The Death Knell

Chapter 3085 The end of cancer

It's always comfortable to communicate with smart people. Little Franklin was just worried that Deathstroke would break the 'reference object', but now that the Supreme Mage can provide other healthy universes as models, the problem no longer exists.

Leave tonight.

After packing up the supplies and information in the castle, and putting his confused mother and sister who always had a dead fish-eyed expression into his pockets, Franklin said he was ready.

Just enter the diversity of the 40K earth first, and then gradually improve your own universe.

As for the situation of Deathstroke's earth, there is no need to consider it. Can it break the rotten ship of the cancerous universe?

Some people may think that Franklin made a decision too hastily, but in fact he was already on the fifth floor.

Your own ship may sink at any time, and it has attracted countless eyes because of its strange shape. Now there is a ship passing by not far away. Do you still have time to study whether the ship is powered by sails or steam turbines?

Jump over first, as long as the new ship can't sink for the time being, we'll talk about the rest later.

Su Ming also knew what the boy was thinking. He was not an arrogant person who could make others bow their heads and worship him.

But the relationship between people is to use each other. Originally, the two parallel worlds 40K- and 40K-2 were conducting experiments on the direction of human evolution. Now that there is an additional Franklin universe, there is an additional volunteer. Guinea pig.

Once you've entered Deathstroke's cage ship, it's difficult to jump off, so just contribute to humanity honestly.

Although both parties had their own calculations, in the dark hall of the castle, Deathstroke still held the child affectionately in his arms, and the boy also had a warm expression on his face, leaning on his strong shoulders.

At first glance, I thought they were father and son who had a very good relationship.

This made Doom feel a little bit disgusted, as if he saw his son lying in the arms of another man and felt something was wrong.

But he also knew that this was the result of the negotiation. Although he didn't know what details the two people discussed after they suddenly disappeared, it now seemed that the result should be good.

"We can leave." Doctor Doom took one last look at his other castle, and the regret in his eyes turned into determination.

In any case, he will not let himself become so miserable at the end of time. The parallel world is like a mirror. Looking at another self from the perspective of a bystander, one can often understand more.

Deathstroke followed the good example, and put Franklin into Doom's arms: "Let's go and see how Deadpool is doing. Once he returns to normal and stabilizes the ancient ones, we can go home."

When the two returned to space, Tony had already woken up. He was swaying like a hungover person, eating a cookie with his eyes blank.

"Girls, has there been any change in Deadpool?"

Su Ming flew back to the flying carpet that the cloak had turned into, stretched out his hand to touch its raised collar, and talked to several ladies.

"Nothing special, except for the fact that he was trying to pick out his ears with his toes while dancing, trying to skin himself into a microphone, trying to eat his nose like a burrito, and all that shit."

Daisy rubbed her dry eyes. How should I put it? Watching Deadpool go crazy for a long time is really a kind of mental pollution.

"How long do we have to wait?" Carol sat cross-legged and supported her face with her arms, tilting her head and looking at the bitch: "Slade, isn't there any way you can make him return to normal?"

"Ladies, his normality is no longer normal for ordinary people."

Monica was holding a can of coffee. As a police officer, it is a professional habit to drink coffee while stalking, and to tell some inappropriate jokes:

"In the records of our police department, Deadpool once stole a horse in New Orleans, and then he took off his clothes and rode on the street. Many people who saw his rotting body suffered from serious psychological problems in the future."

"Sounds fun, not too much."

Daisy whispered. After all, Wade was Slade's cousin, so naturally she had to speak more towards him.

Carol shrugged, changed the topic, looked at the boy Doom was holding and asked, "Where did you pick up this child?"

"A survivor."

Doctor Doom had no intention of explaining. He blocked the doubts with just one sentence.

Franklin still maintained his disguise as a weak child, lying motionless in Doom's arms, but in fact, when he saw the other Captain Marvel, he had already thought about a lot of things.

"Ah, my head hurts so much." Tony, who had just come back to his senses, interrupted the communication between everyone and looked at the medical examination report on the mask projection: "The skin on the back of my head was broken and it was bleeding. Hey, why did I come to help you, not only did I not receive good smoke and wine, but I also got beaten?"

"You can only blame yourself for this. You have such poor willpower." Deathstroke sat on the edge of the flying carpet and took out a few cans of beer from his pocket for everyone to drink: "If I hadn't seen you going crazy, I wouldn't have knocked you unconscious. You, thank God you can still maintain your own thinking."

Tony, who had a crooked moustache, lifted his mask and picked up a can of beer unhappily: "Don't come to me if you have such bad luck in the future. Although the Star Swallowing Engine has inspired my scientific research project, if I want to exchange this The price for such a benefit is to be beaten again and again, so it’s better to avoid it.”

As he said that, he opened the beer suddenly and tried to take a few sips to calm down his shock, but he used too much force and the drink turned into foam and sprayed in his face, causing another burst of laughter.

But at this moment, Deadpool, who was floating in the distance, stopped moving. He was like a toy monkey that had run out of batteries, and finally stopped.

"I'll go over to check on the situation, you guys be on alert." Deathstroke drank the beer in his hand, flattened the can and put it away, and raised his mask.

Then, he carried the God Killer, which had turned into a big clip, and flew towards his cousin floating in space.

At this time, Wade was as tattered as an abandoned rag doll, and his self-healing ability had almost stopped functioning. He seemed to be dead, just floating in space.

I clamped his head with a big clamp like a sanitation worker picking up garbage, and shook it a few times, but there was no response.

I clamped my neck and shook it again, but there was still no reaction.

The weapon made of golden light stretches downwards

Deadpool suddenly sat up, covered his crotch with both hands, and took out a spare uniform from his waist bag to cover his shame: "You can't touch it there, even if you are my cousin, you can't touch me there, I will depend on it for the rest of my life. It ate."

"Are you a duck?" Su Ming put away the clamp angrily and threw a roll of bandages to his cousin: "You are still leaking poop, stop it first."

"If you hadn't given me those damn things to drink, how could I be like this?!" The corners of Deadpool's mouth bent downwards, as if he was about to cry: "My PG3 rating is gone!"

"It should have been gone since the video you took." Deathstroke took out five hundred yuan as compensation and threw it into his cousin's arms.

After taking the money, Deadpool immediately didn't care. He put on his uniform, moved his neck, and stuffed the roll of gauze into his pants: "Oh, N7 is enough anyway, but I seem to be sick again, I just I remember seeing the moon growing tentacles, what happened next? Why did I feel like my brain was burning?"

"Nothing, come on, you send us all back to 40K Earth first, and then I will tell you slowly." Deathstroke gestured for everyone to come closer. The operation was over, and the weapon of love was officially acquired.

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