The Death Knell

Chapter 3035 Lord Marvel

Before a certain stage in the past of the Cancerous Universe, it could be said to be a replica of Earth 616. The story was almost exactly the same, until something happened to Captain Marvel, which was the point of divergence in time.

The first generation of Captain Marvel was Marvel, the spy sent to Earth by the Kree. He was originally a spy sent to Earth by the Supreme Intelligence to hinder the Pegasus Project from developing spaceship engines.

But on Earth, as he came into contact with more and more humans, he was gradually assimilated into human civilization. He preferred the rich emotions of humans to the cold organization of the Kree Empire where everything was quantified.

So he rebelled against Kree, used the "child-bearing bracelet" given to him by the supreme wisdom to perform heroic acts, became a superhero, and even developed a good relationship with Carol, who was a test pilot at the time.

But another colleague in the unit also had a crush on Carol. In an accident, that person became the super villain 'Nitrogen'. His ability is to use a 'self-destructive nuclear bomb' unlimited times. He can trigger a physical reaction in his body to self-destruct. Reorganize yourself from atomic form.

In order to compete for Carol's mating rights, Nitrogen attacked Captain Marvel Marvel. At the same time, the Supreme Intelligence also sent a team of men to kill the traitor.

So the three parties started a melee. During the battle, in order to protect Carol who was passing by accidentally, Marvel resisted the explosion of the nuclear bomb and the self-destruction of the alien engine.

Although he defeated the enemy at the time, he also suffered irreversible injuries and suffered from more types of cancer than Deadpool.

remember? Deadpool's penis, balls and anus are not cancerous, but Marvel is different. He has all the cancers he can get. Even with the negative bracelet, he still can't fight this terrible incurable disease and can only lie in bed. I lay in bed waiting to die day after day.

He gave his code name to Carol, who also awakened the ability of the Kree's top warrior bloodline in the accident and became Ms. Marvel.

It was here that the time stream split.

On Earth 616, Marvel died peacefully surrounded by his friends. His body was later stolen by Nick Fury, a white man, and handed over to his scientists for experiments, which led to cloning and embryonic birth. things.

It's all small things overall.

But on Earth 10011, when Marvel was about to die, his friends gathered around his bed and cried bitterly, not wanting him to die.

At this time, a handsome boy among the ancients happened to float across the universe. He heard people's cries, felt their sadness, and shed tears in sympathy.

So He decided to call a few friends from the indescribable distant nothingness to help the heroes save Marvel's life.

But cancer is an incurable disease. This is one of the most advanced rules. The ancients did not want to take too much trouble, so they decided to simply cancel the concept of death in this single universe.

The ancients reconstructed an incarnation that combined the strengths of various schools, calling themselves the 'Polygonal One'. He arrived in the world from a higher reality and came to the bedside in a form invisible to others except Marvel. The dead man whispered something in his ear:

“It is not the dead who sleep eternally, but in the long and strange time, death also dies.”

Then, the Polygon initiated a ritual called 'Autopsy', killing Death in the Earth 10011 universe, using her as a sacrifice, and permanently resurrecting Marvel.

People prayed to the gods not to let Captain Marvel die, and the generous gods responded. Not only Marvel, but all creatures in the universe would not have to die! No one will have to be sad anymore!

Isn’t that very thoughtful?

The starting point of the polygon may be good, or as a chaotic and ignorant multi-headed god, he is not aware of what he has done at all, or he is aware of it, but he doesn't care at all.

But as soon as the dead Marvel opened his eyes, he saw the indescribable kind face beside the bed.

So he went crazy.

Looking directly at the incarnation of many old gods, the huge gift of knowledge poured into his mind instantly like a torrent of information, making his thoughts no longer connected to each other.

It is true that the person is alive, but the personality of Captain Marvel in the past no longer exists. The resurrected person only carries the skin of Marvel, but inside he is a crazy believer of the Old Ones.

He calls himself Lord Marvel, and uses the dark knowledge of the Polygons to launch his rule over the earth.

He uses the most profound magic to brainwash and control his friends in the past, and uses the power of the ancients to change the universe. It is up to him to establish order in the chaos, with the goal of killing all the 'deaths' in the almighty universe.

Because the real gods love people, they love them deeply, and their eternal companionship is their gift!

The Many-Horned Ones have risen, and the false gods should not continue to exist.

I don’t know how much time has passed. Except for the superheroes who were mysteriously brainwashed, the remaining creatures in the universe of Earth 10011 have either turned into blankets of meat, or turned into monsters wandering between heaven and earth.

There is no more death, only endless life, and everything is flourishing towards distortion and deformity.


"So the monsters on the road are actually humans here, and all they want is to be killed by us to seek relief?"

After hearing the background story told by Deathstroke, Daisy looked complicated. She would go crazy just by looking directly at the Ancient One. This sounded scary. Would she become ugly if she went crazy?

"Not necessarily." Su Ming thought for a moment and shrugged: "These strange monsters are all deformed humans. They are also believers of the Polygon. They are probably mentally abnormal. They see us as 'complete' humans. They probably think that we are 'gods' agents', so they might want to give us their own flesh and blood to eat."

Lord Marvel is actually quite interesting. He brainwashed all his former friends and borrowed the power of the Polygon to protect their souls, so that the uniformed vigilantes did not turn into corrupt, cancerous monsters.

But ordinary people, those he didn't know, let themselves be allowed to be occupied by endless lives, turning into 'beautiful' and 'loved by God' monsters, living in 'happiness' and 'reality' forever.

Of course, it is very painful for normal people, but not necessarily for crazy people. Even Wade sometimes feels that his skin cancer is very refreshing, because he can tear his own skin off when he has nothing to do.

The residents here are most likely similar, lunatics whose sanity has been depleted, and they may enjoy the pain of normal people.

"...So that meat ball Reed keeps saying that he needs flesh and blood and needs to live because he is afraid?" Professor Xu leaned on a shelf in the workshop, but the wooden shelf came back to life. Covered with mushrooms and various tentacles.

"Of course he is afraid. He was abandoned by his friends and was thrown into a strange place at a higher level in the universe." Deathstroke pointed at his face and raised the lightsaber in his hand: "On Earth 10011, he is immortal, but on Earth 10011, he is immortal. Earth 40k, he is just a bug. He is not the first person to be afraid of me when he sees me, and he will not be the last one."

Daisy looked at Deathstroke with admiration, licked her lips lightly, and said, "Then we should find this Lord Marvel and knock him to death, right?"

"That's the problem." Su Ming took out a few bottles of bottled tea drinks with the label of 'Western Tea' and gave them to everyone to drink. He also thoughtfully gave Doom a straw: "I don't know Marvel The specific location of the lord is unknown, so the investigation must be started from scratch according to the procedures for infiltrating behind enemy lines.”


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