The Death Knell

Chapter 3069 Humanity and Divinity

Speaking of which, killing is actually a pretty simple job. Since the beginning of primitive society, humans have been good at killing fellow humans to gain benefits.

But how to efficiently kill enemies with superpowers still requires some thought in today's era.

Thor's weakness is his fiery personality, impulsive behavior, and basically no resistance to illusion magic.

Jack of Hearts' weakness is that although he can transform himself into an energy body, he always needs oxygen to breathe.

Star Fox is an old pervert. His weakness is that he will go into heat when he sees a beautiful woman, and his melee combat ability is much weaker than that of his brother Thanos. He is often kicked in the groin by women, causing him to fall into coma.

Echo's weaknesses are that she has no space combat abilities and is deaf.

Yuelong is the strongest person with human mental abilities in history, but her physical fitness is only at the level of an ordinary person, and her endurance is particularly tight. As long as she is not controlled by her mind, she will collapse on her own after just a few minutes.


Everyone's weakness is in Deathstroke's head.

It took a little time to prepare the more than 70 people on the Vendetta Alliance list. Su Ming grouped targets with similar weaknesses into a group and took Carol and Daisy to slaughter them like a chicken slaughtering assembly line. A mage is responsible for sacrificing heads to the Black Pharaoh.

Even so, the inside of Galactus's mouth was riddled with holes by both warring parties, and the strange flesh and blood were beaten into a layer of mustard powder. Carol even got some bruises because she charged too hard.

It was just a superficial wound. To her, being hit with cosmic energy by Gilgamesh of the Eternals was not a big deal.

"You are really scary." The Scarlet Witch looked at the smoking Deathstroke with some loneliness, who was supervising the mages holding a sacrificial ceremony: "I used to think that the Avengers were the strongest group of heroes in the universe, but I didn't expect you. Such people exist.”

"Everyone has weaknesses. What is a tactic? To put it bluntly, it is to use one's own strengths to attack others' weaknesses. As long as I am prepared, I am proud that they can delay it for such a long time."

Deathstroke glanced at the small gold watch conjured by Strangler, nodded slowly, and answered solemnly.

He actually wasted nearly ten minutes dealing with these more than seventy crazy superheroes, which was amazing.

Using the Galactus Engine as bait and the Scarlet Witch as an inside agent, they tricked them one after another and then ambushed them, but there were still a few people who were able to resist. The heroes of the world should not be underestimated.

"I understand." Scarlet Witch took a breath, closed her eyes, and opened them again after a moment: "The villains of the past have long since melted into flesh and blood. In our universe, there are only the Vendetta Alliance and Lord Marvel's former members. The friends still exist, but now they have been eliminated by you, so now it’s time to deal with the last person, right?”

"Yes, we have to rely on Carol to lure out Lord Marvell. However, I have a backup plan. My cousin is operating on the earth at this time. Maybe he will lure out Lord Marvell first. maybe."

Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes and watched the thin pieces of ashes fall into the blood pool at his feet.

"Cousin?" Wanda was confused.

"Didn't I say it? My name is Slade Wilson, and I am Deadpool's cousin." Deathstroke wiped his hair and took one last look at the interior decoration of the Galactus engine: "The sacrifice is about to end, prepare Let’s destroy the Galactus Engine, a tool used to invade other parallel universes, and make it look like Carol did it.”


at the same time.

"Huh? Someone asked me why Nurgle is stronger than the Outer Gods?"

Deadpool is sitting on Dr. Unclean's pus shoulder. They are currently teleporting between dimensions. Although the big guy's fingers are so fat that they are almost invisible, he still retains the ability to cast spells. Wade treats him as a mount. Come and use it, he said happily:

"Let's take a look at the gift and let me explain it to you. In fact, this is a misunderstanding."


There was silence during the journey, except for Dr. Unclean's breathing, which was like water gushing from a sewer.

"Thank you, thank you all for giving me free heat, and thank you to the veterans who applied for the card and boarded the ship."

Deadpool smiled, his rotten face showing color, and a big bloody booger came out from his nostril, and he casually wiped it on Dr. Unclean under him, and began to answer at a super fast speed:

"At first glance, the Four Gods of Chaos are just multiple gods, existing in a series of parallel worlds derived from the Warhammer Universe and Medieval Warhammer. But in fact, they may live in my mind, and their thoughts have long been stored in your minds. and spirit spread to all worlds and planes.”

"I heard my cousin say that they are actually the embodiment of the collective consciousness of all the otakus outside the fourth wall. They all look at the omnipotent universe as if they were looking at a game."

"In the game, some people like to kill on a large scale, even stabbing NPC passers-by. This is the belief of Khorne."

"I like little butter, I love watching little movies, and I want to find joyful physical and mental stimulation in illusory worlds. This is the source of Slaanesh's belief."

"I like to lie and deceive people on the Internet, and I like to act inconsistent. This is the source of Tzeentch's power."

"Sitting in front of a computer or game console every day, never taking a shower or going out. This is a candidate for Nurgle."

"Do you understand now? They are really everywhere. As long as the story or game continues, and the audience outside the fourth wall, that is, everyone is still doing these things, they will always be there."

Deadpool didn't know what the audience's expressions were after seeing these words. Anyway, this kind of thing couldn't be confirmed at all, so he just told it as a story and defrauded some gifts.

Who hasn’t deceived people online? Wade even created a small account last time, pretending to be a fifteen-year-old girl and chatting with Xiao Chong.

After waiting for the gifts to scroll on the screen in the live broadcast room for a while, Wade's mind became sober after being mentally attacked by Doctor Strange. He talked very sexually. It must be that his language center was stimulated. He continued:

"As for the Ancient Ones, commonly known as the Old Ones, they are certainly very powerful, but it should be noted that the one who exists on Earth 10011 is the 'Polygonal One', who is just a junior collectively created by the Ancient Ones. A clone projection that combines various life concepts."

"Perhaps in a head-to-head confrontation, Nurgle may not be the opponent of the Ancient Ones Group, but if it is just a competition of who understands the concept of 'love' better, then the big fat man will definitely win. I have never seen any other gods who are more philanthropic than him. He He even loves the Emperor, who is my brother, but my brother probably doesn’t love him..."

"I'm going too far. In short, this is not a war, but an exchange of the concept of 'love' between the two sides. No one will win, and no one will lose, because to these gods, winning or losing is meaningless."

"Real gods are not hooligans like me and my cousin, nor do they dominate some universes and become kings. That is an idea that only people have. True gods are different. They will not enter the universe where they live because of you. When it comes to you, they will not deliberately cause trouble for you, because they have no concept of 'privacy', they will only give you love, and love everyone as much as they love themselves."

"Yes, I'm talking about Star-Lord here, come and get your love...Yes, what's Odin? The personification of those rules, they are all false gods! Like the Old Ones and the Four Gods of Chaos Such serious gods, no matter how the environment changes, they will always be there and love us little creatures forever, okay?"

"Huh? Someone asked me why I'm so awake today? Come on, I'm always super awake. I just have brain cancer and sometimes lose my memory. I'm not crazy!"

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