good at guerrilla warfare in space and tunnel warfare on planets, but the Chinese people are the ancestors of these things. Coupled with the interstellar warrior troops who are best at "purifying aliens", those alien aliens can't make any trouble.

"Hey, I'm not as good as you said. In fact, I've tricked them many times." Aphra smiled a little shyly, pretending to be embarrassed, but her chin was raised high.

"Because even if you cheated them, it was just to make money. In the eyes of some people, this is simply too simple, right? Jellybean."

Su Ming also laughed. Aphra was just greedy for money and lustful, and all her plans basically revolved around these two purposes. Once you get to know her well, you will find that she has no ambition at all. She just wants to make a lot of money, and then marry her girl. Friends spend a lot of money together.

Who doesn’t want to make money? At least Luke and Han Solo can understand a lot of her actions.

"That's right. A simple girl like you, cutie, can't survive more than a week in Gotham, right?" Harley tore into the bread in her hand and kept her eyes on the sea. She was really enjoying her beach vacation: "Being seen through too easily often means that you will not live long. You are lucky to have met Mi Tang and I, and we are both good people now, hehe."

"What the hell did you two live in before?! A planet where you would die if you were seen through?! Why do you still act like you're used to it?!"

Aphra finally started to complain. She couldn't understand what the two of them were talking about, and she was left with only two options: complaining and telling cold jokes.

"Don't worry about those details, just focus on the task at hand. It's enough to rest for a few hours. Shelly, please contact 30 and BT now and ask them if they have heard anything. The Gungans are near the capital of Naboo, Theed." Are there any unknown but ancient ancestral graves underwater?”

"Hmm? Okay, you can call me that. After all, we are also friends." Dr. Aphra took out her communication terminal and touched the dirt on the keyboard, which she got on when eating. of paste.

"As long as you don't ask me to borrow money, then we will be friends."

Su Ming shrugged, held up the terminal with his small strangulating tentacles, and asked the doctor to quickly dial.

"Stingy bastard, what's the point of being an emperor? Huh! San0, do you have any clues over there?"

The girl rolled her eyes at Death Knell, placed the connected communicator on the checkered picnic cloth, and looked at the robot's face projected in it.

San0 seemed to be in a good mood at this time. He was enjoying shopping. After all, the archaeologist's robot always appeared on some uninhabited planets in the past. Where had he seen such prosperity as Naboo?

"Of course, my dark and charming master, there is the Jedi badge you 'borrowed' from the Corpse Master as proof. This kind of information can be obtained by just asking an old Gungan on the street. It cannot even be considered archeology. . But the fine scales on their bodies make my knuckles sticky. Just in case, can I buy myself an automatic scale scraper and install it before going into the sea?"

"Don't even think about it! I won't pay for the scale scraper. If you don't want to go into the water with me, don't make such excuses." The girl licked her nostrils and flicked a small sticky ball toward the sea.

"Oh, my great and beautiful Master Aphra, how could I not want to be with you?" San0 knew Aphra very well and began to flatter her on the spot: "But if you are smart and intelligent, you must know our waterproof design. It’s not prepared for the deep sea. You never thought of taking us on an adventure from the beginning, right?”

"Ahem, yes, yes!" Aphra couldn't help but smile again. She agreed without humility at all, thinking that she was indeed smart, wise and beautiful: "I have known for a long time that you can't enter the deep sea. Now, Tell me the clues you asked about, and then you and BT can stay in the city and have fun, and you are not allowed to spend money indiscriminately, and you are not allowed to touch my account funds."

Su Ming and Harley looked at each other, and sure enough, Aphra was indeed very simple, in some strange ways.

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