The Death Knell

Chapter 2973 Master and Servant Reunion

Walking in the shopping street, which is the only way to the Palace Square, Padmé felt a trance like a world away. She always felt that the last time she saw these people and things happened a few days ago. Same.

But she also knew that even though her appearance and age had not changed at all, and she still looked like she was in her twenties, more than twenty years had actually passed, and many things had changed.

Despite this, she stopped looking at a shop on the roadside, which was a fast food restaurant.

"Come and buy, come and buy, Shula juice and fried pond fish fingers." A businessman was standing at the door of the shop, dancing and soliciting business, and there were actually many customers coming.

Padmé smiled happily. At least Naboo still had something she was familiar with. Fast food was her idea to provide the people of Naboo with convenient food and some entertainment. This 'Unity Meal' was also her invention.

Shula fruit is a specialty of Naboo and Padmé's favorite fruit. It looks like a pear but tastes a bit like mango and peach without the pit.

Swamp fish is actually a collective name for hundreds of species of small miscellaneous fish. They live in various water systems. In the past, they were the staple food of the Gungan people in addition to aquatic plants.

When the two races united, the Naboo people obtained the fish under the deep water caves, while the Gungan people obtained the fruits deep in the interior. This is one of the most obvious benefits.

In order to promote this idea of ​​fusion, Padmé processed her favorite fruit and the small fish that Jar Jar Binks said that Gungans loved to create this unity recipe.

She was obviously relieved to see that the national policies she had formulated were still being implemented smoothly, and the people of Naboo were living and working in peace and contentment.

But when she just wanted to peek quietly, with her aunt's smile still on her face, Su Ming had already gone to the fast food restaurant to buy some set meals and came back, stuffing one portion into each person's hands.

"Here you go, Padmé. Do you like Shula fruit? I want everyone to try it."

Although in his opinion, this kind of take-out, on-the-go set meal can only be regarded as a snack, the combination of Shula juice and fish sticks is as simple as 'orange juice with French fries'.

But the idea of ​​combining eating and shopping as leisure and entertainment is a good idea in an "entertainment desert" like Star Wars.

"Thank you, let's continue walking. There are guards at the main entrance of the palace, but I know a secret passage." Padmé had already adjusted her mentality. After listening to Aphra's introduction, she already understood what choice she should make.

"I remember that you were once blocked in the palace by the Separatists, and it was only thanks to Obi-Wan and Anakin that you entered the hangar and broke out. It seems that the palace was renovated later?"

Su Ming nodded, followed the former queen into the alley in the distance, and recalled the plot.

"Before the Clone Wars, the people of Naboo were obsessed with art and never thought that they would be attacked. Naturally, there was no secret escape route from the palace. Since there was no road before, I will build a road. It's that simple. "

The queen smiled and came to the door of a house in an alley, opened the pendant on her rosary, took out a small code tube, and inserted it into a gap beside the door.

The door opened, and the decoration in the room was not like what you saw outside. Instead, it was filled with various weapons and communication equipment, as if you were ready for war at any time.

Closing the door behind her, she stepped around the weapons and into the basement to open a trap door in the floor.

"This is it. It leads directly to the small tea room in the back garden of the palace. If you just need to meet Apelana, you can go here."

"It's indeed a tunnel, not bad." Su Ming stuffed a few fried fish into his mouth and jumped down from the tunnel with a drink in hand: "It's just a little narrow, so the hoverbike might not be able to pass."

It was obvious that no one had used this place for a long time. The air was filled with the smell of dust, and the lighting fixtures had been damaged a lot along the way, but there was no danger.

After traveling underground for about fifteen minutes, when I left the tunnel through the ladder again, I came to a magnificent small living room. The exit was behind a big clock.

All the walls are golden, and even the coasters on the coffee table are beautifully carved. There are fruit plates and teapots on the table, as well as some beautiful pastries, and there is a sweet smell all around.

"Who are you?" At this time, a voice came from the door. It was a white-haired nun wearing a gorgeous gray robe. She was also holding a set of golden headdress in her hand. She was obviously preparing to pass here.

But she didn't yell when she saw a stranger. Perhaps the brown robe on Deathstroke reminded her of it.

Padmé was stunned for a moment, took off her sunglasses and looked at the other person's face carefully, then tore off the cloth covering her face and ran towards the other person: "It's me, Eli, I'm back."

"Your Majesty the Queen? No, this is impossible." Although she said she didn't believe it, she still dropped what she was holding and hugged Padmé with tears in her eyes: "I'm obviously looking at you... .”

"Just call me Padmé, have you forgotten? I am no longer the queen of Naboo. My only identity now is that of your sister." Padmé also rubbed her eyes, but she was obviously stronger and endured Without crying, he explained: "This is Master Deathstroke. He found a way to resurrect me."

Su Ming completely fell into the role of Jedi Master, put his hands in his wide cuffs, smiled and nodded.

"No, Your Majesty, you will always be the Queen of Naboo, and I will always be your maid." Eli wiped his eyes, smiled and nodded to Deathstroke, then looked at Padmé carefully: "Queen, you are still So beautiful, so young, so good, oh my God, I almost doubt this is a dream."

"My good sister, this is not a dream, but I don't have time to explain too much. Now I must meet Queen Apelana secretly. Is she in the throne room?" Padmé touched the other person's face, this time two seconds apart. Ten years of contact made her tremble slightly. The last time they held hands was when she was dying.

Eli held Luke while Motel held Leia, the two newborn babies they both cared for.

"Yes, she is there, discussing trade taxes with the Parliament." The maid cheered up and answered the question without hesitation: "She will be happy if she knows you are coming back. The person she admires most is you. , no, to be precise, the people of Naboo will be extremely excited about this.”

"Keep it secret, Eli. If Palpatine knows that I'm alive, he will let me die again. This matter must be kept secret." Padmé comforted the maid who was so excited that she forgot about it, and whispered: "Can you inform me? Did Apelana come over secretly to see me? I have something I need to discuss with her."

The maid nodded seriously. She wiped her face and rearranged her hair: "I obey your decree, Your Majesty."

After speaking, she followed etiquette and left the room backwards, closing the door carefully.

"It seems that your influence on Naboo has not declined, and has even been deified because of death. This is good news." Deathstroke sat on the sofa nearby, picked up the snacks on the table and tasted: "As long as Apelana By agreeing to withdraw the anti-separatist coalition forces, the Rebel Alliance lost at least 60% of its ground forces."

"I understand what to do. You want to dismember the Rebel Alliance from within. Judging from their composition, you need to win over a group, suppress a group, and eliminate a group. I will fulfill the agreed deal." The former queen returned He sat down next to the sofa and blinked at the death knell: "But what I'm curious about is that you seem to be a person who often appears on the battlefield. Why are you so familiar with politics?"

Deathstroke shook his head. He put away the food packaging bag and replied: "This strategy is not mine, but the wisdom passed down by the sages in my hometown. I am just an ordinary Supreme Mage."

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