The Death Knell

Chapter 3038 Are you leaving?

Just as planned, from taking off from the sewer to passing through the dense clouds of insects, I didn't encounter any decent obstacles.

Without even fighting, the cloak sprinkled a handful of salt into the sky, and the flying pasta automatically made way for people to pass.

Tens of seconds later, a group of four people arrived at Titan.

"This universe is so crazy, even space is full of all kinds of strange creatures." Landing in the ruins of the city, Daisy said with emotion about the scenery she saw on the road.

She also held Professor Xu's hand, as if the relationship had become very good.

"Maybe it's giant bacteria, maybe it's the creation of some kind of old ruler." Professor Xu didn't pay much attention to those tentacle monsters floating in space. Their irregular shapes were really uncomfortable to see, but their existence, It stands for something more.

"Doom doesn't like this place." Doctor Doom crossed his arms and landed on a Titan ruins. Under his feet were numerous bones: "There is no breath of life except for rotting bones."

Although he is a dictator, he is also a normal living person. He likes things like flowers, plants and trees that can make human life beautiful, unlike here, where there is only deathly silence.

The Doctor has naturally heard the story of Thanos destroying his hometown, but this is the first time he has arrived in the parallel world of Titan.

The ruins of the city, the ruins of the floating island, the ruins of the orbital shipyard, everything you can see is the garbage formed after the planet was destroyed, and there are numerous bones scattered everywhere.

"This is exactly what we want, doctor, please use clear codes to send telegrams to all parts of Titan." Su Ming gave instructions calmly. He picked up a skull not far away and played with it: "This is a cemetery, all the The Titans were all buried here, and the Ancient Ones did not resurrect them, so this is the place most closely associated with death."

The 10011 universe is filled with excess life energy, coming from the power of the ancients, so all living things are no longer reliable.

If there is a safe place, it is a place without living things, and Titan just fits the criteria.

In some ways, Thanos is very similar to Darkseid. He is not just a Titan, he is also the agent of 'death'. The scythe in his delicate hand is also a 'balance of life and death' in the universe. of a ruler.

Without Thanos, death would no longer be able to find such a good knife, and life would gradually breed, eventually turning a universe into something like a cancer universe.

In the same way, it won't work without death. If the Polygon kills Death, then Thanos in this universe will not survive alone, so there is no chance to save her.

But the problem is not big. The real death should be a concept at the level of the omnipotent universe. Having a few clones wiped out is not painful or itchy, but these independent clones may panic themselves.

I wonder what happened to the death in my 40K universe? I forgot to ask Wade just now.

"What message do you need Doom to send?" The doctor raised his arm and started operating on the screen projected by the armor.

"Just say 'I am the super robot Optimus Prime, now calling all Autobots to go to Earth'. Don't change the word, be sure to say it is a robot." Deathstroke said something that Doom couldn't understand, but his expression was very serious, and it seemed Not like a joke.

Therefore, Dr. Doom didn't waste any time and immediately started working as required. His high-tech armor comes with many functions, which is better than Iron Man's because it also has magical effects.

Therefore, if there was anything he couldn't figure out, it was that he didn't understand why Deathstroke wanted to bring Tony here.


Earth 40K, over the Atlantic Ocean.

There is actually no difference between a private jet and a piece of steel armor. They both use metal to protect the people inside from the turbulence and cruel environment of the outside world.

The main difference is that a private jet has a bright and spacious interior and can bring along someone's hired flight attendants.

The wealthy superhero, Tony Stark, is such a lucky man who owns both a private jet and a steel armor. Today, he finally got out of bed at noon and wanted to go to the UK to see the A.H.I.E.L.D. The local branch has some infrastructure problems that require a genius to solve.

The British have never been good. During World War II, they relied on the United States, and they still do so now.

With a headache after a hangover, Tony's eyes were closed under his sunglasses. He couldn't look directly at the sunshine outside the window, but he was also disturbed by the noise of the aircraft and couldn't sleep.

Pepper didn't go with him, so this was really a lonely journey.

"Mr. Stark, do you need a drink?" Several flight attendants wearing sapphire blue skirts and beautiful silk scarves around their necks came over. They were obviously a little unfamiliar with the new boss and a little curious.

This group of flight attendants are all young models who have just debuted this year. Tony bought their contracts from a brokerage company in Ukraine, invited them to be flight attendants on his new plane, and gave them generous compensation, every Monday Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

Most of the time, the planes are idle at the airport and they can still get money.

Don't ask why, just ask because there is no shortage of money. Tony can earn millions of dollars in just one breath, and he doesn't care about this trivial matter.

He just wanted to experience the adoring gazes of innocent girls. In the past, Cassandra really scared him, but now he only likes beautiful but stupid women.

Hearing the woman's voice, Tony suddenly came to life. His mustache curled up and he showed an evil smile, and he started flirting with the girl without opening his eyes:

"What's so strong about the drink? Beauties, if anyone can help me find another martini with her beautiful big blue eyes, I'll definitely thank her. Well, stir it, don't shake it."

After saying the rich lines with a greasy look on his face, he flipped his hair coquettishly, put his short legs on the sofa, and wiped his carefully maintained mustache with his fingers.

He thinks he is cool and handsome, and he is waiting for the cheers of the girls.

"Oh? Are you drinking? Two drinks, thank you beauties. My drink is best shaken wildly. Are there any ecstasy pills on your plane? Generally, there are drugs on the private planes of rich Americans, right? You can't take that before Make me a drink, okay, I love you."

But just when Tony was waiting for the girl to fall under his charisma, a mean voice suddenly rang out.

Tony also felt someone hugging his thighs, and a stench began to fill the air, suppressing all the smell of mature man's cologne.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was indeed Deadpool!

He knelt down in front of Tony, feeling the iron man's gaze, and gently rested his head on Mustache's thigh, rubbing his face gently...

"Ugh! What the hell are you doing?!" Tony jumped up immediately and patted his clothes like crazy: "This suit is worth 300,000 US dollars. If you touch it now, I will have to send it to Africa. I want to go to the ghetto because it’s not good enough for me, you know what I mean?”

"You mean you think I'm dirty? Then I'm leaving?"

Deadpool took out a grenade from his pocket, pulled out the tab with his teeth, held it in his hand, and winked at Tony.

Iron Man has never been good at dealing with madmen. Scientific madmen are okay, but really mentally ill people are not.


With a sigh that contained helplessness and various emotions, Tony silently accepted the reality.

There are also pilots and flight attendants on the plane, and they have all become Deadpool's hostages. This madman really knows how to seize the opportunity.

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