The Death Knell

Chapter 3044 Another Tactics Master

"your friend?"

Tony sat down, took a sip of coffee, nodded with satisfaction, and asked Wade with a smile.

I don't know why, but looking at the serious man in front of him, Xiao Hui only felt a darkness.

"Well, my cousin's friend, Batman, I am not very close to him because he has never touched my butt." Deadpool lifted half of his mask and took a sip of coffee. He couldn't drink coffee. Good or bad, just drink it down, smacking your lips and saying dirty words: "But you just treat him as a mental patient. If my madness level is 1, then his is about 10. He also has an old sweetheart. The pretty boy is as crazy as a Mexican congressman’s brain that has been drugged with maggots.”

Deadpool speaks without scruples, Batman is a psychopath, and everyone on earth knows it.

The man who was told this did not have any emotional fluctuations. He was still cold and expressionless, looking at Tony and Carol calmly:

"I know you, you are Deathstroke's people, this should be our first official meeting, but now, I want to join your operation."

Batman spoke very directly, as if he wasn't trying to ask for anyone's opinion, but was simply informing.

"Stop, my friend." Tony smiled and shook his head. He put his hands on the table and crossed his legs: "We don't know you, and we are not Deathstroke's people, right? Captain."

"Well, that can actually be the case." Carol answered vaguely.

Tony took a deep breath, looked at the woman who was playing with her coffee cup with her head down, and coughed:

"Ahem, in short, if you want to act with us, that's impossible. We are going to the parallel universe to solve problems and protect our own earth. Do you know what parallel universes are? But it's dangerous. Take a look. You don’t have superpowers, don’t follow me to death, why don’t you go play with other transvestites?”

If Bruce were sitting here, he would definitely be amused by Tony, but it's Batman sitting here.

"I know the concept of parallel universes, even more than you do. My knowledge of Deathstroke is unmatched by any of you. Even if you don't agree, I will follow you, and I have the ability to protect myself. .”

He doesn't prove anything to others, he just takes action.

Iron Man tilted his mouth, touched his beard and entered a state of thinking.

The temptation was over. The man in front of him was not as crazy as Deadpool said, or it was not obvious that he was crazy.

He spoke very rudely, but the other party remained calm and talked about his own advantages. There was some kind of action logic behind this.

Tony likes people with strict logic. This is the instinct of a scientist. At the same time, as a capable person, he can feel who has real abilities, and obviously Batman is it.

"Wade, what do you think? Let this friend of yours come with us?" In the end, only Deathstroke can make the decision, but Deathstroke is not there, and his cousin should be able to keep his word, so Tony expressed his agreement tactfully.

"Huh? Are you talking to me?"

Deadpool held the phone and tilted his head. He was chatting with the 'unfashionable young warhead'.

He was inspired when he saw this cafe and thought of the detective agencies in old movies, because those detectives like to interact with others in cafes.

When he thought of detectives, he thought of Jessica Jones, the girl with her own agency.

Thinking of the office, he also wanted to have one.

So he asked his friends where he could rent a cheap house in New York, and he planned to let the warhead work with him. Anyway, her stay on Utopia Island was too remote. How could it be better than a big city?

He didn't hear a word of the cryptic exchange between Batman and Iron Man, and he only focused on exchanging cat emoticons that macho men must see with the Negative Sonic Girl Warhead.

"It seems you agree, Monica, come here."

Batman was well prepared. After seeing the three people's attitudes, he called the woman hiding behind the bar. This was his card.

Batman didn't know whether Deathstroke had installed positioning or monitoring tools on Deadpool. He said that before, just to put the psychological pressure of "knowing everything" on Tony and Carol.

But Deadpool didn't care. He was used to being monitored by Big Brother anyway, so this trick failed.

Batman's actual operation is this. After arriving on Earth 40K, he disguised himself as Diana, deceived the lieutenant, and inquired about Deathstroke's whereabouts.

When he learned that Deathstroke was not around and only Deadpool was in action, he became interested and discovered that Wade was looking for someone to prepare for a certain operation, so he continued to observe.

When the three of them were chatting about Monica Rambeau in Antarctica, Batman, who read lip-reading through satellite images, took the first step, found an excuse to escape from the surveillance of his lieutenant, and found this woman first.

Although he didn't know why Deathstroke was looking for her, Batman easily convinced the policewoman with a sense of justice.

He, who is good at psychology, showed up at her home in a black uniform, and then took off his mask to show his sincerity when the other party was alert, and said a few famous lines of justice spoken by Superman in the past.

How have the newly debuted superheroes ever heard of Superman’s powerful speech full of glory and righteousness? The woman's blood immediately boiled.

Although Batman said that she would not know what was going on until a while and that she had to go somewhere with him to wait for someone, she still agreed.

Because the black Bat-man looked very imposing, as if he was very familiar with dealing with various superheroes, and reminded her of Nick Fury.

Many people hate Nick, but Monica doesn't. As a black man, she thinks Fury is a role model. In order to protect something, strong measures are needed.

Besides, Monica, who has always fought alone, also wants to try teaming up with other superheroes.

In short, Batman persuaded her to wait at the Hero Cafe together, and arranged the entrance to a pocket space on the only way Wade and his party would pass after arriving in New Orleans. Even the onlookers were paid by him on the Internet. Extras hired.

The purpose was to create an atmosphere where the three of them were being watched, so that when they got here, they would subconsciously think of finding a secluded place to enter the store.

Everything went as planned.

And now, as Tony revealed the purpose of several people's actions, Monica, who was hiding behind the bar, and Batman, who originally didn't know the specific situation, both learned the purpose of the action.

"How did you know we were looking for her?"

Tony looked in disbelief. He had only seen this ability in Deathstroke in the past, as if he could predict the future and grasp all information.

The shadow who stood up just lifted his cloak, covering half of his face, and answered calmly:

"Because I'm Batman."

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