The Death Knell

Chapter 3068 Kill them all

"It seems not as strong as I imagined."

After the battle, Professor Xu watched Deathstroke transforming the God Killer into a chain saw and slowly sawing off the Hulk's head. The cat's face was full of suspicion.

Although she has never seen the Hulk from Earth 40k with her own eyes, she has heard some news about him. He beat up the U.S. Army today, destroyed the U.S. Army base the day after tomorrow, and so on.

Every ten days and a half, the U.S. Army would collide with him, losing troops and generals. Hulk could persist until the Avengers came to rescue him and retreated unscathed every time.

But this gray-skinned Hulk is so weak...

"It's normal. I'm also familiar with the big green guy in our universe. Dr. Banner is my buddy. He said that Hulk uses anger as the source of his power."

Tony got the crazy Iron Man's suit in the spoils. At this time, he was tinkering with something with his head down. At the same time, he could answer Xu Xian's doubts:

"But in this parallel universe, each of these mutant lunatics only have 'love' in their minds. This gray Hulk never even thought about killing us, he just wanted to share love with us. This... can What anger?"

There was a bang, and the armor with the five-pointed star on it emitted sparks of electricity. Tony quickly lowered his head and concentrated on repairing it, without saying any more words.

"That's right, meow." Professor Xu is wilted. If he had a tail and ears, he would probably droop by now.

Su Ming, who had known the truth for a long time, just smiled without saying a word and continued working. After a while, Hulk, who had wide eyes, pulled out his tongue and threw his head to Doom before saying:

"Wanda, give me a list of the members of the Vendetta League, and I'll see who the next lucky person is."

The traitor Scarlet Witch was well prepared. She used magic to open a small space with her backhand, took out a list filled with densely written small words, and said: "I don't know how many Avengers there are in your universe, but ours In addition to me and these three dead people, there are 78 people in the Vendetta Alliance."

"Why so many?" Tony, who was silent but had been eavesdropping, suddenly called out.

The Avengers in the 40k universe now have less than twenty people. This is the result after Tony includes his bodyguard Happy and Spider-Man's girlfriends. Even they themselves don't know about it. Tony unilaterally gave them the status of honorary members.

Of course there is a difference. There is a death knell in the 40k universe, Kama Taj is intact, and all kinds of minor troubles generally cannot reach the edge of the earth.

Mutants, aliens, mages, gods, Eternals, etc. all have no intention of joining the Avengers because of Deathstroke.

Even though Mutant Utopia recently stuffed two people into the Avengers in order to talk to the United Nations, there are still more than 1,200 mutants of various types left on Utopia Island, who are still preparing to fight Deathstroke under the leadership of the Professor and Magneto. Mixed.

Wakanda, the official partner of Karma Taj; Attilan, the lifeblood crystal is still held in Deathstroke's hand; hybrid devils, vampires, weapons program test subjects, underground creatures, heirs to mythical items, etc., are all lost to Deathstroke. Monitor and prevent them from forming a large group.

In this way, there won't be any major events on weekdays. Every family is busy sweeping the snow in front of their own house. Only then can the Avengers in the 40k universe develop.

Su Ming only allowed them to exist because of his past life feelings, and he made them appear as guest performers for fun. Doesn't anyone really think that the Avengers can save the earth? No way?

Besides, Tony is really too ignorant. The "Justice League Community" next door has more than 500 superhero members. The power in Batman's hands is much stronger than that of Iron Man, who is also a smart man.

That number does not include the parallel world. You must know that the bats on Earth 0 also have a lot of face in the parallel world.

But, because of Su Ming's involvement, he may now have more authority than Batman. After all, he doesn't have a dark history of being captured by Barbatos and tied to a 'Christmas tree' to have nightmares.

And he is more normal than bats. Apart from clowns, more people still like to communicate with normal people.

While looking at the list Wanda handed over, Su Ming was thinking about many things at the same time, but still had a friendly smile on his face: "I noticed the names of Thor and Jack of Hearts, tricked them into coming here. Get rid of it.”

"Okay." Scarlet Witch took a deep breath and began to cast spells to contact the two people, but she also said something else: "By the way, Mr. Deathstroke, I can't contact my husband. Do you know what they are busy with?" ?"

Su Ming shrugged and answered very frankly: "I don't know, but I traveled with several other robots for a period of time not long ago. They shut down their machines every once in a while to do parts maintenance and system maintenance. Vision should also do so. Is it the same?"

Well, in fact, according to Su Ming's own experience, if you lose contact in this weird universe, you will either die or at least be seriously disabled...

But you can't say that. Now we still expect this blue-grey Wanda to work peacefully.


Sure enough, after hearing this consolation, Wanda nodded repeatedly, as if she was relieved a lot. She also showed a cute smile with a gray complexion, and her little tiger teeth showed the corners of her mouth:

"Although I haven't noticed him taking care of himself before, what you said makes sense. Don't look at me like this. In fact, before the end of the world, I especially liked baking pies and cakes at home. I can also repair ovens. .”

"Pie? It tastes good." Carol suddenly felt a little fond of Wanda. She loved pie the most, and she hadn't eaten the apple pie from the lady in her hometown town for a long time.

But Daisy held a different opinion: "She was obviously talking about cake. Obviously, cake is more delicious than pie."

"The pie is delicious. It would be healthier to eat less cream." Carol seemed a little hungry. Also, before coming here, Mary was busy training Xiao Qiao and did not cook.

"That's because you haven't eaten the cake that Caroline and I baked." Daisy raised her chin. Although she was an astronomer who won the Nobel Prize in Physics, she was most confident in her own cake baking skills.

"You two are discussing food in this environment, are you serious?" Tony shook his head speechlessly and took off the system hard drive from the madman's suit helmet: "Anyway, I have no appetite at all now, really. Maybe I will only drink green vegetable juice for a long time and never want to see anything related to flesh and blood again.”

Deathstroke listened to the conversation of several people and nodded to Wanda: "I'll get a few more people and kill them together. You see, these people are so idle that they are going crazy. Abnormal appetites are in this kind of universe. It’s not a good sign.”


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