The Death Knell

Chapter 3041 Mechanical Resistance Army

Dr. Doom followed Deathstroke's instructions and began to broadcast a clear telegram claiming to be Optimus Prime.

Yes, electromagnetic wave communication is somewhat backward and primitive for the quantum era, but precisely because it is primitive, it is more reliable and has almost no possibility of being tampered with.

Why is the international maritime distress signal SOS instead of satellite phone or GPS positioning? Of course, it is because the former is more reliable and Morse code can be sent out by various means under any conditions.

During the few minutes of waiting, Deathstroke played the skull tossing game with Strangler, while Daisy went on a treasure hunt with Professor Xu.

Unfortunately, the bones on Titan obviously did not carry any valuable legacy. Even their bones were completely weathered. If it weren't for Deathstroke's special power-generating skills, he would probably turn into bone powder when picked up.

These remains have no value, and perhaps even if they were taken back to be used as fertilizer, they would be of no use, because the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium must have been lost and evaporated.

"Doom is very confused, are there really survivors in this universe?" Doctor Doom stood on the monument-like wall with his arms crossed.

Deathstroke nodded and put the skull in his hand on the little bean sprout's head: "There must be, death is dead. Almost all creatures in the cancerous universe have been affected by the image of distorted growth, except for those guys who are not alive in the first place."

"Robot?" Doom nodded, but the answer was not enough to answer his doubts: "Since you suspect that mechanical intelligences such as Vision or Ultron still exist here, why don't you directly ask to talk to them?"

"Are you talking about impersonating Optimus Prime?"

Deathstroke smiled slightly, took off the little bone hat from Bean Sprout's head, took out his lightsaber and trimmed the edge:

"If the robots survive, they will also become suspicious because of the crazy environment of this universe. We are strangers to them, and even your peers in other worlds have become madmen and their enemies. Then we won't invite them. Jilai, how do you gain the trust of the mechanical survivors? That’s just a joke, me posing as a robot is a joke, and the followers of the Ancient One often don’t have any sense of humor, they are religious lunatics.”

When talking here, try to avoid saying the names of the Old Ones, otherwise they may be directly sensed.

Although even if they are discovered, there is a high probability that nothing will happen. The gods don't care.

Just as Deathstroke explained, not only were the people present hearing these words, but a white metal head poked out from behind the ruins not far away.

He looked a bit like a machine soldier from the Trade Federation in the Star Wars universe, but Su Ming knew that the real owner was here.

"Hello, are you still human?"

Seeing Strangler playing with a skull like a seal heading a ball, the robot was obviously a little doubtful. If he hadn't recognized Dr. Doom's dress, he wouldn't even want to follow his master's order.

The Dr. Doom that everyone knew before had gone crazy and was wearing a five-pointed star armor representing the Polygon, but this one in front of him was like going back in time.

That's why the master sent himself to investigate.

"Hello to you." Deathstroke waved to the robot, gesturing for him to come over and talk: "We are all standard human beings, and our thinking is normal, and we are not controlled by anyone."

He and Daisy's version of the female Thor are the only one in the multiverse; Professor Xu is too low-key, and the owner of this robot may not be known to him. The only one who can distinguish his face is Doom, with his green cloak and iron mask. They are all proof of identity.

"Hello, I am M-11." The robot walked over with its small eyes blinking. Its anti-joint legs made it easy to move, and it jumped over the ruins: "But can you prove your human identity? Know that in this universe full of life, any living thing will inevitably move toward madness."

"There is no inevitable madness, M11. My name is Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage from Earth 40K, and I only believe in one thing, that is, man can conquer nature." Su Ming smiled and patted the metal robot on the shoulder: "I know You exist, and I know that you are a robot created by Vision, so let Vision talk to me, you can't judge our complex human nature."

Human nature can be said to be simple or complex, but this is just an excuse. Vision himself doesn't understand people's hearts very well.

To communicate with him, Deathstroke was just to get information. It would be best to know where Lord Marvel is, then launch a beheading operation, and then find a way to drive away the Polygon.

M-11 made a beeping electronic sound and nodded: "You are very arrogant. The master said this is one of the characteristics of human beings, so you passed the inspection. Please come with me."

With that said, it turned around and started leading the way, gesturing for everyone to go to a place with it.

Daisy covered her mouth and smiled. Deathstroke was actually telling the truth, but in the eyes of uninformed people, it did sound a bit arrogant.

The little robot moves very quickly. Its flexible legs and feet give it the speed of a cockroach. It circles around the ruins several times. It will also look at the sky vigilantly, worrying whether there are eyes watching everyone.

A few minutes later, he came to a grave, groped a few times on the tombstone, and opened a passage.

"Is this the tomb of Thanos?" Doom looked at the English on the tombstone, with some unknown meaning in his tone: "After Death is killed, there is no concept of death in the universe, so how did he die? ?”

"I don't know, the master buried him, but that was before I was created." M11 answered the guest's question politely, and pointed to the hole under the tomb: "Please come in, my master is here I’m waiting for you in the underground base.”

Doctor Doom stopped talking. He knew that the robot in front of him was just a junk low-level terminal, and the key question still had to be asked to Vision.

Speaking of which, he had always wanted to study Vision's body structure, but he just didn't know who created Vision in this cancerous universe?

After passing through the long, dark tunnel and only walking about ten meters underground, we came to a hall.

As an underground bunker, this depth is too shallow, but on second thought, if the enemy is the Ancient Ones and their worshipers, it will be useless to dig deeper.

This is a huge underground space. It looks like a football field as a whole. It is not divided into other rooms. All kinds of instruments and equipment are piled in the hall, which looks chaotic and orderly.

Not far away, a red, yellow and green robot was waiting for everyone. Next to him, there was a metal monster with a shiny silver body.

Deathstroke made a gesture, indicating that he would be responsible for communication. He stepped out from the crowd and nodded to the other party:

"Hello, Vision, Ultron, and...the Supreme Intelligence."

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