The Death Knell

Chapter 3052 Infinite Gems

When he saw Adam the Warlock appearing wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, Su Ming gestured to everyone from behind, asking them to take a detour to do things while he stayed to deal with Adam the Warlock.

When it comes to things like infinite gems, Su Ming has a clear idea.

It's just that he has the Cosmic Cube and the Time Stone in his hand, and he doesn't like other stones. In addition, if he collects all the stones, he may resurrect the 'Nemesis' among them, so why bother asking for trouble?

However, he certainly has a solution for the holders of the Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity Stones. Although the imaginary enemy in the backup plan was Thanos, Adam is not bad either.

Adam the Warlock, who lacks the Time Stone in the Cancer Universe, controls these five stones: power, soul, mind, reality, and space.

The power of the power gem is not bad in the comic settings. The holder can imitate all physical superpowers and greatly enhance his physical attack and defense capabilities.

But Su Ming is the host of the symbiote. Anyone who wants to kill the symbiote with physical attacks will only make people laugh, not to mention the existence of X metal skeleton, which is the material of creation.

So this gem is the least of worries.

Soul Gem, this gem has the ability to steal, manipulate or modify the soul. At the same time, it is also the residence of the remnant soul of the 'Nemesis', and it also contains infinite energy.

But Deathstroke is not from Marvel. Strictly speaking, his soul belongs to the girl next door holding the parasol. Outside the Marvel universe, the Infinity Stones are nothing, almost like light bulbs.

Therefore, the death knell can ignore the attack of the soul gem, and there is also the soul defense effect of the magic floating cloak. It is originally an artifact used by human mages to fight against the dimensional demon gods and demon lords.

Next is the Mind Stone, which enhances psychic powers and increases the bearer's telepathic abilities. Even if there are other gems to enhance its power, this gem can enter the hearts of all things at the same time. Even with a slight touch, it can change the other person's mind according to the user's wishes.

Specifically, the operation process is to create a second personality in the target's mind, and then help this second personality replace the first one, achieving a perfect brainwashing effect.

Unfortunately, its performance level completely depends on who holds it and who is using it.

In the comics, the Red Skull tried to use the Mind Stone to brainwash Captain America, but he was strong-willed and just felt a little nauseous, showing no signs of being brainwashed.

People with strong willpower can achieve immunity by overcoming their own hearts.

Although he didn’t know if the X metal skull blocked his psychic abilities, Su Ming knew that his willpower must be stronger than the lunatic in front of him. All believers of the Old Dominators had zero or negative willpower. The gem was simply wasted in Adam's hands.

So, that leaves the Space Stone and the Reality Stone which are kind of interesting.

The Reality Stone can realize any dream and wish of the holder. All scientific codes and natural laws are meaningless in front of it, because it can modify them at will.

Not only can it create illusions that are indistinguishable from reality, but as long as the user is willing, it can turn illusions into reality, turning all illusions into real reality.

But only in the reality of the single universe.

But now the universe is controlled by the ancients, and the authority of the Reality Stone is not comparable to those of the old gods.

As for the space gem, using this gem, you can instantly move yourself or all objects to any space at will, and you can also manipulate the space according to your own will, such as separating, cutting, twisting or reordering or even creating new spaces.

The space within the body of the Star Swallowing Engine now should be its masterpiece.

For this reason, Adam the Warlock, who holds the Infinity Gauntlet, also remains here as the captain and administrator. His help may even be behind the ability of the Galactus engine to open passages to different parallel worlds.

All in all, after mastering this information, I saw that what Adam activated was the soul and mind gems...

Su Ming didn't even make a move to dodge, because he knew that the two stones were ineffective against him. He might still be able to deal with others, but they had been sent away in advance, and they should be close to the 'heart' now. ?

Since he is the Supreme Mage, it is normal for him to have higher resistance and armor and thicker blood.

"Mu Da Mu Da!"

Deathstroke smiled and stimulated Adam Warlock, and at the same time, he was still thinking about the little information he had analyzed in the past.

There should be a hidden disadvantage of these two stones, that is, in order for them to be effective on whom, first of all, the holder must be able to see the target.

It doesn't mean that you can brainwash some aliens at the edge of the universe by taking the Mind Stone and squatting in your home on Earth.

The same goes for soul gems. You can't hold soul gems at home and kill souls in a certain hell dimension across endless space.

It can't be done.

They have not yet reached this level of exaggeration, even worse than the Anti-Life Equations, because their effects have not yet been transmitted through intermediaries.

Otherwise, what kind of gems and gloves would Thanos collect? As long as he finds a mind gem, wouldn't it be over for everyone who controls the universe to commit suicide one by one?

The answer is not that he doesn't want to, it can only be that he can't do it.

This is one of the main reasons why Su Ming looks down on them.

After all, why play with rocks when you can see the target? Wouldn't it be more convenient to just charge over and chop him with a knife?

"How can it be?"

Warlock Adam obviously did not expect this result, because in the past, he helped Lord Marvel subdue one superhero after another and filled their hearts with love.

Why are the methods that were so invincible in the past ineffective now?

"It seems that you are very curious?" Su Ming did a trick with the giant sword in his hand. The fading of the surrounding space accelerated a lot. He just replied slowly: "It's just a single universe-level prop, just take it out and think about it." Are you a little hasty in dealing with me? If you don’t have a few moments, how could I come to you from the parallel world to play, haha..."

Adam's two eyeballs bulged outwards, and it seemed very difficult for him to accept this reality. Then he had an idea:

"You lied to me, yes, you lied to me, you must have used some kind of blinding trick to make me doubt myself and the gems, but it doesn't matter, I can create a reality where you lose to me! The great polygonal god! Witness it. All this!"

As he spoke, he immediately activated the Reality Stone, and the red mist-like particles poured out from the back of the golden gloves, instantly surrounding the two of them.

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