The Death Knell

Chapter 3033 The channel is opened

Deathstroke and Daisy arrived at the top floor, but strangely, it was empty with almost nothing.

Judging from the dust on the ground, something had been placed here, but it was obvious that someone had taken them away not long ago, and Su Ming was a step late.

"Did the rulers of the materialistic empire take away the things here? Or were those slimy friends you mentioned taking advantage of them?" Daisy walked around the rotunda, and she also imitated the detective and squatted down. Examine the marks on the ground, but still ask Deathstroke for his opinion.

You can see the scenery outside the tower from here, but the outside world is basically covered by densely packed giant trees, like a strange sea.

"I can't say for the time being. There are traces of both sides here." Su Ming stared at the shining lines on the ground that looked like dried snot, and then looked at the messy three-toed footprints not far away: "The strange thing is that there are no traces here. Flesh and blood, no body, strangely clean.”

From the recorded images of the eyeball robot, we can see that the Materialist Empire killed people here, but now there is no blood left.

Someone cleaned up? But the dust is still there

In fact, Su Ming didn't care much about whether he could pick up the old mage's relics. He just wanted to find something to do for himself while Doom was working. The key was to collect as many clues as possible, and maybe make a plan earlier.

"You're asking me." Daisy's little mouth tilted, and she ran her fingers through her hair like a comb: "But if I had to guess, I would think that some kind of magic should achieve such an effect. .”

How should I put it? Her guess was almost the same as Deathstroke's idea. Magic could indeed separate blood and dust, just like covering water with water.

Using thoughts to change the world is the power of magic. If you use it to control blood, you can harvest a sea of ​​blood, but there will only be a sea of ​​blood left in the controller's thought world.

At this moment, a small Doom robot flew up, and Doctor Doom's voice came from behind its iron mask:

"Dum got the job done."

"The timing is right."

Su Ming nodded and pulled Daisy to the window. Naturally, jumping down would be the fastest way to go downstairs.

The two returned to the mage tower from the main entrance of the tower again. Doctor Doom was not surprised by Deathstroke's elusiveness. He staggered slightly to let the Mage Supreme also take a look at the complicated lines and numbers on the instrument.

"Dum performed some calculations, and the other party used special energy frequencies to formulate a route. At present, it seems that it is a shrewd and rough plan." Doctor Doom didn't care whether Deathstroke could see these magical and scientific calculation conclusions, and directly Talking about his own thoughts: "They are smart because they opened the channel between the universe and the universe in a very tricky way, using dimensions as a springboard; they are rough because they did not wipe the path when they left. Clean ass.”

"This metaphor is a bit vulgar, Dr. Doom, I have to remind you that there is a lady here." Professor Xu still has a cat-like face. She seems to have understood a lot of things in a short period of time. At this time, her big eyes They all look like they are thinking.

However, she still nodded towards Deathstroke, indicating that what Doctor Doom said was correct. Even when she tried Doom's machine, she could still see a twisted passage in the vast void.

It was a dim red light, like the blood vessels hidden under the skin of a thousand-year-old mummy. Although the portal had been closed, the traces of its existence had not been erased.

Not only that, she could also feel the danger, which was an indescribable chaos. No matter where this road went, it would definitely not be a good place to travel.

Doctor Doom let out a short laugh, and he had no intention of apologizing at all: "Please forgive Doom for being frank, but when talking to Deathstroke, Doom will only choose the simplest and most understandable metaphors."

"Okay, all three of you are Ph.D.s, and I'm the only one without a diploma. Whatever you say." Su Ming smiled and didn't dwell on this issue, because he just wanted the results to go well: "Dum, can you Should we recreate this passage? We should also go over and say hello to the rude guest."

"This needs your help." Doom lifted up his green cloak and held his iron hand across his chest: "Doom needs energy, a large amount of energy, enough to penetrate the membrane between parallel universes."

Deathstroke touched his chin, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a puff with a troubled look: "As an adjutant with lots of energy, send Leonid over here, and then send him back when it's used up."

Xiaolie came with a confused look and left with a weak look.

It wasn't that Su Ming deliberately wanted to trick his apprentice, but that as the navigator of the 'human machine', Leo's energy would not go to waste and be used to open up pathways. He would not know which witch would take advantage of him later.

Su Ming and his party will definitely face a battle next. It is always bad to waste energy, so naturally they need to use spare batteries.

The so-called human machine is actually the embodiment of a man-made concept, representing the entire concept of "humanity". It can restart the universe in times of crisis, thereby continuing human society indefinitely.

The navigator is the soul component. Not only does it provide energy, it is also responsible for choosing the direction of the time flow. It is a very important responsibility.

But that was in another parallel universe. In 40K, Su Ming was not dead yet, so it was not Leonid's turn to take on the heavy responsibility, not to mention that this kid seemed to be competing with Tony to see who could pick up girls better.

It's just that one of their skills in seducing women is the ability to use money, and the other is a real superpower.

Squeeze the apprentice and hope that he can be honest for a few days. Although the energy Doom took away is not much. According to the adjutant, it is only the output power of more than 20,000 suns. Sepulke can easily afford it. of.

In any case, the portal opened again, but Deathstroke and his party did not enter the passage immediately.

Although I had seen its appearance in the video, when it was actually opened in front of everyone, an astonishing tide of energy continued to flow from the entrance of the cave, as if there was some giant beast on the other side of the passage, blowing Hot breath.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. In reality, the temperature does not rise. It just feels very hot and sticky, and a sticky feeling wraps around the body.

"Deathstroke, have you noticed?" Doctor Doom stared at the hole and asked the man next to him.

At this time, the one-eyed man was still smoking a cigarette, but the black and yellow armor on his body had emerged, and the cold texture of the metal was like ten thousand years of ice.

"Yes, I discovered it. We opened this passage, and the breath coming out of it caused the plants in the outside world to start growing wildly again. Not only did they start to grow taller, but they also developed sarcomas and pustules, entangled with each other and engulfed each other. Fusion, which is the deformity caused by overgrowth, gives them malevolence."

Deathstroke took a puff of cigarette, put out the cigarette butt, and calmly answered the man in the iron mask beside him.

"Just like cancer, it begins to divide and replicate indefinitely at the cellular level, and even plants are not immune." Professor Xu also put away the cat mask and put on a serious and expressionless human face, but she His voice was a little excited.

Dimensions have been seen before, but now, she is about to enter the parallel universe for the first time.

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