The Death Knell

Chapter 3053 Salty Concoction

Adam's idea is very good. If there is no way to defeat the invaders head-on, then construct a reality in which the invaders have been defeated.

This is a simple application of the law of cause and effect. First create the 'effect', and the gem itself will form the 'cause' that leads to the result.

But Deathstroke remained calm, letting the red mist surround him, as if he had given up resistance.

Adam panted violently and waited in the red mist. He wanted to see a reality in which he won, a reality that could turn the other person into a family and lover.

However, he was destined to be disappointed.

When the red granular mist returned to the gem again, he was still standing there, and the death knell was still floating in front of him not far away. The owner of the black and yellow armor even had the time to pick his ears.

"Why are you shouting so loudly? If you can, just call the property management!"

"! This is not true!" Adam hugged his head and rolled around suspended in this colorless space: "Why, why didn't the gods help me? They obviously love me so much."

"Huh? Why? Because you think too highly of yourself."

Deathstroke smiled and shook his head, holding the giant sword and slowly flying towards Adam, his mask hiding his kind smile:

"Gods love the world. This is true in this universe, but their love is also disordered, chaotic, free and equal. As much as they love you, they love me. Maybe your crazy mind may think If you don’t understand this, let me give you an example. Do you love a bacterium on your left hand more? Or do you love a bacterium on your right hand more?”

At this moment, the space the two of them were in was already pale, as if all the paint had been washed away from the painting, leaving only simple lines and shadows.

Although the two of them still have colors, Deathstroke's color is obviously more vivid, because the sword in his hand is still shining brightly.

"But my space gem, it was supposed to..."

The magician put down his hands, looked at the approaching doom with dull eyes, and murmured.

"You still don't understand the Polygons. What do you say to the world controlled by the Old Ones that it should be?"

After listening to Adam's ridiculous speech, Su Ming raised the giant sword in his hand and answered kindly while confusing the other person's thinking:

"Nothing here can be judged by common sense. Although the space gem is good, its authority is not comparable to the control of the universe by the ancients. Therefore, you can only change it if they are willing to let you change it." Change. You can’t refuse what God gives you, and you can’t even think about what God doesn’t give you. This is the tragedy of being a believer.”

If in other parallel worlds, a holder of the Infinity Gauntlet and gems would not be so easy to deal with, but in the cancerous universe, it is not something that can be done with just a few gems.

Adam looked down at his Infinity Gauntlet and maximized its power three times in a short period of time. There were faint cracks on the back of the golden hand.

He took off his gloves and threw them aside like old shoes:

"But why can you? You have obviously changed this space. Why?"

"Because my sword is a madman's sword made for me by a madman. I don't have to believe in the Old Ones myself, but I can make him believe in it for a while. Have you ever heard of a weapon spirit? A kind of thing that resides in a weapon or Among the props, there is a consciousness with its own thinking.”

Deathstroke's palm rubbed the blade of the sword, and he shook his head with a smile. Adam always thought that his opponent was the person in front of him, but he probably didn't expect that his opponent was not a person at all, right?

In the final analysis, in this unreasonable universe, it is still about who is crazier.

"You can't kill me, because death is dead! As long as I live, you can't achieve your goal!" Adam abandoned his gloves and began to use magic. He took out his own internal organs as a sacrifice. Start chanting a mantra: "Nyarlathotep, Fhatgn! Please help me stop the person in front of me..."

"Pfft, who do you want to call, this one?" Su Ming was really amused this time. He sighed: "Okay, the fun ends here, which one do you choose between tragic death and death? Okay. , it seems that you still want to resist, so I will choose the latter for you."

The night sword integrated with the lightsaber just flicked, and the colorless space around it exploded instantly, and blood rain seemed to fall from the sky and the earth.

But no one could see the fleeting attack clearly, as if everything was an illusion. When looking at the cosmic space that has now returned to its normal background color, one can see that Adam's head has detached from his body and fallen into the hands of Deathstroke. .

"It really wasn't hacked to death." Su Ming nodded, looking as if he expected it. He grabbed the headless corpse beside him and immediately stuffed it into his pocket: "It seems that the God Killer thinks you are not a solid thing, but It doesn’t matter, just follow the process.”

As he said that, without waiting for Adam to answer anything, he grabbed another handful of salt from his pocket and rubbed it hard on his golden head.

The salt was heated by the rubbing, and the brain was squeezed out of the seven orifices with great force, but Adam was still not dead.

"Well, let's try the life force again." After removing the layer of mucus with magic defense effect, the hand felt much better. Su Ming carried his head to chase after Doom and the others who took the first step, while still taking Experiment on human heads.

The black sun appeared behind him again, but since he was still in Swallowed Star's body, the endless black light did not dissipate.

As soon as the Force skill of 'Life Transfer' came out, Su Ming frowned because he didn't draw anything.

"Tsk, it seems that you died in the past, and now you are just given a false right to use life. The source of life is still in the universe. According to the gods, you are just a parasitic insect in the universe."

It seems a bit inappropriate to say this. To be precise, it is more like 'the hair that fell off was planted back on the scalp by the hair transplant doctor'.

Adam the Warlock and those crazy heroes should all be equal to these hairs. This scalp is the cancerous universe after the mutation. It is the soil of life that breeds madness and chaos.

"I and the universe are one, and the true God loves me!"

Adam, who was left with only his head, didn't know what Deathstroke had done, but he was still screaming.

"Shut up." Deathstroke put his fingers into the other person's mouth, tore off his tongue, took it out and crushed it in his palm: "I know pain will only make you feel the meaning of life and feel alive. happiness, but you will regret it soon..."

No other obstacles were encountered along the way, and Su Ming successfully joined the large army.

At this time, Doom was watching everyone pouring salt on the heart that seemed to be as big as a star, and he was very dissatisfied with the slow progress of the work, but when he saw the return of the death knell, he still put away his emotions:

"Coming? Doom knew that that lunatic would not be your opponent."

"That's right. Here, I'll give you the head. Before sacrificing the heart, let's try our hands on the head and body for a comparative test."

Deathstroke threw the head to the doctor and took out a bottle of water to wash his hands:

"Maybe you don't need to remove the mucus to sacrifice to the Black Pharaoh. After all, the mucus is also a gift from God. They are one body... I have salted this end, and the body is not there yet. I put it in my pocket first to avoid him. Heal yourself, you try it first.”

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