The Death Knell

Chapter 3015 Cruel enough to commit suicide

While Deathstroke and his team were wandering around the Everglades, Wade in New York City had just walked out of a bank. He squinted his eyes happily and was planning how to spend the newly earned money.

After running into the world of Star Wars and successfully disgusting Palpatine to death over and over again, Deadpool successfully settled his commission from his lieutenant. Today is another day to take care of Vanessa and her little sisters. .

"Huh? Is it my turn?" He turned his head to the empty air with vigilance and blinked a few times: "I thought that nothing happened to me recently. Just in time, the old guys can help me analyze it. I'll give it to you. After Enoz bought the house, she divorced me within a few days, but occasionally we would sleep together. Does this count as cheating me of my money?"


"Hmm, if you put it this way, it's really not a loss. $2.7 million in exchange for a lifetime of free prostitution sounds good."

Wade nodded, put his hands behind his head again, and continued shopping unsteadily.

Every time he goes to take care of the girls' business on the street, he spends tens of thousands in one night. 2.7 million is almost seventy or eighty times. Based on the frequency of 'helping' three times a week, it is probably only enough to play outside. Half a year?

Calculating this, it feels like it’s not a loss.

So Wade, who thought he had made a profit, was in a good mood, and was going to go find Spider-Man to play. Today is the weekend, the weather is very good, the wind is sunny, and there are no valuable targets in the city.

You can take a shortcut to Peter's house, take this alley.


After walking a few steps, a black man jumped out from behind the trash can, holding a pistol across his head.

"Robbery? Me? Dude, are you serious?" Wade was stunned. He pointed at his face: "Don't you know me? I'm Deadpool, the hottest mercenary in the city. I like killing people. And sex is like fire, don’t you want it?”

But the little black man in front of him must have taken some drugs. He was crazy and full of courage:

"Then hand over your money and your anus!"

"I hate robbers the most. They have no technical skills at all, and those who rob chrysanthemums are the most annoying of all." Wade turned to face the crowd and said helplessly, then took out a pistol and confronted the robber: "How dare you ? My tender anus has not even been touched by my cousin! How dare you!"

He seemed to be possessed by a certain Nordic girl, stretching his neck and shouting at the top of his lungs. Even though he was wearing a hood, he still showed that ferocious look.

"You wanted my anus first!" The robber stabbed Deadpool in the head with a gun and shouted louder: "I don't care! I saw you coming out of the bank, you have money! Don't force me, you Don’t force me!”

"I do have money, but I earned it by working hard to kill others. Even one dollar is soaked in my sweat and the blood of others. I will not give it to people like you who are trying to get something for nothing."

The corners of Wade's mouth turned downward, he turned on the safety of the pistol, and pressed the hammer with his thumb.

However, the black man was also excited. His hand holding the gun was trembling slightly, and he retorted quickly with a rap-like speed:

"I'm working too! Do you think robbing is easy? I have to go out every night to search for prey. After I find the target, I have to squat and follow. I often don't sleep for several days, all relying on drugs. Every time I rob the target, Every communication is a psychological game! I will encounter someone like you who carries weapons and resists! After every robbery, I have to go home to keep accounts, summarize my actions, and strive to improve my business capabilities. Do you think I haven’t put in the effort? ?!”


Deadpool fell into silence. He seemed speechless and looked toward the sky, becoming evasive.

As a result, the robber became more energetic. He felt relaxed as he had never felt in a long time. He wanted to express his point of view and let the damn white-skinned pigs understand the seriousness of the problem:

"Do you understand now? Just because I am a black man, no one has ever respected my labor! Black lives matter! I want to live too!"


Deadpool rubbed his nose through his mask, as if he was touched.

"It seems you understand, damn white pig, can you take out the money now?"

The robber couldn't help but shed two lines of tears when he said that he was so emotional. He was deeply moved by his own hardship. Presumably, if the target of the robbery still has humanity, he should also understand his urgent desire to be respected, right?

The best way to show respect is to hand over your money and chrysanthemums without resistance.

"Ah sneeze! Bang!"

However, what responded to him was a sneeze from Deadpool, a gunshot, and then Wade's relieved voice:

"Oh, it finally came out. It feels so good. Huh? Why is there a hole in your head? Wow, I just lost my mind for a while and didn't listen to what you said. You were so excited that you committed suicide. What a cruel person. , I’m a dead servant!”

After saying that, he gave the corpse a thumbs up, then put away the smoking gun, walked past the corpse and shook his head in admiration.

At this time, the patrolman who heard the gunshot also came over. A fat policeman was eating donuts and asked the witnesses present:

"Deadpool, did you kill someone?"

"No, policeman, I'm a mercenary. No one pays me, so I won't kill anyone. Look at this poor guy, does it look like someone will pay for his life?"

Wade spread his hands and said that he was very innocent. He just wanted to sneeze and looked at the sun. Then the man committed suicide without knowing anything.

The two policemen inspected the scene with coffee. The fat policeman handed the drink to his partner and picked up the walkie-talkie on his shoulder:

"Head office, we are on the 1203 bus. A black man committed suicide after taking drugs in the back alley of the bank. Send someone to dispose of the body."

"The main station has received it. Support will arrive within two hours. Please protect the scene."

Listening to the voice on the walkie-talkie, the fat policeman waved his hand to Deadpool, indicating that he could leave. This is New York. How could a black man number 180 not die one day?

He is a veteran policeman. Of course he knows that Deadpool is a suspect, but opening a case to investigate a poisonous nigger? Enough support? Let the forensic doctor make a report casually, and then treat it as suicide. Most likely, this person is also an orphan. It will be good for everyone if he is taken to a funeral parlor and burned.

Wade was also very happy. He felt that the two policemen were very sensible and he could finally go and play with Peter.

It's not far from Queens, but it's better to take a bus. It's not good to always meet such cruel people in the alleys. They commit suicide at every turn. It's crazy. New York is really a scary big city. , so many young people disappeared into this steel jungle.


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