The Death Knell

Chapter 3061 Certificate of Surrender

Inside the eyeball ship, Luther and Wade were drinking wine happily.

"Just drink this bottle first. After all, there are still things to do." Deadpool's rotten face was full of smiles. He felt that he was in a good mood and finally took a sip of wine.

From going out to the bank in the morning, to playing with bugs, to falling into the sewer, and finally running to my cousin.

Finally, I got the drink I had wanted to drink for a long time.

And it’s still good wine. Luther is rich, generous, and never drinks anything bad. Naturally, the wine he brings out will not lose his identity. If it is put up for auction, it will at least be a small box. Good stuff starting at a million dollars.

"Of course. After all, this is my first time leaving the multiverse. I must do something that will impress the Justice League." Luthor put down his empty glass. He actually just sipped one glass at first. After all, most of the wine was drunk by Deadpool: "I don't have any ideas at the moment. Brother Wade, do you have any good ideas?"

Now that the wine is drunk and Deadpool is happy, it's time to take advantage of Deathstroke's cousin.

Deadpool stretched out his rotten tongue and licked the inner wall of the cup. It tasted so good. He wiped his mouth and immediately replied: "My cousin may have expected you to come when he met Batman, so he didn't arrange anything for me." The mission is just for me to wander around the earth.”

"Oh? Haha, it is indeed Death Knell. Did you realize it at that time?" Luther smiled crookedly. He stood up and walked to the console. He took out a box from the darkness and placed it on the coffee table in front of Deadpool. .

The brown leather suitcase, paired with the white coffee table, has a bit of a high-end transaction feel. Deadpool used to take jobs, and many clients hid their money under the shoe mats. How can it compare to this?

Although Luther has no hair, he does things in a very stylish way.

"How embarrassing." Deadpool rubbed his hands, thinking that this box was money for him, so he started to open the box: "I have accepted the mission from my cousin to come to Earth. If you don't go along, I can't take on your mission at the same time."

"You will definitely come along the way. I was already observing you when you were walking around the city. You asked those meat monsters for directions and wanted to kill a man named Lord Marvel, right?"

Luther smiled and motioned to Wade to open the box and let him take a look at the contents. He continued without waiting for an answer:

"Let's see how prepared I am first, and then we'll talk."

Now that it was all said and done, Wade no longer hesitated and opened the box immediately.

Unexpectedly, the box did not contain money, but two metal heads, one from Vision and the other from Ultron.

"Wow, you did it to them." Deadpool twisted his waist and raised his hand to cover the box: "Although robots are not considered human beings, it is still a bit cruel for you to kill them so simply. They are obviously still It's somewhat useful, Vision can be used as a traffic light, Ultron can be used as a pumpkin model during Halloween, Supreme Intelligence... uh, he can be used as a medical school specimen?"

Even though he said this, Wade felt a little numb in his heart. Didn't he say that DC is all about dark detectives? Why doesn't this bald man guess riddles with me? A direct showdown?

Could it be that... I'm too handsome?

The new human Luther, who didn't know Wade's psychological activities, also sat down. He hooked Deadpool's shoulders and crossed his legs domineeringly:

"I said that I am an ally of Deathstroke. He may be able to tolerate these robots negotiating terms with him, but in my opinion, machines are supposed to serve mankind. When these three robots left the Material Empire after Deathstroke left, When I place my bets, I can no longer allow them to continue to exist. Even machines dare to plot against humans and my friends. How is this okay? Do you want the microwave oven in your own home to plot against you every day?"

Substituting concepts is Luthor's specialty, but upon first listen you can't tell there's anything wrong with it.

In addition to using a smart microwave oven to forge the close relationship between omnics and human life, Luther also deliberately ignored the possibility that robots can also become human friends, and his language even hinted at the antagonism between different species.

Even Deadpool nodded solemnly after hearing this statement:

"That's right, Lex. I've known for a long time that Skynet is not a good thing. The omnic crisis is getting closer and closer to us. Just thinking about it, even the Flying Pulling out your hair in handfuls. But how did you deal with those three robots? You know they are all very good at escaping in the Internet."

Luther's eyes inadvertently passed over Deadpool's bald but scarred head as pitted as the moon, and replied with a smile:

"Deathstroke may not have told you that I am particularly good at dealing with various robots. These are not important. The supreme intelligence you mentioned should be a big head soaked in a green water jar, right? He has been blown up by me, so the bones There is nothing left, but we can use these two metal heads."

More than just using it, Luther also read all the information in their storage.

What did the trio of machines say to Deathstroke, the few words everyone exchanged after Batman appeared, the location of the materialistic empire's spaceship, the plans of the robots, the situation and history of this universe.

He knew it all.

"What's the use of these two machine heads? Can they be transformed into desk lamps?" Wade tilted his head in confusion. He rubbed the armor in his crotch: "When I was living in Africa, I saw a warlord taking a human skull. What’s the use of a robot head if you’re making tableware?”

Deadpool has never been a scientist. With only an elementary school dropout and an education level, he is a bit blind when it comes to high technology. Based on past experience, his only way to deal with robots is physical methods, which are the most intuitive and simplest.

For example, pee on the circuit board, short-circuit the machine, etc. If there is no urine, use saliva or blood. If it doesn't work, Xixiang can also make do.

"Not only that, Wade, you have to ignore their identity as robots." Luther liked others to ask him questions, and he was able to tell his plan easily: "Aside from being emotionless machines that plot against human beings, They are still the only remaining rebels in this universe, and they store a large amount of information in their minds... Note that they are the 'only remaining rebels' known to Lord Marvel, which can be regarded as the only piece of cargo. "

"So you want me to send these two heads to my cousin?" Deadpool showed an 'understood' expression and put the box under his arm with a smile: "I told you earlier, this is nothing. If it’s a big deal, I won’t charge you any money.”

The bald rich man opened his mouth, as if he was speechless by Deadpool.

He hinted so clearly, why didn't Wade understand? Both have the same surname: Wilson, so why are their IQ levels so high?

Forget it, let's just say it clearly. It seems that no matter how you calculate, it can't match the radio waves of psychosis.

"No, I want you to take these two rebel heads and go around the streets and tell every deformed monster you encounter that this is the gift you are going to give to Lord Marvel. With these two heads, A head as a ticket, you should be able to meet him, and then..."

After speaking, Luther raised his palm and chopped it down, making a beheading motion.

This plan sounded very feasible, and Deadpool also stood up happily: "Great, you want me to castrate him after seeing him, right? You are so dark! Hehe, but I like it... ..”

Luther closed his eyes in pain. He didn't like dealing with madmen, and said that the beheading plan was correct, but it was not the head he was beheading!

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