The Death Knell

Chapter 2972 ​​The Queen’s Sigh

San0 and BT are robots. In a world where humans have no entertainment projects, there are naturally no entertainment activities to play, because many people regard robots as entertainment projects.

When they found them, Wolong and Fengchu were of course in a repair shop, picking out their favorite spare parts like Gossip Girl picking out high-heeled shoes.

But because they had no money, San0 tried to negotiate the price with the robot salesman by using the excuse that the bluing on a transmission part was not perfect and that it was a refurbished product.

Since he had done a good job in the past and should receive some rewards, Su Ming generously spent five credits to buy a set for each of the two robots. He also bought a few pain sensing modules to go back and study.

Amid Wolong's flattery, the group walked to the Naboo Palace. On the way, Aphra told Padmé about the rebels in words with strong personal opinions.

In her mouth, the Rebels are almost equivalent to the decadent Old Republic, because its internal command system is indeed like this.

When Padmé heard that there were dozens of representatives she didn't like in the former Republic's '2000 delegation' who were now high-ranking officials in the rebel army, she immediately frowned.

She would never forget that when Naboo was blockaded by the separatists, it was those people who prevented the Republic from sending troops, insisted on making Naboo compromise with the Trade Federation, and held endless meetings, giving the Trade Federation an opportunity to use its delaying tactics. .

If he hadn't discovered that the Republic was unreliable and decided to be self-reliant, Naboo would have been turned into a garbage dump full of factories.

When she heard Aphra say that Leia, the nominal leader of the rebel army, was her daughter and was being used as a diplomatic tool and human mascot by professional politicians, the queen had obviously become angry.

But then, she could only sigh, because she understood that it was precisely because of her and Anakin's absence that Luke and Leia lost a lot of things when they were growing up. They were not good at politics at all, and they were just because of their status. The duck was driven to the shelves.

Because of Anakin's inheritance, Luke was trained as a Jedi by Obi-Wan; and because of his identity, Leia was raised as a princess.

Leia's adoptive father, Bail Organa, was his good friend, and it was precisely because of this that he doted on the child too much, or in other words, he raised Leia to be an idealist.

Although he is a good boy, in the heart of an idealist, he is willing to sacrifice everything for his ideals, and he also believes that others should be able to sacrifice everything just like himself.

Such a person may become a good warrior, but he will never be a qualified politician, because this kind of requirement can only win over fanatical believers with his personal charm, but cannot win the love of the vast majority of people.

Without benefits, everything is empty talk, and there is no reason for people to pay unilaterally.

And during the conversation, Padme quickly understood why Deathstroke needed to exert influence on the Rebels himself, because the leadership structure of the Rebel Alliance was inherently unstable.

Archaeologist Dr. Aphra made it very clear that the leadership of the Rebel Alliance mainly came from the previous nine forces.

The first is the group of aristocratic remnants of the old republic. They have begun to play the classic aristocratic hedging of their bets. The family's heirs serve for the empire or the rebels at the same time to ensure that the family will not fall no matter what.

This kind of political trick is old. After hearing this, the Queen could only lament that nothing has changed, it is still the same. The existence of these 67 former representatives alone is doomed. Even if the Rebel Alliance can overthrow the Empire in the future, they will create it again. A republic emerges and resumes its old ways.

But they have family heritage, money, resources, and connections. This is a weakness that the rebels cannot make up for without them.

The second force comes from the 'Anti-Separatist Alliance Army'. This force was the Naboo-Gungan coalition and was led by Padmé during the Clone Wars.

After Padmé's death, the new Queen of Naboo, Apelana, suspected that this was done by the Imperial Emperor, so in order to take revenge, she ordered the army to join the Rebel Alliance. She hid behind the scenes and commanded through agents. At the same time, she also The Rebel Alliance provides part of the military expenses.

The third party is the Organa Resistance, most of whom are Leia's adoptive father's former subordinates and friends, as well as people who also felt threatened by the empire's brutality after the planet Organa was destroyed by the Death Star.

Most of the former civilians in this force have now become recruits, commonly known as cannon fodder.

The fourth party force is from the 'Atrevis Resistance Organization', a group of people led by Chen Cuiwei. They are from the 'Deep Thought', which is an interstellar cruiser-level 'home ship', which is mobile Space city.

This group of people joined only because the Rebel Alliance could help them fight against their old enemies, the Mantuin people. Whoever helped them rescue the slaves on Mantuin was a friend.

The rebels rescued the slaves, but not completely. They kept Mantuin there and rescued a few people today and a few more in the next few days to play control.

The fifth category, 'Phoenix Squadron', is a large group of free space pilots, including a hodgepodge of smugglers, interstellar couriers, cargo ship pilots, bounty hunters, mercenaries, etc.

Han Solo is somewhat of a celebrity among this group, but the recognized leader is Commander Jun Sato.

The sixth party is the 'Masasi Group', which is the former Imperial army that rebelled after the Battle of Yavin. The leader is the former Star Destroyer commander General Jan Donner. After seeing the Death Star explode, he felt that the Empire was not enough. It was not strong enough to achieve the great goal of human rejuvenation, so he rebelled with his old troops and quit.

They are currently the largest force in the Rebel Alliance, and most of their members are human supremacists. Aphra was able to speak in front of them, and many of the officers were her former military school classmates.

The seventh force is the 'Mothma Legion', which is the private army of Councilor Mo Mothma and his political followers. Padmé is an old acquaintance with her. This woman is probably the one who likes to 'preach peace' the most in the galaxy. ' is a person who always says that all disputes can be resolved through meetings.

During the Clone Wars, she protested that the Naboo people had killed too many combat droids, saying that the lives of robots also mattered, and strongly demanded that Naboo and the Jedi Knights lay down their weapons, negotiate peace with the Trade Federation, and pay compensation.

Therefore, even though both parties smiled every time they met, Padmé hated her to death. She was a hypocritical politician who only wanted to get others to lay down their weapons, while she raised a large number of private armies.

The eighth force is the "Ghost", and its core members are a five-person team captained by Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus. They are a strange combination of disabled people, autistic orphans, mental illness, and fools.

They have united a group of low-status technicians and scientific researchers, and some free robots have also joined them. They belong to a relatively moderate faction in the Rebel Alliance. They just want to live happily every day, and like to explore and conduct research. It is a bit like those in the camp. scientists and archaeologists.

San0 and BT like them because sometimes they meet acquaintances from ‘Ghost’ somewhere and can get free body parts maintenance.

However, judging from history, they will also be merged into Phoenix Squadron at the end of this year.

The ninth force is the Jedi Order, but after Order 66, the Order existed in name only. It is hard to say how many Jedi Masters survived. Currently, only Master Yoda is known to be the surviving Supreme Council member.

The style of the rebels is guerrilla warfare combined with mobile warfare. They disperse their manpower throughout the galaxy, lurking on remote planets, or simply have fleets wandering around the universe. They usually fight on their own, but when strategic decisions are needed, the leaders of all parties hold meetings. to decide.

To be precise, Master Yoda does not participate in any meeting. What is left is the kind where 67 former representatives of the Republic and seven leaders of other factions meet, talk about the issues and then initiate a vote, and the votes are counted by head...

Padmé walked on the familiar yet unfamiliar streets of Sid, looking around and listening to the archaeologist's low-pitched introduction to the rebels. She nodded sometimes and frowned, with very complicated emotions.

It's not that the Queen is worried about the Rebel Alliance, but because of Aphra.

Although this girl looks slovenly and not very serious, she has a philistine and cunning philistine smile on her face, always showing two small tiger teeth.

But through these appearances, Padme discovered that the girl was quite smart and had a very strong ability to analyze intelligence.

Although she is just an archaeologist running around, she is very clear about the situation on both sides of the war, and she can see at a glance the chaos within the rebels. The war with the empire is just about comparing who is worse, and there is no future. .

The queen sighed. Seeing her daughter's peers, she only thought that it would be great if Leia was so smart...

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