The Death Knell

Chapter 3049 Star Swallowing Engine

"Monica, do these millions of deformed space creatures in front of you have any impact on you?" Deathstroke did not respond to the excited Carol immediately, but looked at the shining black girl beside him.

"I thought I had seen all kinds of weirdos in the ocean, but apparently they weren't weird enough." The female police officer's ability allows her to still move freely in space, even more freely than on earth: "But I'm fine, sir. Although those flailing tentacles and deformed bodies are full of madness and weirdness, they have no effect on me."

The New Orleans Port Patrol, as its name suggests, is a team that patrols the harbor and parts of the Mississippi River. As a masked vigilante, Monica has indeed dealt with some strange creatures rising from the bottom of the sea in the past.

The fear in the deep sea has always existed, and Namor in the 40K universe has some psychological problems and doesn't care about things at all, so there are always some ocean giants that will approach the land where there is more food.

Generally speaking, they are big octopuses, giant squids, hydras, and the like. Anyway, they are all covered with body parts like tentacles.

Monica is very good at dealing with seafood, but Deathstroke invited her here not just because of her 'tentacle resistance'.

"Don't be so polite, just call me Slade." Deathstroke smiled and waved his hand, seeming to turn a blind eye to the group of monsters twisting in front of him and approaching at high speed: "Have you mastered the ability to clone now? If possible, I want to kill these monsters I'll leave it all to you, and the rest of us will go straight into the ship."

Spectrum has a very outrageous ability. After being transformed into elements, she can use various forms of 'waves', including light.

She can control a large area of ​​light around her body to form her own 'light clones', thus achieving the effect of one person becoming an army.

The combat effectiveness of the phantom clone is negligible. It is at the level of a street hero and will dissipate if touched. It is not very useful for deceiving people because the translucent body is easy to detect.

But now, it’s no problem to use it to deceive these brainless beasts.

As long as she keeps the clone emitting strong light, she can hold off all the monsters endlessly and buy time for Deathstroke and his party.

"I can, sir."

The black girl nodded seriously. She was very polite and seemed to obey orders. This was the benefit of being in the police force.

After giving the answer, she immediately activated her ability. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of identical 'spectra' appeared behind everyone. They were all wearing shining silver uniforms. In the colorful and crazy space, it was hard to see. What is the difference between coming out and the body.

Carol in the form of a double star did indeed radiate endless light, and the energy tide surged out of her body like a tsunami, but as a person who could control the spectrum of light, it only took a few seconds for all the clones to reach The higher brightness seems to form a bright Milky Way.

The eyes of the deformed monsters in space brightened when they looked at her. Among the billions of eyeballs, there was only one silvery white.

"Then I'll leave it up to you, Monica, to be careful about the situation outside. I'll give you a good car when you get back. Okay, Daisy, Carol, let's find a way to get on the boat, and Victor will cast a spell to cover it up. Our whereabouts, Professor Xu, Tony, follow us.”

Carol glanced at Monica appreciatively. She liked this kind of woman who had a strong character and could shoulder heavy responsibilities.

So before starting work, she nodded to the black girl, and then her whole body turned into a meteor and went straight towards the Galactus engine.

There were many deformed polygonal creatures standing in front of her, densely packed like a thick wall, but Captain Marvel just bumped into them, like punching a deep hole in an indescribable jelly.

Su Ming and others immediately followed. Daisy's thunder and lightning ensured that the opened path would not heal quickly, while Doom used Sithorn's dark magic to summon black smoke to obscure the presence of several people.

Just like that, three seconds later, several people successfully boarded the ship. To be precise, they stepped on the planet devourer's human stick.

Because this body was so huge, all that could be seen around him were the various creatures that inhabited his body, which were as dense as a forest made of flesh and blood. The body under his feet was also soft and rotten, and the huge cancerous tissue formed a mountain.


Carol, who was the first to land on the ship, knelt on one knee, roared, raised her fist, and slammed it to the ground.

A bright white light suddenly burst out from under the fist, and with a roar, she opened a passage to the interior of the ship.

The exaggerated vitality gave Galactus an extremely powerful self-healing ability, but the cancerous body seemed to be no longer so strong.

But compared to the huge figure of its swallowing star, this passage the size of a manhole cover was completely painless. The living spacecraft had not even felt the presence of a few people.

Or maybe there is nothing he can do about it, as his limbs have been integrated into his body due to cancer, and now they are like a giant French stick flying in space, or a human stick?

"Hurry up, the hole is healing."

Su Ming asked Tony and others to go in first, while he took the rear. In the double star form, Carol could easily blow up a star with one punch. Now, it was obvious that she had exhausted her strength, but it only created a deep squirming well.

The mouth of the well continued to shrink as he spoke, and the blood-red sarcoma inside quickly filled the gap.

Several people filed in, accelerating and flying downwards. Carol kept punching to open up the passage to prevent the wounds from healing and trapping everyone inside.

Even so, the skin of Galactus is a bit thick, almost the distance from the earth to the moon. After going through this journey of coexisting with deformed cancer cells, it has entered the muscle layer under the skin.

Here, they encountered fierce resistance, and the source of the resistance was none other than the cells in Galactus.

Or once immune cells.

Supported by endless vitality, these cells that used to work diligently for the body have also been distorted. They have now turned into deformed independent creatures, like balls of pus covered with tentacles and spikes, committing suicide. sexual assault.

"Daisy, shock them. We have to continue going down until we get into Galactus's chest."


While Carol was opening the way, the female Thor also came to Deathstroke's side and took charge of the rear. Even though these cells were distorted by unknown forces, they were numb when electrocuted.

A large swath of lightning spurted out from the hammer like a lightning storm, greatly slowing down the monsters coming from all directions. Then Deathstroke used cosmic energy and the force to repel them one by one, rendering them unable to move.

In this way, the group of people moved forward while fighting. After traveling almost the distance from the earth to the sun, Carol finally gave the good news.

"Opened! Below is a rotten planetary system!"

The interior of the Galactus Engine is really a world, and its huge size has already destined this situation.

"Let's go down."

Deathstroke responded calmly and asked everyone to go down and wait for him. He took out the Ruhr Crystal and mobilized some life energy to completely heal the hole where everyone came down, blocking off the crazy pursuers.

And in this way, everyone is faced with a strange internal universe. Within the body of Galactus, there are dozens of corrupted planets, slowly rotating around a huge glowing heart of flesh and blood...

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