The Death Knell

Chapter 3063 Defeat one by one

They were obviously two very simple questions, but the Scarlet Witch couldn't answer them for a while.

She put down her surrendering hands, clasped her waist and lowered her head to think for a long time, and then said to the people in the death knell with great embarrassment:

"The Lord lives in the dream of the Polygon, and also in the dream of this world. When he acts, the wind will bring his flesh, the rain will bring his blood, and love will bring him back to life... ..I don’t know if you can understand what I say?”

"Doom understands."

Doctor Doom was still holding his arms. He guessed that the Scarlet Witch might have been subject to certain 'restrictions' by the Polygon, which prevented her from speaking certain words, which was why she spoke so strangely.

But, it doesn't matter to him.

Everyone was currently in Tunxing's mouth. The papillae on the tongue had turned into huge volcanic pustules, and the deformed taste buds were stretching and swallowing like barnacles.

"You go on."

Su Ming also understood it. It sounded quite mysterious, but in fact it can be understood in more intuitive terms.

Lord Marvel lives in a pocket space created by the old rulers, and exists in the form of a spiritual body. When he wants to enter the main dimension, his hidden physical body will be taken out and resurrected, and he usually kills people. The crowd could not see him at all.

It seems that this is the function of the ‘post-mortem’ ritual of the ancients? Is it a method of converting and conceptualizing individual life energy, but binding the physical body to the life force of a single universe?

Maybe, the current information is not enough to make a premature judgment.

Seeing that Deathstroke and others understood, Wanda breathed a sigh of relief. She ran her hands through her wavy hair and nodded:

"The lord likes to drink a kind of red slime, which is said to be a bodily fluid given to him by the gods. He also likes to laugh wildly and talk to himself in a secluded place."

"Hmm... This doesn't sound like a weakness." Daisy rubbed her face, because this news had no other value besides proving that Lord Marvel was a madman: "Do you have any other hobbies? For example, what does he miss? Someone he particularly likes?"

Everyone already knew that he was a lunatic.

After receiving Daisy's prompt, Wanda immediately looked to the side at the woman who was in a daze because she didn't understand anything.

The blonde woman was idly picking the split ends of her hair, pinching them together with cosmic energy, and after pulling the ends a few times, she yawned so widely that others could see her throat .

The Scarlet Witch took a deep breath, pointed at Carol and said: "She is Lord Marvel's favorite, I mean, the Carol Danvers in our universe.

"Huh? Does he like me? Why haven't I felt it before?" Carol rubbed her nose and smiled. After all, she was quite proud to be liked by others: "I mean the Marvel in our world, he will be there until he dies. You never told me."

After saying that, she showed a regretful expression. It was so pitiful for a person to die without expressing her feelings.

Although I would have refused even if I told him, at that time I just thought about dying and earning the sky-high pension from the Air Force.

"The situation in our 40K universe is different." Su Ming waved his hand, indicating not to pay attention to these details: "But what the witch said is similar to what I expected. I just have to think about how to arrange it. Things may have changed a little now... .”

The so-called change is what Tony said before. There is no news about the trio of machines, and they don't know what kind of plane they are working on.

But it doesn't hinder anything. As for the three robots, their presence or absence will not affect my plan.

Now that the witch has surrendered, let her help deceive the madmen of the vendetta to kill them one by one.

"By the way, Wanda, what's the situation with Carol in your universe now?" After thinking about it for a while, Deathstroke asked another question.

After hearing this, the Scarlet Witch glanced at Carol again and replied: "Lord Marvel loved her very much, so he became one with her. You must have seen this on earth, right? Flesh and blood can fuse with each other, This is how life flows..."

"I guess the other me doesn't want this kind of love at all." Carol suddenly became expressionless.

Flesh and blood is the carrier of life, but it is disgusting to think about your own flesh flowing to others and merging with others in a deformed and weird form.

"Huh?" Strangulation said, isn't this normal?

"That's easy, let's start fishing slowly." Su Ming patted the bean sprouts that popped out on his shoulders, then hooked his fingers at Tony: "You cooperate with Wanda and deceive the vendettas one by one. , let’s get rid of the people who are in the way first.”

"Then this time we are going to deceive the second strongest person in the Vendetta Alliance, right? Haha, I understand, I will send a message to the other me right now." Tony immediately got excited, yes, he can't be the first, The second one should be no problem...right?

Obviously, the problem is big.

Deathstroke just looked at him sympathetically and shook his head: "No, what we are looking for is Hulk."


Although he only has primitive physical strength and no such thing as a brain, Hulk is the one who has the best compatibility with the ancient gods.

Because he was originally a rage-driven freak, but now that he has gone crazy and lost his mind, it makes no difference.

The more anger, the stronger the strength, this is the Hulk.

However, he couldn't fly a plane himself, let alone fly or use magic teleportation, so in the end it was brought to him by the crazy Iron Man, which could barely appease Tony's face.

"Tie for second, it counts as second." Tony explained to everyone in a small voice. Although his other self seemed completely crazy, he still didn't want to be at the bottom.

In fact, the Crazy Iron Man surrounded by everyone is indeed inferior to Tony. The suit he is wearing should be a modified version of MK6, which is an unknown number of years behind.

Maybe it’s because I stopped studying physics and engineering after going crazy and started studying love, but that’s how technology is, if you fall behind you will be beaten.

I saw a big five-pointed star painted on his chest in the position of the Ark reactor, and the faceplate of his suit was stained with dried blood like ghostly symbols. Many small tentacles like flesh sprouts stretched out from the gaps in his armor, as if his body and suit were integrated into one.

The Ancient God Hulk, on the other hand, looked like a gray giant at this time, his eyes were glowing red, and his aura was not weak.

"What do you mortals want?" Crazy Iron Man slapped the chest of his suit, laughed wildly and looked around, looking at familiar and unfamiliar faces: "The Polygon has given us great love! Why don't you still?" Understand?! And Wanda, you bitch, you betrayed us! Your soul will be tortured by Lord Marvel for eternity!"

"I have never changed my beliefs. You can only blame yourselves for being stupid." The Scarlet Witch cooperated with Tony to deceive the two of them. She was still magnanimous in her heart, but she was still somewhat resentful.

The earth should not be like this, and neither should everyone. Everything seems like a nightmare.

"Doctor Doom, you come to deal with the crazy Iron Man. Professor Xu, the ancient god Hulk belongs to you. I have no interest in them."

Deathstroke didn't listen to those madmen's words. If he liked to hear them, he could go to Arkham and listen to them all, so he simply gave the order.

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