The Death Knell

Chapter 3051 Warlock

"It looks like it's going to destroy that thing like a heart."

Doctor Doom floated next to Deathstroke, looking calmly at the 'celestial body' that was much larger than the sun. He seemed to be thinking about something.

There are storms of energy flowing freely in the internal space of the Star Swallowing Engine. The light they emit is like layers of colorful aurora, illuminating everyone at the same time, but only an icy chill is transmitted.

"If you were to sacrifice it, what would you need?"

The surrounding environment was eerily quiet. Su Ming held a weapon in his hand and asked the doctor next to him.

"Eliminate interference, destroy its magic resistance, and then buy time for Doom and Professor Xu. With this size, we need to jointly cast spells." Doctor Doom's answer was also very simple, as if he was saying to put the elephant in the refrigerator. Same in several steps.


Deathstroke flew straight ahead, and he motioned to the others to wait where they were for the time being, allowing him to test it out.

The distance between him and the deformed heart had not been shortened much, but suddenly an alarm bell rang in his heart. He immediately changed direction in the air, and the cloak actively blocked him.

A thick beam of light flashed from where he was just now and disappeared into the vast end of the space.

Deathstroke's eyes locked on the source of the attack. In the void, a faint shadow was emerging from a higher dimension.

It was a golden figure wearing a red robe with a five-pointed star pattern painted on his forehead.

"This is the precious property of Lord Marvell. Don't let the dirty hands of the Loveless Blade touch it." The visitor calmly adjusted the golden gloves on his hands, and the five gems of different colors on them shone brightly.

"Adam Warlock? And wearing the Infinity Gauntlet."

Su Ming took out the Night Sword from his waist bag and slammed it together with the God Killer. The golden light instantly merged with the star-like brilliance, and the nearby space began to fade away, like a mottled mural. Losing its brightness as time goes by.

"Hahaha, an outsider from the human parallel world, you are only half right." Adam moved his fingers with the fist wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, posing as if he was going to snap his fingers: "The Infinity Gauntlet is right, and I am Adam the Warlock!”

After saying that, he was about to launch his second attack, and it looked like he was going to use the Infinity Stones.

"Don't worry, don't rush to take action yet, because in this universe, I can't kill you, you can't kill me, and fighting is meaningless." The death knell suddenly spoke, seeming to be sincerely stating some recognized facts: "You don't have the Time Stone on your Infinity Gauntlet, so it won't be able to exert its full power. So how are you going to deal with us?"

"Oh? You quite understand."

Warlock Adam was leisurely observing the changes in the surrounding environment. He could feel that a special power of rules was eroding the space.

But with the space gem in his hand, he didn't panic at all. He actually stopped and explained his plan to Deathstroke:

"I don't want to deal with you, but to spread the only truth in the universe to you and share their love. But you seem to be stubborn and ignorant. It doesn't matter. I will use the soul gem to erase your soul. and will, so that you are qualified to bathe in the endless love that comes from outside the source of time and lasts forever.”

Well, through testing, Su Ming determined that although Adam the Warlock still retained some logical thinking ability, he was also a little confused.

Deathstroke just asked, but did he really answer?

"It makes sense, so if we worship those gods and share their love, what benefits will we gain?" Su Ming held the giant sword in one hand and gestured to his companions with the other hand hidden behind his back.

"Why do you need benefits? We and the world are one, and life and love are the connection between us."

The golden man seemed to find it difficult to understand Deathstroke's thoughts. He had a bewildered expression on his face:

"'God kisses me with love, and I should sing in return.' Isn't this the creed of you humans? In a long time, even death will die. We will accompany the King of Many Horns, waiting for the key to the stars. The door you hold is open again."

Deathstroke, who seemed to understand, nodded repeatedly:

"That means there's no benefit at all?"

"No, you will gain love, and you will also learn how to love others. Love flows in this universe, everywhere, forever, forever. Love will let you see the way to promotion. Love will make you stay forever, hahahaha Ha ha"

Adam pinched his chest hard with a crazy look on his face, and the five-pointed star logo embroidered on his clothes was crumpled into a ball by him. He didn't know what beautiful scene he saw in his hallucination, and suddenly he started laughing.

He smiled so happily and indulgently, and then he took a big mouthful of salt.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Salty, the salt brought by the death knell was too salty. The lunatic just didn't have a clear mind, but he didn't lose his sense of taste. This snowball-like salt dumpling was thrown directly into his mouth, and he couldn't laugh immediately.

Su Ming slowly patted the powder on his hands, tilted his head and said:

"I think you are possessed by evil spirits. Who would do such useless things? Do you feel better now that you have eaten salt?"

"It seems that you are unable to understand the greatness of love."

Adam immediately activated the Reality Stone and modified his reality to a state without salt. There was only a circle of white powder near the mouth on the golden face, which looked like a clown, but there was no smile in his words:

"Then let's let our lives communicate!"


Warlock Adam snapped his fingers, and two treasure corpses on his golden gloves lit up at the same time. He seemed to be really a little angry. Not only did he activate the soul gem, he also activated the mind gem. It seemed that he planned to give Deathstroke a full blow. Directional brainwashing education.

Using this level of power naturally comes with a price. With the sound of snapping fingers, half of Adam's own body instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist.

He was not a professional fighter to begin with, and his physical strength was only marginal compared to many people.

But the presence of magic saved him, and the love of the Old Gods still protected him.

The golden blood mist floating in the air turned into liquid tentacles in the next second, twisting and connecting with each other like earthworms, forming a new body in the air, dragging the gloves and reattaching them to Adam's body.

The Ancient One paid the price in advance.

"Haha, do you feel it? Do you feel the greatness of the true gods?!" He slowly lowered his arms and smiled with satisfaction, with only the purest happiness remaining on his golden face: "Welcome to our big family, Come and praise Him with me, the Many-Horned One, Fhatgn!”

He used the Soul Stone to erase Deathstroke's original soul, and then used the Mind Stone to reshape a personality that worshiped the ancient gods. He planned it well and thought he had succeeded, because the power of these two gems was invisible and colorless. Some of the rules in this universe.

However, he obviously laughed too early.

Su Ming was still floating quietly in the air, still looking calm. He even reached out and scratched the brow on the mask, and asked as if he encountered some problem:

"That's it?"

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