The Death Knell

Chapter 3054 The Path of the Protagonist

While Deathstroke and his team were tinkering with the sacrificial ceremony, Deadpool was walking alone in the ruins of the city.

This used to be New York, at least geographically speaking, but now there are only broken bricks and broken walls, and the smelly wind blows through the ruins, making a sound like a ghost crying.

Wade seemed to have lost his soul. His back was stooped and his shoulders were slumped. He dragged his heavy steps forward slowly. Compared with the homeless tramp, he was only dragging a torn sack in his hand. .


After walking for a while, he would sigh, and from time to time he would look up at the sky filled with weird noodles, as if he didn't want to let his tears flow down.

There is the remains of a store not far away, I guess. Anyway, the building has collapsed, leaving only the half-open vending machine at the door. The machine is also covered with mushrooms, red umbrellas, and white poles.

After coming to the machine and looking at it for a while, he reached out and took out a pack of cigarettes. He opened the package and took out one, put it in his mouth, and then groped around his whole body.

Later, I still used plot gems to light the fire.

"Fu~~~" He exhaled a puff of smoke and leaned against a poisonous mushroom. He tilted his mouth and said, "Old fellows, I don't want a world like this. Deadpool and Vanessa here are worse off than dead... ...But I can't save them. I found that this gem is good for everything except that it can't be used to save people. It doesn't have that function."

The street was not empty. Just a few steps away, some cancerous meatballs covered in pus rolled across the street. As they rolled, they laughed like barbells.

Hearing Deadpool talking to himself, they glanced at him curiously and chirped, as if they wanted Wade to join them in their blind and boring wandering and enjoy the simple joy of being loved.

"Thank you for your kindness. I can understand your body language. It's as easy to understand as the action when I went to an African indigenous tribe and the chief invited me to eat human flesh. But I am on a mission and it is not a good time to go shopping. "

Deadpool spoke to these meatballs. Anyway, they should be able to understand English:

"I'm just feeling a little tired. Let's have a cigarette and take a rest. By the way, do you know where Lord Marvel is? I want to kill him and restore the earth to its original state."

"Chi chi chi chi!"

The meatballs answered him in a strange language, and then jumped away happily, as if nothing had happened.

Deadpool took another puff of cigarette and frowned:

"I found that I couldn't understand what they were saying. I really regret it. My cousin kept asking me to learn more foreign languages, but I spent all the time that others were learning on shitting. Only now did I realize that I am a trash protagonist. .”


"Yes, I just used gems. I'm not stupid. How can I forget this? But I still can't understand their words. Our languages ​​are like two parallel lines that never intersect. Sure enough, aliens Everyone speaks English, but it is most difficult for people on Earth to communicate with each other."

Wade scratched his face, spit on the side, licked his rotten lips and said:

"But they are quite friendly. Seeing their pus oozing and bouncing, I already have an idea. Based on my strict logical thinking ability and the precise intuition of a mercenary, plus the identity of the protagonist in the world, and the handsomeness I have a way to achieve an unparalleled charming face."

The wind was blowing loudly and there was silence all around.


"Don't worry about those details, I have an idea anyway." Deadpool took off a boot on one foot and threw it into the sky: "My cousin once used the trick of throwing shoes to point the way. There is no reason why he can do it and I can't. Anyway, as the protagonist, you are protected by the will of the universe, so just follow its will."

The red and black high-top military boots rotated in the air and landed steadily under Deadpool's expectant eyes.

But he forgot one thing. In the cancerous universe, even the earth has been corrupted. The ground is covered with a soft and sticky carpet-like substance. His shoes are as if they have fallen into a cesspool, and the heels are popping in. On the ground, the toe of the shoe pointed directly at the sky.

"This is to take me to heaven! I can't fly, so this time it doesn't count."

Saying this, he declined the payment, hopped on one foot, picked up the shoe, and threw it away again.


"...No, I'm going underground again this time. I'm not Slade. The types of 'holes' I'm good at drilling are completely different from his."

Deadpool shook his head repeatedly and winked at no one and told a dirty joke.

Anyway, there is nothing to drill into in this sewer. I have already lost my way on the ground. Wouldn’t it be even more difficult to go underground?

Pick up the shoes and throw them away again.


"It doesn't count."


"It doesn't count!"


After losing it more than a dozen times, either in the sky or on the ground, Deadpool rolled his eyes, whistled Susanna's ditty, and put the shoes back on without leaving a trace:

"Old fellows, the weather is nice today. Look at those bugs in the sky. They look quite comfortable. Haha, by the way, do you know how many ways to write the word 'love'?"


"Who said I changed the subject? Who said that? I didn't! Look at my eyes, how clear and pure they are. I won't lie. Don't you believe me? Then I'll give you guys a split, and I won't care about you. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.”

After saying that, he did a mid-air split on the spot, and the matter was considered to have been revealed unilaterally.

But the problem is still not solved. Although my cousin did not give a clear mission, he only said that he would come to Earth to play in a high-profile manner.

But after seeing the tragic situation of his other self, Deadpool spontaneously decided to kill Lord Marvel and restore peace to the world. Therefore, he must first find where the other person is.

The best route is not too complicated. Even the subway is out of service here, so the transportation is not very convenient.

Turning his back to the camera, he put his head on the vending machine, took out the gem and whispered:

"Gem, gem, can you teleport me directly to Lord Marvell? Let me chop him to death with a knife? Now I'm very embarrassed. I can't use the shoe-throwing trick. It makes me unable to get off stage!"

Well, the plot continuity gem is not a panacea, and another flaw is that it really can't speak.

So it made no movement and seemed to be passively resisting.

"Ahem! I have an idea." Deadpool coughed, turned his head again, took a deep puff of the cigarette in his mouth, threw it to the ground and stamped it out, leaving a sticky mess on his feet: "Gemstone just told me secretly Let me go south, so we will go south now."

After saying that, Deadpool roughly identified the direction, but because he couldn't see the sun and the sky, many methods of identifying the direction were unavailable, so he could only move forward based on intuition.

He walked towards the north among the ruins of the city. Anyway, New York must be a special place full of disasters, so he would be right to look for it in the city.

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