The Death Knell

Chapter 2986 A sudden change in the celestial phenomena

After learning that the Cat Kingdom only had two food options: cat food and dried fish, Harley didn't plan to go.

The kind of cat she likes is the kind that is small, soft, and meows when eating human corpses; not the kind that can walk upright, is about the same size as a human, and speaks English.

So the two of them ate the convenience food Su Ming brought for breakfast in the wooden villa. After the meal, Harry, who was rubbing his belly, said he was going to go shopping in the town.

She was still thinking about the beauty clay, but she wanted to take care of her hair. After all, she dyed her hair often, red and blue, and her hair had become a bit dry recently. 166

Su Ming thought about it and realized that there was nothing wrong. There was no new news from Sepulke for the time being, so he would just go shopping.

By the way, you can also go to some princesses to chat about the Sky Council.

In this way, the two of them left the hut. There was no need to lock the door in this simple world, and it was not far from the town.

On the way, we met Pinkie the Pony, who was also walking towards the apple orchard with a big cake on her back.

"Hello Pinkie, are you going to help kick the apples too?" Su Ming waved to the pony. A tough guy like him likes ponies all in pink.

The pink pony's eyes suddenly popped out of their sockets as if they were loaded with springs. After bouncing twice, they retracted. She ran to Su Ming with a smile and looked at Harry curiously: "It's Mr. Deathstroke. Good afternoon. I We are indeed going to the apple orchard to prepare for a party, who is this new friend?"

"This is Harley. You really understand. She is indeed very similar to you." Su Ming took out an ice cream from his pocket and handed it to the pony's soft front hooves.

Suddenly, the wind surged around the forest path, and the leaves were blown by the wind from nowhere. Both Pony and Harley narrowed their eyes. At this time, they both felt a kind of 'happy girl' feeling in each other. of mutual sympathy.

However, this weird atmosphere only lasted for a moment, and then the two shook hands and hooves, and Pinkie, holding ice cream in her mouth, nodded: "I understand, the audience told me about you, can we be friends?" ”78 Chinese website

"Hehehe... of course, cutie, I like pink ponies the most, especially since you have the same abilities and fun-loving personality as me."

Halle also generously dug into her pockets and took out a half-used lipstick to give to the other party as a meeting gift:

"You like to laugh and want to bring smiles to your friends. This thing can help you smile brighter. Believe me, I know how to smile, hehe."

Pinkie was so happy that her tail became fluffy. She happily put away the gift and turned to look at the air aside: "Dear viewers, I have made new friends, and they are friends from other scripts."

When the two sides parted at the intersection, Pinkie also asked Harley to come to the cake shop to play with her next time, and then she left happily carrying the cake.

As we all know, Equestria is a place that mainly uses the 'Friendship Magic' system, but Pinkie Pie is a special case. She is not only a Pegasus spellcaster, but also a person with super powers.

She originally had wings, but she took off her wings and gave them to Xiaodie as a gift, but she was still able to fly.

After eating enough candies, she can sprint as fast as The Flash and smash through any building in her way like Superman.

At the same time, she often goes over the fourth wall to chat with the non-existent audience, or makes some comments about the plot. She can also use exaggerated facial expressions like a weirdo in disguise, imitating some jokes from other works.

It's a pity that her friends didn't understand those jokes. Over time, Pinkie's self-talk and nonsensical behavior in some key situations were considered to be a bit silly.

After meeting Pinkie, Harley became more interested in the world. This was probably the feeling between strong people, and she was even more interested in shopping at this time.

After entering the town, she played around with Death Knell and tasted the grass ice cream that the ponies liked, which made her mouth green.

After shopping, I got my hair done, and after I got my hair done, I went to watch a movie.

At this time, there was still a queue at the movie theater in the town. The blockbuster being shown was the epic masterpiece jointly produced by Wilson Entertainment and the official Equestria Kingdom - "The Great Horse", which is also the pony version of the movie with a similar name, and the actors are also A famous stage actor from Manehattan's 'Broadway'.

Its majestic momentum, bright colors, luxurious scenes, as well as grand and lifelike war special effects scenes, delicate psychological portrayal and seamless combination of the male and female protagonists give the horses a great visual shock.

The decline of a fictional plantation civilization, the wounded soldiers everywhere in Atlanta's Pentagon Square, the constant escapes, wars, fires and other scenes, coupled with the delicate and tragic psychological drama, really moved Ma.

Even though Harley had seen the human version of Gone with the Wind before, and as a doctor, she had also read the original version of Gone with the Wind, she still enjoyed the pony version of the story.

"These horses really have the same emotions as humans. Even because of their big eyes, their emotions are more expressive. It's really interesting." She ate the horseshoe-shaped popcorn and whispered to the death knell: "Are you going to do it next time? Film "The End of the World" for them?"

"These things are all arranged by the adjutant. As a tool for cultural penetration, the entertainment company is also a weapon. She is basically in charge of the weapons." Su Ming responded in a low voice. He rubbed Harley's head: "But I heard I understand your joke. If someone died in the saddle of a high bridge, they would probably fall off and be dragged by the stirrups, and then rub against the ground until their upper body disappeared, right?"

"Hehe, you really understand me, don't you." Hallie kissed Su Ming several times with satisfaction. She just liked such little sweetness. It would be so fun to watch someone being dragged to death by a horse with Honey. ?

The movie was very long, and by the time the two of them left the cinema, it was almost noon. The two of them were walking in the traffic, thinking about where to go next.

However, at this moment, the sky suddenly became dense with dark clouds, and then a big hole appeared in the clouds, and some colorful shadows fell out of it, flying to the horizon everywhere like a goddess scattering flowers.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes, stared at the falling objects in the sky that looked like burning meteorites, and tapped his ears:

"Adjutant? Is this what I think?"

"Yes, Sheriff, the cross-universe portal was opened by a kind of magic just now. According to the records, the world connected at this time is..." Although the adjutant is still busy with various aspects of the Star Wars universe, A kind of miscellaneous thing, but still able to find the computing power to respond to the death knell.

"I know where it is. They are all old friends. Let me handle it. It's not a big problem."

Su Ming interrupted the adjutant's explanation and immediately asked Strangler to transform into armor and use cosmic energy to take off on the spot.

Because if we delay any longer, these big guys will fall into Ponyville.

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