The Death Knell

Chapter 2984 Smiling Nine Springs

However, he did not wait for the answer he wanted. Darth Vader, who was lying on the ground, suddenly rotated his neck 180 degrees and turned into a face on his back. Although he could not see his face through the black helmet and mask. expression, but a serious and angry voice came from it:

"Bold! I can tell at a glance that you are not a human! The mighty heavenly dragon! The great magic spell! Prajna Buddhas! Borupa Maha Kong! Hatano Yui!"

Sidious didn't understand the language at all, and he didn't even recognize the name at the end.

He wanted to ask what the dying Anakin was talking about, and if necessary, he could even extend his apprentice's life for a few seconds.


But as soon as he opened his mouth, he fell into the trap.

The black warrior who fell to the ground exploded instantly. In addition to flesh and blood and various mechanical parts, there was a thick green smoke. It was like a dry powder, but more like a tiny living thing that could bring people happiness. air.

Sidious, who had a chance of victory but did not expect that the Black Knight could self-destruct, was caught off guard. Even though he retreated in time to avoid being affected by the explosion fragments, he still inhaled a trace of this green mist.

In an instant he laughed uncontrollably.

"Quack, quack, quack, quack..."

His eyes were full of fear, but his expression was no longer under his control. Even the corners of his mouth were cracked in laughter, and his entire gums were exposed to the air. He still laughed heartily with blood spurting from his mouth.

However, happy times are always short-lived, and the laughter did not last long. After about three seconds, he fell to the ground and kicked his legs a few times, and then stopped moving.

Calmness returned to the office. After a few seconds, the light and shadow by the window became distorted. Su Ming took back the cloak used to hide several people.

Actually it was him and Harley, Anakin and Yoda.

Master Yoda was too small and was held in Harley's arms like a doll. However, the little lunatic looked at the corpse on the ground and then at the death knell, and raised a question:

"Why do you have laughing gas? Or is it the kind that takes effect so quickly?"

"It comes from Earth 12. It is the masterpiece of the clown fellow there. It is characterized by its quick onset and strong potency." Su Ming calmly walked to the fallen corpse with his sword, turned the corpse over, and let the strangulation go through the ears. Go in and search for memories: "The clown transformed Wayne Manor into a carnival, and invited me into the happy Batcave he transformed as a guest. I collected several laughing gas collars he made."

Harley nodded clearly and touched a few rare hairs on Yoda's head: "But how can you be sure that laughing gas can kill Darth Sidious? He should be very strong, right?"

"I'm not sure, but I'll give it a try first and it won't cost me anything. My cost is nothing more than a bionic man." Su Ming smiled and shrugged, and withdrew the blood-stained tentacles: "If he can be laughed to death, I will It saves energy. If he can’t laugh to death, the two Jedi Masters and I will chop him to death while he’s laughing. It’s actually almost the same.”

In fact, it was a bet on whether Sidious could 'Force detoxify', which was a variant of 'Force healing' that most Jedi doctors could do.

But this is a skill from the light side of the Force, and it seems like he really doesn't know how to do it.

"It's not honorable. Many people beat one person."

Master Yoda closed his eyes and felt a little emotional as he watched a generation of emperors die of poisoning.

Throughout history, countless leaders and celebrities have died from poison. Sidious, who dreams of transcending everything, cannot escape the commonality of being a human being.

"It's time for you Jedi to reform. Who of the serious people would fight in single combat?" Deathstroke speechlessly picked up the body on the ground and threw it to Anakin: "If you don't believe me, ask Harley. All heroes surround and beat up their enemies. "

"That's true. I know a group of people called the Justice League. They like to fight more with less."

Harley nodded solemnly and tried to blow a few fine hairs on Yoda's head.

Anakin caught the body, but his expression was not relaxed:

"Palpatine will not die so easily. He created many clones of himself just for this day. When he dies, the dark force will transfer his soul into one of the clones and let him die. And come back to life.”

"I know, and I know more than you." Su Ming patted Anakin's arm and told him to just prepare for the next scene: "I have just read all his memories to verify and confirm that he is a clone. The body was hidden underground on the planet Byss in the core area of ​​the galaxy, and was handed over to the protection of Lord Kano Jax in the Guards. Believe me, I have sent absolutely reliable people to handle it."

"Kano is a disciple of 'Dark Queen' Rumia. He is a powerful Sith master. Are you sure your people can solve him and join forces with the resurrected Palpatine?" Anakin didn't seem particularly reassured. After all, He is only in his fifties, just a young man with little knowledge.

Su Ming asked his lieutenant to send over a set of Black Warrior armor, and opened the back cover to let Anakin in:

"I paid one hundred thousand dollars, and that person's characteristic is 'if the price is right, the gods will be crushed'. So now you just need to put on this suit of armor, hold the emperor's body and hold a meeting, saying that he will take the throne before he dies. It has been passed on to you, his disciple. Remember to inform the planetary governors you have won over to support you, and to send electricity as soon as possible to recognize the legitimacy of your rule."

“What if someone doesn’t support it or speaks out against it?”

Anakin pressed the edge of his robe and got into the armor.

This set of armor is a replica of the original one, but now every time I go back to it, I feel very uncomfortable.

"After the meeting, just give me the list of opponents. The other party's fleet number, station location, coordinates of the home planet, etc." Su Ming helped Anakin fasten the zipper on his back and replied with a smile: "My fleet will Make sure my will is carried out."

Master Yoda didn't say anything, just sighed a little, hoping that those people knew enough about the current affairs, and the galaxy should not suffer more deaths.

Anakin made a huffing sound again, but his tone seemed much lighter than before: "But how do I convince most people to believe what I say? Make them believe that Darth Sidious passed the throne to me?"

Su Ming calmly opened the face of the corpse and turned the terrifying smiling face towards Anakin and Yoda: "Then let them see with their own eyes that your master died with a smile on his face. Doesn't this mean that he died with a smile on his face?" Did you go peacefully?"

"Pfft! Hahahahahaha!"

Harley immediately laughed, she jumped onto the high-backed throne where the emperor usually sat, and spun around wildly.

Just when a group of people completed the assassination and were planning the next coup in the Imperial Palace, a wet body emerged from the culture chamber underground on the planet Bis, thousands of light-years away from Corsanlo.

In the dim light, the figure spit out the culture fluid. After a moment, he let out an angry howl, and Force lightning began to fly around the room.

"Damn it Skywalker! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

The emperor was obviously furious. Even though his whole body was sticky and his newborn body couldn't even stand, he still vented his anger in words.

He wants to take revenge on his apprentice, and he must take revenge, so he will use the dark force to manipulate the universe and wipe Coruscant and Skywalker from the universe together!

However, just when he was furious, the door to the side suddenly opened, and a figure wearing a red and black uniform and carrying a pair of swords walked in with a sketch in his hand.

First he looked at Sidious, then tilted his head and pinched his chin, then hit his palm with his fist and said with a smile:

"It was really easy for me to find. The sewers here are too complicated. I almost got lost. Thanks to my handsome appearance, I gave me instructions. That is, a handsome person like me just needs to walk casually. Ahem, let me think about it. How should I say the lines for this time? Wouldn't it be a bit tacky if I said 'I miss you so much' from previous years? But would it be infringement if I shouted 'Jianlai'? Forget it, that guy over there has a runny nose. Old man from the land, come here quickly and let me chop you to death, I’m still waiting to receive the remaining 70% commission.”

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