The Death Knell

Chapter 2975 Bonfire Meeting

That night, in the desert of Tatooine, not far from Aphra's small cargo ship, Deathstroke and a group of people were having a barbecue around the fire.

The rather plump nuna bird was skewered on a golden spit and slowly rotated above the fire.

The skin of the big bird is grilled until golden brown, and it shines with oil from every angle. A rich meaty aroma permeates the surroundings.

Deathstroke tested the heat of the barbecue with his fingers, and then skillfully sprinkled some salt on it with his elbow.

"Okay, San0, you come and carve the roast chicken. Anakin and I made an appointment to meet here, but it seems he is a little late."

"Oh, this is my honor." The etiquette robot walked over in the desert, opened its fingers to reveal a laser knife, took the roast chicken and cut it on the plate: "Although I can't Eat human food, but just by looking at the color and gravy, you know it’s a top-notch delicacy.”

This is undoubtedly out of fear of flattery. Barbecue in the open air with a handful of elbow salt sprinkled on it, what kind of delicacy can it be?

But there's no need for Su Ming to correct him, right?

The nuna bird looks like a large owl, but when roasted it tastes like chicken and can be eaten without the head. One bird can feed a family of four. Now there are five people here, and roasting two is more than enough.

"It seems to be really chicken or turkey, but it was more like a night owl when it was alive." Harley held the bird leg she was given and took a bite. She tilted her head and savored it carefully, and her little mouth bulged: "Yes. It’s nice to eat the mascot of the Court of Owls, but I still think Colonel Sanders’s fried chicken is delicious, honey, can I make a call?”

"Of course. I asked the adjutant to open the colonel's permission to pass through the ghost universe and tell him to bring more secret sauce."

Seeing Hallie's eyes rolling, Su Ming knew what she was thinking. Hallie didn't care about money or where she lived, but she needed to dress up beautifully every day, eat and drink well. liquor.

After getting permission, Tangdou blew a greasy kiss, smiled and took out her mobile phone to make a call. As for why her mobile phone had a signal on Tatooine, no one knew.

"Two buckets for the whole family, five sundaes, five corns, and five pairs of disposable gloves, one of which is enlarged, so you can get two more boxes of sauce." She was on the phone while twirling her ponytail with her fingers. Looking at the scenery where the moonlight shines on the red desert: "Well, that's it. We are in Tatooine now. Yes, Tatooine, Skywalker's hometown in Star Wars, how long will it take to deliver it? Well, okay."

Su Ming fed the roast chicken on the plate to Strangler and shook his head at Harley: "You don't have to ask how long it will take, as long as it is within the delivery range, KFC takeout will be delivered within half an hour."

"If you say this, people will suspect you have received advertising fees. Besides, is it really that silky?" Harley blinked doubtfully and stuffed the bitten chicken drumsticks on her plate into Aphra's mouth next to her.

As soon as he finished speaking, the moonlight cast a tall and strong shadow beside everyone. At the top of the sand dune, someone came.

Noticing the human-shaped black shadow, Harley looked back happily.

As a result, the strong colonel in a white suit was not seen, only a small figure wearing a brown robe and floating towards a few people with a cane in his hand.

"Tch, it turns out to be Master Yoda." The little madman rolled his eyes and sat back down again.

She could do whatever she wanted, but Padmé couldn't. Although the queen put on denim clothes that made it easier to move around, she still pretended to lift the skirt that didn't exist and bent down to salute:

"Master, long time no see."

The green dwarf landed on the ground, took a few trembling steps, raised his wrinkled face to look at Padmé carefully, closed his eyes again and felt the force, and then showed some joy:

"Very good, you are resurrected, there is hope, Milky Way." The master is only a few dozen centimeters tall, and after sitting down cross-legged, he looks like a tiny lump.

Paris and Mary also came to the bonfire at this time. The apprentices on the swamp planet were so frustrated that the ponytail girl couldn't help yawning and wiping the tears flowing from her big eyes:

"Is there anything to eat? The master's retreat is full of snakes and swamp gas. I've had enough."

Aphra immediately stuffed the chicken drumstick that Halli had stuffed into her mouth into Mary's mouth. Although she didn't know what KFC was, she was already waiting for something good to eat.

"Not yet, Anakin." Master Yoda huddled in his robe and inserted the crutch in his hand into the sand. His whole body slowly floated up and landed on the stick. He looked at the symbiote curiously. Feeding Death Knell: "Black Sun, your Force embodiment is like that, I sense it."

"Hello, Master Yoda. As expected, everything you say is inverted." Su Ming looked at the few sparse hairs on the top of the master's head, holding back a smile and shaking hands with him: "I am the Supreme Mage Deathstroke, I guess Aoife The master also told you."

"Never reverse, I speak." The green alien smiled slightly. He looked around at the people around the campfire, and finally his eyes gradually closed: "You can try it. I heard about your plan."

"So, master, you have agreed to help?" Su Ming glanced at Baris, while the female master was pulling the drumstick in the apprentice's mouth, and took the time to nod to him, indicating that for the sake of peace, she had been persuaded Supreme Councilor.

"There is no difference. Even without me, you have Anakin and Padmé who will listen to you." Yoda seemed to be detached from the world. He still closed his eyes and replied calmly: "It's just that your Force , need to be used with care, balance is key.”

"I understand this, Master." Su Ming nodded with a smile, then threw out his strangulating tentacles behind him, and carried the mercenary Boba who was hiding in the dunes in the distance and had been following everyone to the fire: "Follow us all the way. , now it’s time to use you, send a message to Anakin and ask him to come and reunite with his family as soon as possible.”

"Ouch?" Hegel Tanzan scratched his big black head. Hearing that he was being followed, he didn't understand.

The mercenary who was thrown on the sand turned over, but he was surrounded by Jedi knights. He knew that he probably had no room for resistance, so he simply broke the pot and said: "When did you find out?"

"I've known you were here from the beginning, but I need you to inform the Black Warrior of my progress." Su Ming used his tentacles to place him next to the Wookiee and sit down, and threw a cigarette to him: "Now, do as I say and tell Anakin that the Emperor has placed an undercover agent next to him and be careful when you go out."

The mercenary was silent for a moment, then took off his helmet and glanced apologetically at his old teammate, the black-haired Wookiee, then took out his communicator and dialed the number.

Master Yoda turned to Padmé with his eyes closed, and said in a sharp old voice: "Not in a high mood? It seems like you."

"No, Master, I just... need time to digest what I saw before." The Queen came back to her senses and smiled politely, as if she was still in a trance: "Master, if I said that I have seen that there is a larger space beyond our galaxy, and there is another reality outside the universe, do you think I am crazy?"

"That's infinite. I've said it before. Since the Force is infinite, then of course the universe is infinite." Yoda's response was full of wisdom and philosophy, with his hands in his arms: "You are lucky to be able to see those, I think."


At this moment, heavy breathing came from the tail end of the parked spacecraft, and a figure gradually emerged.

Just when everyone thought it was Darth Vader arriving, the man revealed himself in full form under the fire and moonlight.

"Harry, the delicious meal you ordered has arrived. Who will pay the bill, you or Deathstroke?"

In order to avoid inhaling too much sand and dust, Colonel Sanders, who was wearing a gas mask, raised the takeout box in his hand and opened the top cover. A golden light shot into the night sky, and the fragrance suddenly filled the air.


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