The Death Knell

Chapter 3055 Eyeball Spaceship

"The wind is a bit noisy today. According to my experience, we should encounter the enemy soon."

All the way north, Deadpool's calves were cramped from walking, and he still found nothing of value, but his mouth was never idle, and he kept talking to the non-existent audience:

"Many of you may think that my cousin is good at dealing with giant monsters, but I'm actually not bad either. I have a perfect set of tactics, which I'll teach you. When encountering a giant monster, use a sliding shovel to get the upper hand, and then you can Taking the opportunity to disembowel the enemy is half the battle won. When the opponent's intestines are all over the floor and you fart into his empty abdomen, he will definitely die on the spot."

While he was talking, his restless hands were still gesturing in front of him, imitating the angle from which to draw the knife, how to take out the intestines and tie them into knots, etc.

When he talked about enjoying himself, he was spitting and had a rotten smile on his face.

But at this moment, a huge monster suddenly emerged from the damaged depression in the street in front of him.

It was a nightmarish black shape, its amorphous body exuding a foul odor, squirming and flowing forward.

It looked like melted asphalt, but it was an amorphous mass of protoplasm, glowing vaguely.

Tens of thousands of pus-like eyes that emit green light are constantly forming and decomposing on its surface, and tentacles that are merging and separating like vines are dancing wildly in the air, revealing things that humans cannot understand and describe. Special rhythm.

"Look, what are you talking about?" Deadpool turned his head and smiled crookedly. He analyzed it as if he was possessed by the God of War: "Other monsters are very friendly to me, which means they are still humans, but this giant monster, as soon as it came out, Blocking my way must be some kind of mini-boss arranged on the mission route to gain experience for me."


"Yes, that's right. Let me show you my tactics right now. First, accelerate for a run-up, and then take out your weapon during the sliding tackle..."

He immediately used the monster in front of him as a sample to demonstrate, as if he was planning to sell his tactical program.

"Ah~~~I'll shovel!"

Like a football player trying to scoop up the crucial last ball, Deadpool crossed the wet and slippery ground with an extreme side lunge, sending a stream of foul-smelling water towards the enemy's fat body from dozens of meters away. Then he slid away with great momentum.

But the result was not as expected.


The shovel was reached, with one leg in front, leaning back, and holding one hand on the ground, forming a perfect triangular structure. According to theory, the opponent should be shoveled into the sky by this 'wedge'-like structure.

But the sharp corner at the front of the triangle pierced into the opponent's body, making a sound like a hand being pushed into jelly, and the whole calf was stuck in it.

Deadpool lost his balance and sat down on the ground. The opponent's thousands of snake-like eyes with vertical pupils instantly locked onto him with green light.


The monster made a strange cry that seemed to come from a nightmare, but with a mocking emotion.

It has no mouth, but its voice can be clearly heard by Deadpool.

"Would you believe me if I said this was a misunderstanding?"

After swallowing a gulp of saliva, Wade used his strength to pull out the opponent's foot from the bubble body that seemed to be filled with black pus. He also stretched out his hand to help the opponent rub the area where he had just been kicked, and asked shyly.

"Buzz! Snap!"

The other party didn't answer, but just slapped Deadpool with a tentacle, and helped him take off with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air.

If you watch baseball often, you can see that this is a perfect home run, with impeccable angle and power.

The huge force almost instantly beat Deadpool into a star on the horizon. If there were no plot continuity gems, he would have been blown into a ball of blood mist on the spot.

But it's okay now, all the bones and internal organs are broken, and the whole figure is like a bag of water in the uniform, but at least it is not falling apart, which is quite reasonable anyway.

But even though he tried his best to protect his face and preserve his handsome appearance, the huge bombardment he endured was no less than being hit by an interstellar battleship at full speed. The man flew dozens of kilometers away, but his boots were still dangling on the monster. In front of me, it was like proving that someone had been here before.

"What a disgusting feeling!"

Deadpool squirmed and changed his position in the mid-air after being knocked away. He shuttled through the clouds of insects like a reclining Buddha, smashing into pieces of 'flying noodles'. He also took the opportunity to explain:

"Do you think I would say that? That's wrong. This is not the world of Pokemon. It's useless to say that. This should be some kind of cutscene. Do you understand? I will be sent somewhere."

As he said, he suddenly hit an invisible object. It was not a flying monster made of flesh and blood, but a familiar spaceship shell made of steel.

With a bang, his whole body crashed through the hull, and he was stuck in the corridor of the spacecraft like a pile of rotten meat. His two eyeballs also fell out of their sockets. They were connected by the optic nerve and bounced on the ground in front of his chest. Ups and downs.

But even so, he can still speak:

"Look, am I right? This is like entering a secret place. According to my experience, there should be a treasure chest or some artifact near here."

After activating the gem, he immediately recovered and tore himself off the wall. Looking at the human-shaped gap made on the other wall, he immediately found an explanation.

But obviously, this place was not like some mysterious magic place, but more like a high-tech spaceship. The walls and ceiling were white, and the automatic fire extinguishing device was in operation, spraying white and sticky stuff all over him.

"Oh, the spaceship, it looks like a spherical spaceship. It always feels like someone told me about this." He wiped his face and tried his best to recall it, but he lost his memory again, so he no longer He insisted, but smiled relaxedly: "Forget it, let's go around and see if there is anything valuable. I don't know who the owner of this spaceship is. How neurotic must he be if he likes white so much?"

After that, he began to walk around the ringed corridor, looking around with his weapon in hand, prying open every door he passed, and peeking in to take a look.

However, even if he saw any equipment, it was all high-tech that he couldn't understand, and it was the kind of equipment that looked very powerful.

After walking for a long time, he licked the dead skin on his butt and said, "It's strange, why is there no one here? I still want to find someone to ask for some news."

Just like what he said, there was no one inside the eyeball-shaped invisible spacecraft. Whether it was the layer he crashed into or the different layers above and below, there were only traces of people living there.

But there were no people alive, and no corpses after death. There was only the almost imperceptible sound of the engine running when the spacecraft was running, and other than that there was only dead silence.

After a moment of silence, Wade suddenly hit his palm with his fist:

"I understand, the crew members here must have collectively eaten their stomachs and gone to the toilet, right? Let me look for it, and then throw a firecracker into the compartment, hehehe..."

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