The Death Knell

Chapter 3062 The Infernal Witch

When the Scarlet Witch of the Cancerous Universe arrived at the Galactus Engine, she flew in through the 'main entrance' from the huge mouth, like a flash of red light in the gorgeous universe.

Obviously, Deathstroke and his team had discovered her a long time ago. Even if she used magic to teleport, the result would be the same. After all, Doom's magic level is far better than Crazy Wanda.

The power of the Scarlet Witch lies in the magic of chaos. She is the magical vessel chosen by Sithorne, as well as the door and window.

But the Cancerous Universe is controlled by the Polygon, and Sithorne can't get involved. In this situation, the witch still has some abilities left, and Deathstroke can't tell.

In short, she was surrounded by Deathstroke and others as soon as she came in. Carol was even more gearing up, as if she couldn't wait to compete with Deathstroke's recognition as the 'strongest vendetta'.

Carol really has this confidence. After entering the binary star form, she is almost immune to both physics and energy. Unless the devil personally takes action, ordinary magic will be broken by her fists.

"I surrender!"

But the Ancient God Witch didn't give Carol a chance to compete. After she entered the engine and was surrounded, her eyes lit up and she simply surrendered.

There was no spellcasting action, nor was there any intention to resist. Instead, he raised his hands behind his head in a very standard posture.

"Doctor? Professor Xu?"

Su Ming asked Doom for his opinion. After all, he and Professor Xu knew better about magic.

Doctor Doom shook his head and crossed his arms again: "Doom thinks she is very conscious, has not fallen into madness, and has no signs of driving magic."

"Tch, this is what you said, the most difficult one to deal with among the vendettas?" Tony tilted his mouth towards Deathstroke. This is not the easiest one to deal with. He kept a distance from the visitor and said hello: "Beauty, you know us? ?"

The Scarlet Witch in this universe is actually not very "scarlet". She wears a brown-red swimsuit-style uniform, her skin is a deathly blue-gray, and her eyes are glowing red.

In short, she looks more like a vampire living in a coal mine than a living person. She has a pair of fangs and is dirty.

She maintained a posture of surrender and immediately replied: "My husband told me that you are from a parallel world and want to eliminate Lord Marvel. I can help. I have never been crazy. This is all a disguise."

"It looks like it can't be beaten." Daisy put away the hammer and pulled Carol beside her: "She didn't mention anything about gods or love. It should be normal."

Captain Marvel sighed, slowly fell down and turned off the engine, rubbed the sole of his shoe on Galactus' cancerous tongue, and said:

"I hope so. I'll keep an eye on her anyway."

"I will stare at her too, Ms. Danvers." Monica secretly imitated Carol's body movements. Captain Marvel is her idol, otherwise she would not have been called that code name earlier.

The media are all the same. They always like to get close to heroes after their heroic actions and ask them what they thought afterwards. This has been a habit since the 1930s.

When meeting a newcomer who is debuting for the first time, reporters will also ask what they call them.

If Monica hadn't mentioned the word "surprise" herself, the media wouldn't have called her "Captain Marvel", which would have made the mistake of having the same name as Carol.

"Husband? Who is your husband?"

Professor Xu is more concerned about the interpersonal relationships that the witch mentioned.

If there are still people who are not crazy, maybe they can join the team to help.

"Vision is my husband. You have met him. I have been lurking beside Lord Marvell as an internal agent, just waiting for this day to come." The Scarlet Witch looked as if it was natural, but she looked at everyone with strange eyes. , as if everyone feels ignorant.

Could it be that in other parallel universes, do I not have a husband?

As soon as she said this, everyone stared. Except for Deathstroke, almost everyone felt that their outlook had been reshaped.

"No, wait." Tony waved his hands. He walked out of the crowd and came to the Scarlet Witch. He circled her twice and pinched her wrist: "You are not a robot. Why are you talking to a robot?" Getting married by a robot? What’s the difference between that and marrying a computer?”

"Love is blind, Iron Man, you don't understand. Neither you in our universe nor you in front of me understand this."

A flush appeared on Scarlet Witch's blue-grey face. She smiled and looked at the flesh and blood of Galactus as the ceiling, as if she was remembering good memories.

Tony tilted his beard and looked at Su Ming: "Deathstroke, let's lock her up. She is still a lunatic."

"I can understand her." Daisy hugged her arms, making the two mountains on her chest look even more amazing: "Actually, when I was watching cartoons on TV when I was young, I also thought about marrying a 'mechanical machine. There was Captain Murphy, and at that time I thought it was so cool that he used all kinds of heavy firepower to kill bad guys."

"Police stations generally don't have that kind of heavy firepower." Monica, a colleague of the same age, corrected with a smile. Although she is about the same age as Daisy, as a black person, she is obviously more realistic: "And she won't shoot criminals. If we encounter criminals with heavy firepower, we will call in the National Guard.”

"I know, it was a cartoon, and I was still young at the time." Daisy rolled her eyes and touched her shoulders: "Now I prefer men with flesh and blood, with strong butts and abdominal muscles. just..."

"Ahem! I think it's better for us girls to talk about this topic in private."

Carol glanced at Deathstroke covertly, and when she saw that he had no reaction, she turned to remind Daisy.

The female Thor shrugged and rubbed her mouth:

"It's all my fault, Caroline, my roommate, and Sophie who lives above me. They always tell me dirty jokes and lead me into a bad mood."

"Well, let me put you in a sentence. I seem to meet the requirements. However, we are all colleagues of the Avengers. Don't covet my body. This will make it difficult for me to lead the team in the future."

Tony said with a smile and shook his head. Even through the mask, he seemed to be able to see his distress at being too charming.

"Are you perverted? Eavesdropping on us women."

Carol glared at him, not giving him a good look at all.

"It's just disgusting and greasy." Daisy looked disgusted. She flew to Deathstroke and hugged the latter's strong arm: "I have to consider whether to quit the Avengers."

"You are wrong to say that, Mr. Stark. This should be considered sexual harassment."

Monica shook her head, as if she was disappointed with Iron Man.


Even Xu Xian looked like a cat sighing, as if he was very sorry for the degradation of capitalism.

Faced with the attacks from the ladies, Tony was unable to defend himself and was immediately labeled as a pervert.

I don’t know why, but he is very attractive to young models and female celebrities, but no female superhero seems to have ever liked him.

So, he stood there blankly and began to doubt himself deeply.

Fortunately, Deathstroke spoke up to alleviate the embarrassing situation. He asked several key questions to the Scarlet Witch who was watching the excitement:

"Where is Lord Marvel now? What are his weaknesses?"

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