The Death Knell

Chapter 3040 Deadpool who loves to sing

Facts have proved that although Carol has super hearing, she was unable to hear the conversation between the two people on the plane over the North Atlantic in Antarctica, let alone the previous communication between the two LSPs.

She is waiting for the Tianjian Bureau space station to be built in her hometown in Antarctica. It can be said that she has been doing nothing recently.

The U.S. Air Force doesn't like to cause trouble as much as the Army. They prefer to sit in the office drinking coffee and blowing on the air conditioner. Unlike those bitter people in the Army who want to make big news, the Air Force is originally a "man in the sky."

When she heard that Deathstroke was looking for her, she joined the team without saying a word, and looked eager to get started, as if she couldn't wait.

"Don't worry, guys, my cousin also asked me to find someone. I'm not very familiar with him. His name seems to be Rambo..." Deadpool blocked Tony's gaze from wanting to visit 'The Village' and took it out of his pocket. Take a look at the note: "Oh, Monica Rambeau, her name is this, and her address is somewhere in the Port District of New Orleans. Do any of you know this person?"

Carol wore her red and blue uniform, grabbed her gloves and put them on, and smiled and lifted her long blond hair:

"I've heard of this person. She once fought some small crimes and was called 'Captain Marvel' by the local media. But Nick Fury probably talked to some people and later she changed her name to Spectrum."

Thinking about it this way, the competition for hero codenames is really fierce. Fortunately, my original military rank is captain, so I naturally have an advantage.

"Jarvis, help me search for information about Monica Rambeau in New Orleans, Louisiana." Tony's method is obviously more convenient. Just investigate the SHIELD database. People with super powers should be exposed to the black charcoal. Head on.

As a result, the details of the eighteenth generation of Monica's ancestors were projected by the suit in the next second.

"Well, the ancestors of the first ten generations were all black slaves, a very common African-American background." Deadpool stretched his neck to read the information and nodded as he said: "The four generations after the Civil War lived better than the black slaves. Rather, they are all bottom workers, well, slaves of capital."

This is also common sense. Even Deadpool, an uneducated person, knows that the Civil War ended with the victory of the Yankees, and the southern states could only recognize Lincoln's Emancipation Act.

But what kind of emancipation method? The United States is a federal country, and each state has different conditions.

As the southernmost state, Louisiana is also the mouth of the Mississippi River. In the past, it was an important producer of coal and sugar cane in the United States. Naturally, these tasks were done by black slaves.

Slaves were emancipated, but slave owners simply threw them out of plantations and mines and into factories.

In the past, it was the master's whip that taught them a lesson, but after liberating the slaves, it was the factory director's whip that taught them a lesson. Is this probably better?

Anyway, I can get a few dollars every month. Finally, I don’t have to eat at the host’s house. I can buy pots, buy vegetables, and cook by myself.

After thinking about it, Deadpool suddenly sang the classic Southern ditty "Susanna", as if he himself had become a black man, boarding the ferry from Alabama, holding a banjo to go to Louisiana to meet his sweetheart.

As a result, when we got on the boat, the motor exploded and five hundred niggas were killed in one go, just like what the song said.

Thinking of this, he swallowed, looked at the deserted place and winked: "I suddenly want to drink milk tea, and I also want to drink Mixue Bingcheng."

Tony didn't pay attention to Deadpool's abnormal behavior from time to time. He continued to look at Spectra's background information. During World War II, her great-great-grandfather had joined the army, and he was the Eighth Division of the Army where Bucky once worked.

After the war, I got some retirement pay, so I returned to my hometown, bought a house, and found a job in the fire station.

Black people get married and have children relatively early, and Howard only had his son Tony in his later years, but the Lambeau family has had four generations in the same period of time, and almost every generation has been a firefighter.

Because Monica was a girl, it was not convenient for her to enter the man-heavy profession of the fire department, so with the help of her family, she joined the Port Patrol of the Port of New Orleans and became a police officer.

Looking at his resume again, it can be seen that he is a thorn in the side. He is often suspended for disobeying his boss's orders, but he is often reinstated within a few days. It is more like a workaholic who is forced to take leave by his boss.

She has good interpersonal relationships and many of her subordinates are very fond of her.

"She has a warm and generous personality, and hates evil. Once, because someone asked her for help outside her home in the middle of the night, she went into battle, wearing only a silk nightgown and went to the streets to fight with gangs...Wait a minute, Jarvis, this is really Is it the S.H.I.E.L.D. file?”

Tony, who unconsciously read out the contents of the report, tilted his head and showed a black question mark expression. SHIELD information should be recorded seriously, but what about the photos and street surveillance videos of the shootout?

"The taste is too bland and boring, but I don't know exactly where she works." Deadpool lost interest after taking a glance at the photo. At this time, he looked at Carol with his finger in his mouth and asked: "The port What kind of agency is the Patrol? A type of Coast Guard?"

Monica is considered beautiful among black people and has a good figure, but like Carol, she has a fierceness like a female warrior, which is not Wade's cup of tea.

In Chinese terms, this kind of energy is like a fool, not very smart.

"No, the Coast Guard is part of the Department of Homeland Security, which can almost be said to be the army, but the Port Patrol belongs to the police system." Captain Marvel is quite familiar with this. After all, she is also a member of the army. In order to facilitate the uneducated Deadpool understood, and she kindly stretched out her hands to make random gestures: "You can think of them as police officers who sail boats to patrol, or as marine police."

Deadpool understood, and he hit his palm with his fist: "They are the police who drive small speedboats and arrest unlicensed fishermen along the river."

In the United States, whether you are hunting or fishing, you must apply for a certificate unless you are on your own territory.

You need a deer hunting license to hunt deer, and you need a wolf hunting license to hunt wolves. They are all different. There are different licenses for different seasons every year, and the same is true for fishing.

Fishing licenses generally only cost thirty dollars, but some people are unwilling to spend even this money. If you fish without a license, you will be caught and fined.

"It can be understood this way. Catching people who fish without a license is one of the important responsibilities of the marine police, just like the New York patrolman posting tickets on cars on the street." At this time, Carol heard Xiao Qiao coming from the barn behind her. With a suppressed scream, her face turned red, and she pulled Deadpool and Iron Man away and walked away: "But looking at the information, this Monica is a police inspector, and she should have good abilities."

"Is your family slaughtering livestock? It's interesting. When I was in college, I once stole a pig and transported it to the roof of the school dance hall in a hot air balloon for airdrop. The senior class was holding a graduation dance at that time. You would definitely not expect those antiques. The expressions on the professors’ faces really make me miss it.”

However, Tony still heard it. He became interested and pointed to the barn:

"I seem to hear the sound of pig killing. Maybe I can help you make a fully automatic pig killing assembly line. Let me go in and visit the site first..."

"Don't look! You heard wrong! We're leaving now, to New Orleans." Without saying a word, Carol grabbed Deadpool's neck and shook his head hard: "Teleport us away quickly."

"Ugh, I'm dying, I can't breathe! Oh, Susanna, don't cry for me, I'm from Alabama with my banjo on my lap..."

Deadpool was unwilling to give up this joke. One second he was being choked and looked like he was dying, but the next second he started singing along with the BGM, and he really imitated the southern accent of a black slave.

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