The Death Knell

Chapter 2985 Unbridled

The dust has settled in the Star Wars universe, and the remaining work is to use Darth Vader's androids to play a double act, and finally transfer the power to Su Ming bit by bit.

The things that need to be dealt with are almost over. Pay some money to Aphra in advance and let her continue to search for the relics of ancient technology, mainly digging for the relics of the gods. Once she finds them, she can find any of the sub-programs of the adjutant to sell the stolen goods.

Give Naboo some support so that the Queen and others can settle the refugees who have retired from the army, and at the same time build it into a model planet of unity and cooperation.

The Assassins of the Death Cult are searching for those former representatives of the Republic. It is only a matter of time before they are dealt with. The fleet has also begun a series of military operations after taking over Corsanlo, bringing the Emperor's thunderous wrath to the disloyal people. .

Of course, these follow-up matters were left to the adjutant. After Su Ming stayed again for a few days, he had already escaped with Harry.

She always digs caves and excavates ruins everywhere, and it's okay to play occasionally. It's basically impossible for Harley to become someone like Aphra who relies on archeology for a living. She can't bear it.

Even if Su Ming took her to hunt down Sith warriors, she wouldn't be able to muster any energy because these people were too weak and she wanted an opponent at least on the level of Superman.

So I simply changed the world and enjoyed the scenery of another world. After all, it was travel.

This is a medieval style town. Most of the houses are wooden structures with soft golden thatched roofs and cantilevered houses. The town hall in the center of the town is a rare brick structure with red tiles. It sparkles in the sunlight and can be seen from a long distance.

In the south of the town, next to the path leading to the endless forest, there is a log cabin villa. At this time, Su Ming and Ha Li are basking in the sun in the small courtyard planted with flowers and plants in front of the house, listening to the music played on the MP3 speaker.

Harley, who was lying on a chair, was wearing a swimsuit, large sunglasses and a straw hat for some reason, flipping through a local beauty magazine in her hand.

"Beauty mud? Can it make the coat shiny? I want to try it."

She turned over the magazine and clicked her fingers frantically to show Su Ming the beauty salon advertisement on that page.

"Okay, we can go to the town to buy it later. I have gold coins, and bartering works here." Su Ming answered her with a smile. At this time, the Supreme Mage was wearing ordinary jeans and a white shirt. , watering the flowers with a gentle expression.

Harley nodded with satisfaction, continued to focus on the magazine, picked up the soda next to her, took a sip, smacked her lips, and said with a very comfortable look:

"The air here is really nice and the atmosphere is very relaxing. Have you been here before?"

"Yes, Gin and I used to come here for vacation, and we also established an alliance with the ruler here, so occasionally Ciri and the others will come here to play. They have many good friends here."

This wooden villa was built by Su Ming himself. It has a very rural feel. It is decorated with many local handicrafts and has a bit of a bohemian style.

He walked to a corner of the yard to fill the kettle, but at this moment, he felt a gaze.


Following the feeling, he turned his head and saw a pony on the path outside the yard. It was poking its head at the entrance of the yard, looking like it wanted to come in but was embarrassed.

It was a pegasus with yellow body hair but a pink mane and small wings.

Pony blinked her big eyes and looked at the MP3 player on the small round table. She seemed to be very curious about the small box that could play music.

Su Ming smiled and waved to her, gesturing for her to come into the yard to chat: "Isn't this Xiaodie? Are you going out to town?"

"Oh!" The pony seemed startled, her mane and tail stood up, but she quickly scratched her head with her front hooves in embarrassment: "I want to go to the Sweet Apple Orchard, this year's Kicking Apple Season is coming again, and I heard that Big Macintosh is sick, so I want to go help Applejack kick apples."

She put down the small basket she was holding in her mouth, which contained the hay sandwiches and drinks she had made, and smiled a little shyly.

In fact, Fluttershy is introverted and not good at dealing with other ponies, but she is kind-hearted and willing to help others, and Angel Rabbit also suggested that she should get out of the house more, otherwise she might become a homebody like Twilight Sparkle.

It was the same today. Under the urging of the pet rabbit who held the alarm clock and kept squeaking, Fluttershy plucked up the courage to go out and brought food as a consolation gift. However, when passing by the Deathstroke Cottage, she felt a little distracted when she heard the music. Not moving anymore.

She likes small animals, music, and singing. When she saw that the thing that made the music was a small box, her curiosity arose and she took a few more looks.

Seeing those big eyes that didn't hide their thoughts at all, Su Ming walked to the courtyard gate with a smile, took out a new MP3 player and charger from his pocket, and put them into Xiao Ma's basket:

"This is an mp3, it can play music, I'll give you one."

"Wow, is it true? Can I accept such an expensive gift?" Xiao Ma was a little happy, but felt embarrassed at the same time, her face turned red.

"Of course. I made this myself. It's not that expensive. Besides, we are neighbors and friends." Deathstroke generously gave away the products produced in his factory: "Aren't you going to Apple? Garden? Then take it and listen to songs for the patients."

Xiaodie nodded and happily picked up the basket: "Thank you, we will always be good friends. I will tell you today's story when I come back."

After saying that, she tried pressing the play button of the music and jumped away while singing.

"I thought your only animal friends were Bobo." Harley pulled the sunglasses down on her face to reveal her eyes: "I didn't expect you had equine friends."

"They look like horses, but inside they are just like humans. Besides, why do you say that I am like an autistic child? Although I am not a druid, can't the Supreme Mage have animal companions? "

Su Ming walked to the lounge chair wordlessly and pinched the little lunatic's nose.

Harley pouted after her nose was pinched. She dropped the magazine and got up: "Okay, just pretend you have a lot of friends. We are going to the town now. I want to try this at the Madanglao shop." The fast food of the world, I saw that sign.”

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed, because McDonald's fast food is not for humans. At least I can't drink grass-fed burgers and grass juice soda." Su Ming shook his head, but made another suggestion: "But we can Go to Abyssinia across the sea, there is a kingdom of cats, and there are small dried fish to eat.”

"What? Don't cats eat corpses?" Harley looked shocked: "Do they also eat dried fish?"

"Where did you learn that cats can eat people?" Su Ming actually always found it strange. Every time she went to Harley's small building, she always brought some corpses to feed the cats. At first, she thought she was just trying to save money. .

Harley replied matter-of-factly: "Of course it's Gotham. The wild cats in Gotham all eat corpses. Every one of them has shiny hair and a red face. They are the cutest."

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