The Death Knell

Chapter 3084 The Creator of the World

"Let me go, I'm just a kid, I don't understand what you're talking about!" Franklin struggled, pushing Deathstroke's chest with his little arms, with a look of tears on his face.

He appealed to Doom and Susan with his pitiful little eyes, like those of a frightened child.

A person is indeed a child, but as a genius, age has never been a factor that limits wisdom. He is smarter than most adults.

But no matter how smart you are, you can't stand up to the people around you. Before Susan could say anything, Valeria, who was next to Deathstroke, pretended to be disgusted and retched, scratched her face with her fingers and said to her brother:

"It's really disgusting. Stop pretending to be naive. It's obvious that these two people from the parallel world already know about your situation. Your behavior has no effect except making your mother sad."

The man in black and yellow armor and the other Uncle Doom are obviously together. The two of them can enter this cancerous universe and use magic carelessly without being affected. This means that they have solved a lot of things. They are most likely extremely powerful magicians. .

Moreover, when the man in black and yellow armor pinched Franklin's nose just now, he was wearing an infinity gauntlet studded with gems. This is not something that can be obtained easily.

So in the little girl's opinion, Franklin's tactical choice was wrong. If he didn't want to tell the truth, he could just express some opinions and "get by" instead of trying to pretend to be confused.

Sure enough, boys are childish and playful. They are four years old, why are they still ignorant?

Franklin, who was in someone's arms, gave up his struggle and looked at his sister with speechless eyes. He just didn't want his plan to get sidetracked, but why didn't Valeria understand?

The interaction between the two children had already allowed Su Ming to deduce a lot of things. He cast a non-hostile look at Susan, and then waved his hand to interrupt the cockfighting gaze between the two siblings.

"Franklin, we have to talk, let's talk somewhere where no one else knows, you know what I mean?"

The little boy rolled his eyes and scratched his hair with his little hands:

"I understand. You know a lot of information. How should I call you? Uncle."

"I am Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage from Earth 40k. Can we start our whisper session now?" Su Ming smiled and took out a chocolate frog from his pocket and put it in the boy's hand.

"It's already started."

The boy answered like this. Everything around him was turned upside down in an instant. Reality became completely different. The flesh and blood and noise disappeared completely. Now the two of them were standing in the boundless void. Not far away were countless densely packed planets that were automatically joining together.

It feels like a jigsaw puzzle or building blocks, with ocean tiles, land tiles, clouds and forests appearing one by one out of thin air, and then randomly combined and spliced ​​together.

A planet is taking shape in this way, countless planets, and even the entire universe are being assembled in this way.

This is Franklin's secret base, his own 'pocket universe'. This is not a pocket space, but a new single universe that can truly be recognized by the omnipotent universe and created entirely with human thinking.

"This is my plan, to breed a normal universe in a deformed universe full of life. This is what Uncle Doom hopes for in the end."

Franklin, a man with a small mouth, ate the chocolate frog in a few bites, and then enlarged himself and Deathstroke, or in other words, shrunk the entire universe by one size.

He reached out and grabbed a planet system on the side, holding it in his hand to show Deathstroke.

The assembled planets will once again become part of a larger puzzle. In this way, the Milky Way, Andromeda, and river systems are pieced together little by little, until the entire universe is pieced together.

Obviously, his project has only reached about one-tenth of the progress. This new universe currently only has the Milky Way, but it has a promising future.

Su Ming touched his chin and watched the planets in the flat puzzle in Franklin's hand move slowly:

"So the entrance to this universe is actually in your pants pocket, and when it's ready, you cut off the connection between it and the cancerous universe, just like cutting the umbilical cord between the mother and the fetus."

"It's a bit of a bloody metaphor, but it's true. The cancerous universe is hopeless, but mothers with cancer can still give birth to healthy children. This is the transmission of life." The boy licked the traces of chocolate at the corner of his mouth a little unsatisfied, and put his hand in his hand. The galaxies are put back into the Milky Way.

With a click, the puzzle piece returned to the drawing board, fitting perfectly and functioning normally.

"That's okay. Our plans don't conflict. We just need to give you some time." Deathstroke calmly touched the boy's head and gave him a few more boxes of chocolates: "I'm afraid the only normal people left in the cancerous universe are Susan and You two are siblings, and when you move into the universe you created, I will take away the cancerous universe."

"Take it away?"

"Yes, it is full of deformed concepts of life and full of love. To repair it, the investment far exceeds the return, but it can still be used as a concept bomb to collide with something." Deathstroke just said briefly, no Mention details.

But Franklin still understood it instantly, because it involved a collision of concepts, and he roughly guessed what the gameplay was.

"I understand, but now I have some concerns about 'diversity and integration'."

Obviously, he misunderstood. Deathstroke planned to use the Cancerous Universe to deal with the universe that Darkseid may control, rather than use it for Marvel's universe annexation event.

The stars were bright and flowing calmly around the two of them, like a silver-white luminous ribbon.

There is no need to explain many things clearly.

"It seems that you have inherited a lot of Doom's inheritance. Have you used a time machine to see the image of the end of time?" Deathstroke blinked at the boy and smiled: "Oh, you don't have to worry about your universe being different from other people's. Parallel worlds collide, because then you just need to put it back in your pocket and find a place to live on the earth where the final winner is..."

"But I didn't see you appear. It was an accident for you, but... it should be possible to temporarily hang the fruit back on the tree." Franklin's eyes lit up, and he looked at Deathstroke's face: "Your universe is confident Will you live to the end?"

"Of course, because the 40k Earth is actually in the 'secondary' multiverse that Kang the Conqueror and I created through the timeline, which contains six parallel worlds, I know that the time of multidimensional integration is much earlier than yours. I have a plan for my birth time."

Well, the parallel world is actually a forced gift from Kang the Conqueror, and you can’t even think about it.

That man was always very polite every time he showed up, bringing all kinds of gifts, which made people feel embarrassed.

Franklin let Deathstroke's big hand touch his head, and even squinted his eyes comfortably, because he had never received the same caress from his father. At this time, when he was patted on the head by a man who looked very reliable, he felt a strange feeling. This kind of closeness is the kind of closeness between people.

"Then I can make up seven Earths. If I have a healthy universe as a reference, my work will be completed faster. Maybe I can also find a way to resurrect Uncle Doom and some of my favorite superheroes."

The boy made a decision.

"Not resurrecting your father Reed?" Su Ming raised his eyebrows.

Franklin also imitated his expression and twitched his eyebrows: "Do you think I'm stupid? That lunatic is not my father. I took a DNA test on myself when I was one and a half years old. I pretended not to know and just left some information for the adults. face."

"Haha, you are quite sensible, you are such a good boy."

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