The Death Knell

Chapter 2974 Iron-Blooded Daughter

Harley and Aphra had become silent workers, rushing to eat the palace snacks, while San0 and BT helped each other replace new parts, and the small tea room quickly became quiet.

Just a few minutes later, Apelana followed Eli into the room in a hurry. She was wearing a very luxurious black floor-length dress, which was a set of mourning clothes.

After taking over, she announced to the people that she would change the electoral law and cancel the four-year election system. She would find the murderer of Padmé.

And before the great revenge is avenged, she will not abdicate. She will always govern the country in mourning clothes. She will not get married or enjoy herself. She will devote all her love to Naboo and Queen Amidala of Naboo.

She is really Padmé's little fan girl, and she is also the kind of crazy fan.

But there are advantages to this. The first time she saw the former queen, Apelana recognized that it was true. Even though she was only 12 years old when she succeeded to the throne and is now four years old, she still remembers Padmé. All the details on her body, including her smell and eyes.

"Your Majesty the Queen." She walked quickly and held Padmé's hands, with a subtle smile on her face covered with thick white powder: "It's great that you can come back. During the time you were away, I still succeeded. The land preserved Naboo's independence."

"No, you are Her Majesty the Queen." Padmé held the woman's hand and shook her head with emotion: "The last time I saw you, you were still a little girl, but now, you are already a qualified leader. I know the situation on Naboo and how difficult it is to maintain its independence within the Empire."

Yes, Padmé started to sigh again, she just felt that it would be great if Leia was as smart as Apelana.

"My actions are nothing compared to the contributions you have made to Naboo. I should return my position to you immediately."

Apelana, who was already middle-aged but had never married because of her vows, sat down next to Padmé. As if she had found some support, she hugged the latter's arm tightly:

"But the time is not right now. Naboo is Palpatine's hometown. Although I can prevent the Imperial Army from entering here, I cannot stop the infiltration of the Inquisition and spies. The news of your resurrection cannot spread."

"I don't want the throne, you are the one who is suitable to sit there." Padmé shook her head, and she patted Apelana on the back: "But I need you to cancel your cooperation with the Rebel Alliance and remove Naboo's troops from all over the galaxy. All secretly transferred back.”

Speaking of business, Apelana also sat up straight. She didn't even look at Deathstroke and the others, she only saw her senior:

"But if my guess is correct, it was Palpatine who killed you. If we want to kill him for revenge, we must rely on the collective strength of the rebels."

"The full name of the Rebel Alliance is the 'Allied Forces for the Rebellion of the Republic'. They do not want to create a new world, but they want to return everyone to the past, an era when slave owners and big businessmen jointly ruled."

Padmé also took on the posture of a queen and seriously put forward her own point of view:

"Not to mention the issues of slavery and class consolidation, just what the Republic has done to Naboo is not worth Naboo's life for them."

Apelana, who listened carefully, nodded, but then shook her head:

"I will never forget, even when I was a young child, how the Separatist fleet blocked the sky over our planet. Among the representatives of the Old Republic, all the really good guys were killed by Palpatine. But this does not prevent me from using the resources of the Rebel Alliance to avenge you."

This is the current queen's plan, she is superficially submissive to the Empire, and Palpatine is willing to give in. Secretly, supporting the Rebel Alliance and organizing various sabotage and assassination operations are all aimed at revenge.

As for whether the rebel army's final revolution will be successful? Will those representatives of the old republic come to power again? It's not something she has to consider.

She just wanted Palpatine to die.

If it weren't for the fact that Naboo didn't have her own fleet and only had ground troops, so she couldn't directly press the army to Sancoro, she wouldn't be too lazy to fight with the old aristocratic politicians in the rebel army.

Hearing Apelana's words, Padmé was inevitably a little moved. In fact, she was not very familiar with this little girl before she was alive. She only knew that she was a 'crazy fan'.

After all, he abdicated during his lifetime, and was succeeded by Queen Jamilia, who later passed the throne to Queen Nyetni. When he died, Apelana had just succeeded.

From 22-BBY to 19-BBY, including Padme herself, Naboo had four queens in just a few years.

Jamilia is a round-faced loli who is an amiable person who is good at domestic affairs and diplomacy; while Nyetni is a somewhat melancholic girl who is a biologist and business genius.

They were all good girls who wanted to serve Naboo, but in the chaotic environment of the galaxy at that time, only hardliners like Apelana were the most suitable for Naboo, so they all gave way.

The real specialty of Naboo is the endless supply of talented girls.

And now it seems that Apelana has indeed lived up to expectations, being tough and skillful. She has completed the transformation of Naboo from a constitutional monarchy to an electorate, and the parliament seems to have been subdued by her.

"I am very grateful to you, but we cannot put our troops in the hands of those representatives, Apelana. The weapons in our hands cannot be handed over to others to hold. What's more, Naboo needs peace more than a war in the dark. .”

The former Queen first expressed her thanks, and then reiterated her point of view. Padmé could not trust those former representatives of the Republic, and there was no chance of them being trusted at all. Qualified politicians must not take chances.

"Revenge must also be carried out, Queen Amidala. Although you have not admitted it personally, I have determined that Palpatine is your murderer. He is a traitor to our Naboo, and he has been implementing tyranny in the galaxy. I have an obligation and responsibility to get rid of him.”

The current queen expressed her refusal. In any case, she was determined to take revenge.

"Ahem, let me interrupt, Queen Apelana. In fact, if you need a fleet to carry out revenge, you don't have to rely on the Rebel Alliance. I also have battleships." Having confirmed the queen's idea, Su Ming took the initiative to hand over the The little hand of friendship.

"Master Deathstroke, I heard from the maid that it was you who rescued Queen Pamidala. On behalf of the Naboo government and myself, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you."

Apelana folded her hands on her knees and bowed deeply according to her robe, but then said very realistically:

"But if we want to march into Corsanlo, the number of fleets we need will not only be able to compete with the main force of the empire, but at least be similar to that of the rebels. Let me take the liberty to ask, how many ships do you have?"

"Currently, I can only mobilize the First and Second Fleets. I don't know the specific number of ships, but I heard the adjutant said that the Retribution-class battleships can dispatch 4 million ships. You can understand it as the Imperial Star Destroyer of the same class. ship."

In fact, there are some differences. For example, gang fighting is not popular in Star Wars, and the deflection shield is not as useful as the void shield. Every ship in Deathstroke is equipped with star-destroying firepower such as Cyclone Fish, and even frigates can actually do it. Carry out a Star Destroyer mission.

But saying it this way makes it easier for people to understand.

Deathstroke has never been too involved in production and management matters, because as a supreme mage, when the war comes, he only needs to behead the opponent's top warriors. Participating in the frontal battlefield is purely physical work.

"Are you serious? Four million battleships. The power that can be mobilized has far exceeded the total number of battleships in the Imperial Navy." Apelana inevitably showed a suspicious expression, and this matter is very important, without seeing it with her own eyes Seeing that, it was hard for her to believe that there were so many battleships hidden in the Milky Way.

"I knew you might be suspicious." Su Ming took out a totem from his pocket and inserted it into the fruit plate on the coffee table: "Adjutant, teleport us to Sepurk and prepare to show the Forging World and the Star Castle. "

"Okay, Sheriff." The deputy's energy projection appeared on the totem pole.

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