The Death Knell

Chapter 3048 It’s hard to guard against domestic thieves

In a cancerous universe, life has no end, and everything survives after death.

But is there really no way to kill someone outright?

the answer is negative.

Here, infinite life comes from the gifts given by the ancients and the love they give to all living beings.

And if you want to deal with someone, you only need to return this love to the giver.

To put it more simply, it is just to catch some monsters that you want to kill, and then sacrifice them collectively to the gods in the shadow of the past.

The gods in Chaos are actually not very picky. If someone gives you a gift, they will accept it, and then randomly give something back to the sacrificer. It may be a blessing or a curse, but most of the time it is called a blessing. The curse.

Su Ming didn't want the blessings of the ancients. Even if the people who performed this step were the two mages Doom and Professor Xu, he didn't want anything to happen to them.

Although Doom can often collect wool from the beholder and still remain awake and sane, luck does not always accompany a person.

As for Xu Xian, although her elementalization ability is useful, it is still not enough in front of the old rulers.

If you sacrifice creatures to ancient beings like Cthulhu or Hastur, and they feed back any "benefits", that would be bad. All defensive magic is not designed to resist BUFF.

Su Ming could only think of one safe person to worship, so he had already seen the full extent of the opponent's tricks.

Just watching the fun? No, it's more like teaming up with outsiders to steal things from your own family.

There was a man who opened a business in partnership with his family. He probably didn't want to play anymore, but he was not allowed to withdraw his shares, so he thought of a way, that is, to find some outsiders and robbers to come and smash the business.

He didn't say what benefits he wanted, but the goods were special and the robbers could only use him to sell their stolen goods, so he had to reluctantly accept it.

He doesn't know if he has any use for these goods. Maybe it's a joke, maybe just for fun.

However, life is often about using each other. Since someone loves to play so much, let's help deal with Darkseid.

"We will get on the ship after a while. Me, the female Thor and Captain Marvel will clear the way. Spectrum will deal with the soldiers, Dr. Doom and Professor Xu. I will chop the enemy until it loses its ability to resist and deprive the opponent of its magic resistance. Then you activate Sacrifice. Sacrifice ceremony, sacrifice the madman I threw to you to the 'Black Pharaoh', Tony, you go find a way to isolate the communication within the spacecraft and buy us time."

The Star Swallowing Engine is very large. It is almost the same size as a planetary system, and it exists in the real dimension. It is a relatively easy place to find.

The three robots may have poor combat prowess, and even their courage was defeated by Lord Marvel, but there is no problem in letting them do some intelligence work, especially the supreme intelligence and mental clone skills that are best suited for spying.

While flying and wandering in the universe, Su Ming divided the tasks for several people around him.

"Black Pharaoh Doom once read an ancient book called "Book of the Dead". If I remember correctly, Black Pharaoh is a clone of Nyarlathotep? He is an ancient one."

Doctor Doom even crossed his arms during flight, which seemed to be much better than Superman's flying posture. He used magic to maintain the conversation between several people in the vacuum illusion:

"We're going to kill their followers and sacrifice them to him. Is that okay?"

Doom wears an iron mask, and others cannot see the expression on his face, but through the two eye sockets on the mask, you can see that his eyes seem to be hesitant.

It feels like stealing something from someone's house and then selling it back to the original owner. If you are recognized, you will be in big trouble.

It is very simple to hold a sacrificial ceremony, but the caster will closely connect himself with the object he wants to sacrifice. If he is targeted, he may not have a chance to escape, and his spirit and reason will be destroyed by the angry demon.

At least that's how it used to be.

"Don't worry about this, Victor. In the past, as long as mages had a little sense, they would be cautious when contacting dimensional demons, but the vast majority of ancients are different from beholder demons."

Deathstroke turned over in the air. He preferred to fly in the backstroke position:

"They don't care, or because humans are too small, they always appear tolerant, just like we usually don't target bacteria floating in the air, as if they are completely invisible."

"But every move we make may bring disaster to the bacteria."

Doom said calmly that he knew what the Old Ones were and no further explanation was needed. However, it is also understandable that Death Knell should be talking to other people traveling with him.

"That's true, but a single universe is not particularly important to me, let alone them." Deathstroke handed Doom a titanium mobile phone for self-defense: "Plus this The whole thing has the shadow of the Black Pharaoh, he can't escape, and Deadpool is also his playmate who has long been named."

"Being your cousin is really a lucky thing." Doom laughed and stopped talking.

Tony was still in the 'little fairy' flying posture with his hands pricked. He came close to Deathstroke: "Slade, you want me to cut off the other party's communication, but if that giant spaceship is as big as a planetary system, I will How can you do this if you don’t even know what communication method the other party uses?”

"You are a professional, just adapt to your circumstances. I only want results." Su Ming tapped his ear. At this time, the communication from the Supreme Intelligence had come. He locked the latest position of the Star Swallowing Engine, so the Supreme Mage nodded. : "Everyone, hurry up and follow me. We have found the target."

The Star Swallowing Engine stretches across a space where a certain planetary system should have existed, but now, only indescribable giant meat balls and their derivatives are left floating in the universe.

These squirming flesh balls still radiate brilliance even in an environment without stars, constantly spewing out smoke of various colors, and emitting weird howling sounds that can penetrate the vacuum.

When they exhale smoke, the space also fluctuates, as if the invisible breath is blowing ripples.

Instead, the various derivative monsters they produced were like headless flies, densely packed in the space, heading towards madness in a twisted and irregular dance.

Seeing a multi-horned monster that looked like a deformed starfish but was full of mouths flying past from a short distance away, Daisy was thoughtful and said to the death knell hovering next to her:

"These monsters are also devouring each other, and flesh and blood seem to be the medium for their material exchange."

"Half right." Deathstroke looked at the huge spaceship not far away. The front end of the spacecraft was the distorted and deformed face of Galactus: "Flesh and blood are just carriers. What they exchange is knowledge and love. Love flows freely in chaos. It is not simply a directional cycle like a food chain."

"What are you talking about? Let's start a fight? Slade, I'm waiting for your order."

Carol likes space battles, especially when the enemies are all monsters, and she has no worries.

At this time, she had entered the form of a double star, and the strong light she emitted attracted all kinds of space creatures in the nearby space to rush towards her like moths to a flame.

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