The Death Knell

Chapter 3034 Cancerous Universe

Walking through the passage felt like walking through the intestines of a giant creature, and there were faint sounds of strange laughter and gongs and drums in my ears, which seemed very abrupt in the blood-red environment.

Doom and Deathstroke are strong-willed and unaffected by anything, while Professor Xu is elementalized. She is a cloud and is of course immune to bad effects.

Only Daisy seemed a little uneasy. She gritted her teeth and said to the death knell:

"That's enough. This drum is not playing in rhythm at all. Even if you give a baby a drum toy, you won't be able to play this kind of music. Oh, I'm going to be driven crazy. This drummer murdered rock music!"

It turned out that she was angry because the unknown existence did not play the melody she liked.

There are benefits to having large nerves, as she seems to be resistant to negative mental effects.

Fortunately, the transmission process only took less than a minute, and the four people were soon freed. They were spit out by the crawling passage and landed on a soft ground. The passage behind them closed automatically.

This is a dark red gloomy world, with dense clouds in the sky. But if you look closely at the clouds, you will find that they are long, weird-looking worms, entangled together, rolling in the sky completely irregularly.

These flying maggots are constantly secreting red mucus, and this mucus forms rain and falls on the land.

"...Is this Feitian pasta?" Su Ming reached out to catch some rain and put it under his nose to smell it. There was a strong fishy smell, as if a dead fish had been exposed to the sun for three days: "Well, Too bad the red sauce isn’t ketchup.”

But the strange thing is that when the rain falls, they become colorless and odorless.

The specific location of the four people is unclear, but it can be seen that they are the ruins of a large city. In the city, rotten tentacles are climbing on the ruined walls, and huge deformed mushrooms are growing on the ground covered with blood vessels and crawling, as if I held up a large umbrella in the rain.

But those umbrellas cannot be used to shelter from the rain, because those huge mushrooms have been scattering their spores, which are some extremely twisted eight-legged deformities with human faces. They scream, laugh wildly, and fall from high places. , and then fell into a puddle of meat on the ground.

Their flesh and blood will be absorbed by the ground, and the red, pulsating ground will absorb their corpses, and then they will never be seen again.

But this world seems to be tolerant of the arrival of a few people, without any resistance or hostility.

“What is flying pasta?”

Xu Xian floated next to Deathstroke, and the rain formed by red mucus passed through her body, not contaminating her white clothes at all.

Su Ming took stock of the surrounding situation, motioned for a few people to fly lower to the city, and replied with a smile:

"He is a fictional ruler of the old days, commonly known as the 'Face God'. His true form is a ball of flying spaghetti larger than the universe. It is said that he forged evidence of the ancient universe and also forged time and space. Do Europeans and Americans have any doubts? Some people believe in the Flying Noodles Sect, which relies on the Internet to preach. However, when it was introduced to Asia, it encountered internal divisions, and two heretical forces, the 'Instant Noodles Sect' and the 'Dried Noodles Sect', were born. Recently, I heard that it will split into the 'Regan Sect'. Mian Zong', that's all."

"...Gods and demons are unknowable. In my opinion, it is best not to make up stories to scare yourself, otherwise it will easily become a joke about Mr. Ye's love for dragons." Professor Xu obviously doesn't like the European and American sense of humor. A traditional Chinese person, she would not make fun of ghosts and gods.

As the saying goes, there is a god at the top of your head, and once more people believe in it, maybe one day someone will actually become a god through faith.

"Cinderella, you didn't notice the key to the matter." Doom flew beside Deathstroke, still holding his arms, looking full of B: "Although Deathstroke acted a little curious after he came here, , but they are not as confused as we are, indicating that he actually knows this place."

Magic blocked out the rain and his armor and cloak were neat, the shining iron mask turned to Deathstroke, hoping for an explanation.

As expected of Dr. Doom, one of the most intelligent people on earth. Just from the fact that Deathstroke told jokes to help everyone adjust the atmosphere, it was obvious that the Supreme Mage had a plan.

"Haha, the doctor is right, I do know this place." The death knell was soaked in the rain, and the red droplets made the armor make a series of muffled sounds, but his voice remained calm: "I don't know if it's because I'm lucky or not. Someone manipulated me, and among the thousands of universes controlled by the ancients, I met one I knew."

"Oh? The Ancient One? Doom thinks this situation is similar to what we have encountered before." Doctor Doom recalled the past, and always felt that he would encounter that kind of ghost thing when he came out with Deathstroke.

"This is Earth-10011, also called the Cancer Universe." Deathstroke said the number and situation of this universe without any nonsense: "This place is protected by the 'Polygonal One', which is a group composed of the Old Ones and the Outer Gods. .”

The further we went into the city, the weirder everything around us became. Beside the road where traces could barely be seen, eyeball-shaped monsters screamed and stared at everyone.

The deformed human body cried out, dragging huge tumors, and stretched out its palms toward the sky with pus-covered faces.

"How did you recognize them?" Daisy couldn't bear to look at the miserable state of those monsters. For some reason, although they looked like monsters, they were obviously not hostile.

They extend their palms not to scratch, but to ask for help.

"Because 'even death will die' here, this universe is filled with the concept of 'life' from the ancients, making everything in it immortal. The abnormal growth turns them all into monsters, coupled with the inexorable The energy of the name completely changes everything."

Deathstroke replied, and found a sewer manhole cover covered by a flesh film on the surface. He drew his sword to break the entrance, and led everyone directly into it.

Although there are still terrifying flesh-proliferating tissues underground, and it is unknown what creatures in the sewers formed these sarcoma-like walls, it is obviously much quieter here than on the ground.

The red meat wall blocked the structure of the original sewer. When Deathstroke took out his lightsaber for illumination, dense eyes appeared on the wall, all of them staring at the light in his hand.

But that's all. Being stared at by emotionless eyes won't make you lose a few ounces of flesh. Just dare to cut it off.

Following the soft flesh wall and the direction of the flow of dirty blood under his feet, Su Ming found a tool room based on his 'sewer knowledge', dug out the door from the flesh wall, and listened to the chirping sounds coming from around him. Screaming in pain, he gestured to several people to come in and said loudly:

"Come on, it's three o'clock. Let's drink tea first. I'll tell you the story of the past of Earth 10011, and let's look for ideas together."

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