The Death Knell

Chapter 3045 Trident Tactics

"You shouldn't be here."

When the bat uniform appeared in front of him, Deathstroke, who was communicating with the three robots, sighed.

Although all the helpers wanted are here, it is obvious that there is an unnecessary person, which may cause variables.

"But I'm here."

Batman, who was walking with wind, looked at his surroundings calmly, and he walked quickly towards Deathstroke.

Su Ming shook hands with the other party speechlessly: "There are still a lot of troubles on Earth 0. You shouldn't leave now. If Darkseid takes the opportunity to attack, the rest of the Justice League will not be able to deal with it."

"No, we still have the Pale Knight on Earth 0. In addition, I have a backup plan." Batman remained calm, his eyes behind the mask fell on several robots, and then he immediately retracted: "Are you looking for a response to the reaction? Equation of Life’ stuff.”

Batman is still the same. He uses declarative sentences to express questions. In the dark underground safe house, he seems to have integrated into this new darkness.

"It's strange, you never trust anyone, why do you look at the Pale Knight differently?" Su Ming laughed and moved his chin from left to right: "Is it because he used to be a clown? Or is it because his crazy way is more... like you?"

Deathstroke did not answer the question directly, but with this attitude, Batman was sure that he knew the target of his operation.

Today's universe, which is full of abnormal vitality, is probably the solution to the anti-life equation.

As he expected, Deathstroke's departure was indeed aimed at targeting Darkseid.

No one currently knows what the so-called 'real Darkseid' is capable of, but clues can be seen from some of his past performances.

In the past, Darkseid had many abilities, but they could generally be divided into three categories.

First of all, as a new god, he has super physical fitness and the ability to be reborn infinitely, as well as divine technology that is difficult for humans to match.

Secondly, he has mastered the Omega Effect, which represents 'end and cycle', which is an advanced cosmic energy. The real Darkseid exists in the multiverse, so this ability should also be upgraded to the same level or Higher, which means he could end the entire multiverse.

The last point is the anti-life equation. Although the anti-life equation of Earth 0 was taken away and hidden by Darkseid's daughter Greer, there must be other parallel worlds, and even at higher levels. There are also.

According to Batman's research, the Anti-Life Equation is very much like an algorithm that drives the 'Cosmic Will'. It can be spread into the minds of those in contact in any form that can be understood by ordinary people, making them think that hope is meaningless and that life is meaningless. The meaning is to serve Darkseid.

Deathstroke should also know these things that he knows. His departure must be to find countermeasures against these three points.

So, Batman follows.

The solution can't just lie in the hands of a single individual, especially when that person is Deathstroke, of course, just in case.

"Just because I made a deal with him doesn't mean I trust him." Bat stood in the center of the rotunda, looking at the young face of Deathstroke: "Now tell me your plan."

Deathstroke shook his head. He had just revised his plan and said:

"I'm afraid it's hard for you to understand that in the multidimensional and even super-time flow where Earth 0 is located, the Old Ones have been forgotten. They are existences that are no longer mentioned in legends and stories."

"Then let me understand." Batman remained expressionless. He insisted on his own approach for the sake of the earth.

It's actually not difficult to explain this to a smart person. Even if Constantine was present, he should be able to understand what the gameplay is without the death knell explanation.

It's nothing more than hedging with high-level rules.

In Darkseid's anti-life equation, a key formula is 'life = death'; in the chaotic cognition of the ancients, there is only the simple view of 'life is love', even if this is simply beyond the reach of mortals. The love that endures.

When two opposing rules are stuffed into the same universe, there will inevitably be a collision between them, and the final result will be that the stronger one wins, because that's what happens when they meet on a narrow road.

In the collision of concepts and rules, there is no compromise or negotiation, only death and death.

Just like parallel earths colliding with each other, only one strong person will be left behind.

This is the way of transcendence, a manifestation of the evolutionary form of the macrocosmic system. Just like the aging and weak cells in the human body will be eliminated and replaced by new and stronger ones, the fittest will survive and the fittest will survive.

The Polygon and the many ancient ones who created him seem to be quite strong. They don't even have to show up in person. Lord Marvel alone has killed four 'deaths', so there is a high probability that they can also kill the ones in the anti-life equation. That 'death' concept, right?

When ‘death’ is no longer equal to ‘life’, if there is just one mistake in the formula, it will no longer hold true.

There was no need to say too much. After Deathstroke explained a few words in a low voice, it was clear from Batman's face that the other party had understood and realized the theoretical feasibility of the plan.

"Understood, so Constantine's mission is to find another cosmic energy for the Omega effect." Batman knew that he and Deathstroke had the same idea, and that was enough. Although limited by the differences in intelligence, He was unable to take various actions to gain the initiative, but he already had a sense of confidence.

Su Ming laughed. He threw a lightsaber to Batman and asked him to take it back and study it: "Now you have achieved your goal, are you happy?"

"One more question. Are you planning to use the power of those ancient ones to become their agent and believer?" The shadowy man asked, because if it were him, in order to protect the earth and In the multiverse, one's own sacrifice is a price that can be paid.

But Deathstroke is not Batman after all. The words "sacrifice oneself for others" are not in his dictionary. How can ordinary people have such a high consciousness?

So he shook his head and said in a voice that almost no one could hear in the darkness:

"Only a lunatic can be the spokesperson of the Old Ones. The vast sea of ​​knowledge will make people's minds no longer connected to each other. In comparison, the information that the Mobius Chair can provide is just a child's toy. I don’t even know what is outside of diversity, I need someone who can’t connect with each other in thinking, someone who is my own person.”

"So, you have someone."

Batman understood what Deathstroke meant, and his eyes fell on Deadpool not far away. At this time, the red and black bitch was asking the female police officer what procedures were needed to set up a firm.

"So as you can imagine, I have a ready-made protagonist. He is the most suitable person to be God's favorite person. He is full of 'love'. As an elder brother, of course I must have the beauty of an adult."

Su Ming also looked at Deadpool, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, showing an expression of brotherly friendship.

"He doesn't know." Batman asked.

"I helped him find a wife this morning, Bruce. In your world and mine, no good thing comes for free."

The mercenaries with dark minds speak dark rules.

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