The Death Knell

Chapter 3032 Return to the world

When the five Obsidian generals arrived with their fleet and knelt down to welcome the 'Dragon King' back to his throne, Thanos had just completed the spiritual and physical union with death. At this time, he was in a state of contentment as a 'winner in life'.

Putting on his blue uniform and his shiny helmet again, the Mad Titan Thanos returns to the world again.

"Goddess, get on the boat. Who do you want to kill? I will make your wish come true!"

He spoke affectionately to the death beside him, while the goddess looked unfinished and a bit suffocated. In order to hide her emotions, she changed back to a skeleton, but she replied delicately:

"No, Thanos, I don't want you to kill someone for me. Someone wants to kill me this time, and I need your protection."

"What? Who wants to kill you? Who dares?!"

Thanos' body suddenly surged with cosmic energy, and the crops he had worked so hard to plant within a few hundred meters were instantly uprooted. The five Obsidian generals kneeling in front of him were knocked back by the air wave, and they rubbed their knees on the ground. There were ravines one after another, and everyone gritted their teeth and persisted.

The violent energy storm symbolizes Thanos's mood. He was furious when he heard that someone wanted to kill Death.

This anger made him even crazier, and his strength began to increase because of his madness.

"They are people from a deformed parallel universe. They are all madmen. Their goal is to kill 'death' in every world. I am just a weak woman who works silently for the balance of the universe. I have never done anything bad. You must Protect me."

Death leaned on Thanos' arm again, gently rubbing her cold face with the back of his big hand, as if tears were flowing on the rough purple skin, and she was still trembling slightly.

"Don't be afraid! No matter who wants to harm you, they have to step over my body, Thanos!" Thanos lost his momentum, hugged the goddess distressedly and walked towards the spacecraft. He tilted his head and motioned for his men to follow: "And I will definitely protect you! No one is my opponent, not even people from the parallel world!"

"Boo, you're so nice, Thanos, love you."

Death was immediately happy, and she gave him a cold kiss.

"Hahahahahaha! My goddess, we will live happily together. No matter who stands in front of us, I will crush them all!"

Thanos, who was in a good mood, began to laugh wildly. He raised his palms and clenched his fists in front of the two of them, as if there was an invisible enemy there.

Just like that, the two walked into the spaceship talking and laughing, as if nothing could happen to the two of them who were more in love with each other than Jin Jian.

But when it comes to ‘not being able to see’...

"Boss Thanos seems to be getting even crazier." General Deathblade climbed up from the ground with his long knife, and whispered to his wife: "His self-talk has become more serious. His so-called goddess We have never seen this before. In the past, he would only hold the rotting corpses of women he picked up randomly and talk about it. But now, does he treat us as corpses? "

Proxima Centauri was beside him, and the blue-skinned woman held the Night Gun given by Thanos as a crutch, moving her rattling neck.

The momentum that Thanos had just exploded made it difficult for her to breathe, but she was very happy.

She is absolutely loyal to the captain. Among the five Obsidian generals, she admires Thanos the most, and she can be called a fan. Seeing Thanos regain his fighting spirit, although she doesn't know why, it is still a good thing.

"Don't talk about the captain like this. He must have his own ideas. At least now, we can say goodbye to the state of no one commanding us and fighting on our own." She reached out and pulled her husband, indicating that he should not talk too much. He loves to fight. The ebony throat of the snitch is still there.

The old mage stood up as if he hadn't noticed anything. He arranged his hair with his slender fingers, glanced at the cabin thoughtfully, and said with a smile:

"Proxima Centauri is right. In order to celebrate His Majesty's return, we should work together sincerely to win a few planets first?"

"Haha, invade and then kill them all, I like it." The big and silly Black Dwarf said this with a satisfied smile. He only knew that he could kill again next.


What about Deathstroke? I just searched the 18th floor. The old man’s Supreme Mage’s legacy is too much. Just to put it into his pocket, I have to spend some time selecting it.

The inexplicable magic book has words like tree branches on it. This kind of magic document must be brought back to Kama Taj to preserve and put in the first bag.

A magical gizmo, an automatic nail clipper? You can give this as a small gift and put it in the second bag.

painting? It's still a self-portrait of an old man. It's very unlucky. I don't want it and throw it aside.

It was quite pleasant to chat with Daisy while letting Strangler work. The tentacles held various things for the host to look at, and then stored the things in categories.

Daisy is looking for things that are valuable in ordinary people's society.

She also gained a lot, which she put in the small bag given to her by Deathstroke in the past. At this time, she no longer complained about Hela and Gwen, but instead speculated on where the big eyeball ship Su Ming mentioned went.

"Do you think that ruler will also counterattack the opponent's world?" The female Thor picked up a silver coin, blew in a breath, put it to her ear to listen to the sound, then put it into her bag and continued: "If it were me, I would be very angry if someone attacked me. If I wanted to smash the windows of the other person's house, I would step on something."

"Do you still smash the windows of other people's houses? Do you still have such a dark side?" Su Ming smiled and winked at her, and then got down to business: "It is indeed possible. I actually know the ruler of the Materialist Empire. Not much, I just know that he is a paranoid man with an unsound mind, but to conduct a psychological profile based on his current behavior, you still need a professional psychologist."

In another distant universe, a certain woman who was drinking apple juice and sunbathing with her best friend suddenly burst into laughter.

"My life was not very good when I was a child. Alas, my shoulders are so sore."

Daisy seemed to support her breasts with her arms unintentionally, and seemed to be hinting at something:

"I was always bullied by bad kids at school. They put dead rats in my locker, stole my textbooks, and spread rumors that I was a cow mutant. That's the whole trick... But if I find out who did it, I will secretly go to their house at night and smash the windows of their house with rocks."

When she talked about the past, she actually smiled a little, as if the memories of her youth made her feel ridiculous.

Also, now she can control thunder and lightning, which is something she never thought of as an ordinary person before. Looking at those little tricks of throwing stones, she always feels childish.

Why haven't you thought about cutting other people's wires in the past?

"That's all in the past. Now you are the God of Thunder. You are going to go to the parallel world with me to beat others soon. Why bother with ordinary people?" Deathstroke patted her arm with a smile and pointed upstairs: " Let’s go, we’re almost at the top. Generally speaking, the top of the magic tower often has the best things.”

Daisy nodded and raised her hand to wipe her nose: "Professor Foster and Professor Silweger are both very good to me, but you are the best to me. If it weren't for you, I might not be able to see the world like today." Chance."

"By the way, speaking of Dr. Jane, what has she been doing recently? It seems like I haven't seen any new papers from her for a long time."

Deathstroke, who did not take any credit, just smiled, changed the subject and mentioned the female doctor. Maybe he could let her meet Queen Amidala?

"The teacher is still entangled with Thor, but the eldest prince has been chasing a black-haired beauty recently, and always said that he must take her home, which makes Jane very unhappy."

Daisy picked up her hammer and kept up with Deathstroke. She shrugged silently while answering. Professor Foster was just stunned by Thor's muscles. How can the prince of Asgard compare to the Supreme Being of the Earth? A mage?

We are all high-level intellectuals. Don’t you understand that people who use their brains are stronger than those who use their muscles? What's more, Deathstroke has muscles and a brain...

However, the fewer people who know the goods, the better, hehe.

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